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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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and those hooters during the game....will it ever stop :(

Aye, they were a tad annoying, but you had to take your hat to the very colourful guy in the gold outfit, with the daft headdress waving a muckle copy of the Oxford English Dictionary! WTF was that all about?! :huh::lol:

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Aye, they were a tad annoying, but you had to take your hat to the very colourful guy in the gold outfit, with the daft headdress waving a muckle copy of the Oxford English Dictionary! WTF was that all about?! :huh::lol:


I was chortling at that. F'ck knows what was going on there.

That said, if the standard of written English on P&B is any guide to the level of literacy amongst Scotish fitba' fans, perhaps the Oxford English Dictionary should be handed out free of charge at all games here. :whistle

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I've got an uncontrolable urge to punch f**k out of my wall. Football Manager is so fucking frustrating at times.

I hear you. Especially when your file which is equivalent of 8 days playtime is corrupted, when Stenhousemuir are about to face Chelsea in the Champions League semi final.

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capybara hasn't been on yet with his daily whine. It's as traditional to me in the morning as breakfast, coffee and a w**k ;) (one of those isn't true)

Young women gets on the bus this morning. 3 Rucksacks,one the same size as her. Now im not sure where she was from,but it suddenly dawned on her once she had struggled on board that the driver might just want paying. Q Lots of rumbling around in barely accessible pockets and the pulling of assorted zips on at least 2 of the rucksacks. Eventually the driver gives up waiting and heads off. By the time we reach the next stop the lady in question has managed to find her fare,but is now blocking the gangway of the bus with her kit. More delays as passengers struggle to get past.

Now i know there are delays in Edinburgh at the moment because of the Bloody Trams :angry: . But most of us make do with the one bag. Im not sure of her final destination or where she was going,but please do not get on the same bus as me AGAIN !!

Now im off to have one of the three options in the Docs post...

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Young women gets on the bus this morning. 3 Rucksacks,one the same size as her. Now im not sure where she was from,but it suddenly dawned on her once she had struggled on board that the driver might just want paying. Q Lots of rumbling around in barely accessible pockets and the pulling of assorted zips on at least 2 of the rucksacks. Eventually the driver gives up waiting and heads off. By the time we reach the next stop the lady in question has managed to find her fare,but is now blocking the gangway of the bus with her kit. More delays as passengers struggle to get past.

Now i know there are delays in Edinburgh at the moment because of the Bloody Trams :angry: . But most of us make do with the one bag. Im not sure of her final destination or where she was going,but please do not get on the same bus as me AGAIN !!

Now im off to have one of the three options in the Docs post...

She must have been a looker then... ;)

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Turns out a 'before 10am' delivery means different to them than it does to me. I naively assumed it meant before ten in the morning, whereas it actually means 'whenever we can be arsed'.

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Arnold Clark being a bunch of ripping c*nts. Had agreed to buy a car at a certain price as part of the scrappage scheme. C*nts get back to me today (tonight being when I was due to pick the car up) saying that there is a problem with the initial registration of our old car, despite them having checked it out at the time and approving it. They are therefore saying that the car will cost an extra grand despite us having agreed the price and paid a substantial deposit and having said nothing else about extra checks of registration and finance having been agreed. The c*nts have been told that they will give us the car at the agreed price or go f*ck themselves. Bunch of fucking c***s.

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Something that has annoyed me recently is when people reply to a new thread saying "already done that " "repeat thread" "for the millionth time" "not again" etc

Does it not occue to to people that some do not think to trowel through hundreds of pages of crap on the off chance their point or question has been discussed at some previous time over the past 2 years!

Skyline, you are the latest culprit.

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Something that has annoyed me recently is when people reply to a new thread saying "already done that " "repeat thread" "for the millionth time" "not again" etc

Does it not occue to to people that some do not think to trowel through hundreds of pages of crap on the off chance their point or question has been discussed at some previous time over the past 2 years!

Skyline, you are the latest culprit.

Just use the search function, dingleberry.

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