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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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no, they've just disappeared

Go for the quirky routine.

Tell her that you have invisible earphones and pretend to put them on her head. Ask her if she can hear anything and when she inevitably says no tell her it's because she has the player on mute.

Look at her like she's stupid and then walk away mumbling in disgust.

Women are fucking mental anyway so she'll totally relate.

Remember to let us know how that goes.

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Go for the quirky routine.

Tell her that you have invisible earphones and pretend to put them on her head. Ask her if she can hear anything and when she inevitably says no tell her it's because she has the player on mute.

Look at her like she's stupid and then walk away mumbling in disgust.

Women are fucking mental anyway so she'll totally relate.

Remember to let us know how that goes.

:lol: ok

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:o Ignore everything I said previously. You are my son's age. :(

I'd leave her be if I were you, there's plenty more fish in the sea, wait until you're older and more sure of your relationships, concentrate on your exams and getting a good qualification, think about higher education and university, there'll be plenty of time for meeting the opposite sex in the future, no need to ruin your life just now by getting tied down, women are bad for you, they can really mess with your mind, you're better off having a good game of football to burn your excess energy off, she'll only break your heart - best off out of it.......


dont have exams just now

I've got another idea.

Record yourself singing a love song (I suggest "Hello", by Lionel Richie), stick it on your mp3 player and then plug her headphones into your iPod next time she's using them.

Girls love that shizzle.

Me? Sing? :lol: they words don't go in the same sentence

Ah wheesht. Nothing's better for the confidence than ten minutes behind the bus stop.
THAT long?! :o Is she expecting foreplay as well......? :ph34r:
That includes 8 minutes of fumbling with belt,1 minute of condom application and getting dressed again.

so you're saying i'd last one minute? <_<

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Anyone know any good programes for shutting down applications ect when playing computer games? I have looked in the e-chat forum and the gamming one with no luck. Thanks. :D

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so you're saying i'd last one minute? <_<
You're 16 - she's a girl - so, YES! :D
You forgot the 'getting dressed again' bit :P
and? point being?

point being is if you saw the inside of a womans blouse youd make a mess of your training pants

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well, i have to defend myself when people go 'he'll only last a minut'

1st time - doubt it'll be as long as that - you'll be lucky if you even get it out your boxers ;)

Edited by Ayrgirl
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point being is if you saw the inside of a womans blouse youd make a mess of your training pants

Oooh! Harsh! :(

1st time - doubt it'll be as long as that - you'll be lucky if you even get it out your boxers ;)

Woah! :o Harsher! :lol::lol::lol:

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Anyone know any good programes for shutting down applications ect when playing computer games? I have looked in the e-chat forum and the gamming one with no luck. Thanks. :D

can't you -what used to be called a vulcan nerve death pinch in my youth on the amiga- control-alt -delete to bring up windows task manager? :huh:

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Oh dear this sounds messy...

It looks like something the Queen would get. Too short for a bobble and off my shoulders at least, but its varied in length, and The Gray Ghost doesn't like it.

I was thinking that but I didn't want to ask him in case he accused me of mentioning Evie again.....

Jesus, don't be so precious! It wasn't to do with you personally, you were just a handy example. It was a general moan about people who did it. The Gray Ghosts flatmate frequently says that she was out with X and Y...but The Gray Ghost doesn't know who X and Y are, and nor does The Gray Ghost care who X and Y are. You were nothing more than a convenient, off the top of the head example. Now, get over yourself.

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Tip..if you're in the barbers, and the wifie asks you if you want layers in your hair, answer no. :(

:lol: I can imagine how you reacted.

You can't ask a hairdresser what "layers" are, in the same way you can't go "Which ones that?" when a mechanic tells you the carburettor is fecked. It's such a mundane term to professionals that you feel stupid not knowing what it is, even though there's no real reason why you should.

The question that always got me at the barber's was "Do you want the fringe off or not?" Does it cost less if I keep the fringe? Won't that look absolutely fucking ridiculous?

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Jesus, don't be so precious! It wasn't to do with you personally, you were just a handy example. It was a general moan about people who did it. The Gray Ghosts flatmate frequently says that she was out with X and Y...but The Gray Ghost doesn't know who X and Y are, and nor does The Gray Ghost care who X and Y are. You were nothing more than a convenient, off the top of the head example. Now, get over yourself.

This is loosely related.

People who say "Mum" and "Dad" instead of "my Mum" or "my Dad."

"Dad gave me a lift earlier."

He's not my Dad. He's your Dad.

It's acceptable for siblings to talk in this manner to one another, but not people who aren't family.

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:lol: I can imagine how you reacted.

Aye, the conversation went something like:

"Hmm, it looks like you might have had this layered before it got out of control"


"Aye, I can get that layered properly for you if you want"


"Do you usually have it layered?"

"ah, mm"

"Do you want me to cut you a layer in it for you?"





"err, aye, go on then".

That friends, was a mistake. :(

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