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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It'll be the heat mate.

My guitar's are rooked wi the same issue.

Yep, mine too.

Nah, it's the new strings I put on it yesterday. It's starting to even itself out now, but I've been tuning and detuning for quite some time!

I'm dreading playing tomorrow night in this heat.

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Dubai is absolutely gash, but the hotel is amazing which has made up for it.

To quote my dad 'We saw two decent things today, and they were about 9 hours apart. We'd have been better going to Cumbernauld'

Well that certainly wasn't my experience of Dubai. Each to their own, though.

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Well that certainly wasn't my experience of Dubai. Each to their own, though.

There is virtually nothing here I couldn't do at home and it's about a million degrees. Fancy dan skyscapers don't impress me in the slightest.

We were upgraded to the 'Executive Lounge' though and they serve free drinks all day, so it's not all bad!

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What can you suggest?

Where are you staying? We stayed in the creek side of the city rather than the beach side and it was great just wandering through the streets there. Have you been for a wander through any of the souks yet? The gold and spice souks are fab. We hired one of the taxi boat things to take us up the creek. The Emirates Mall is worth a look - we learned to snowboard there. The water park is good fun. Go and try some of the local food. We went on a dinner cruise and you should go on the desert tour thing where they take you in the 4x4 jeeps and throw you around the sand dunes and take you out for a bbq and entertainment thing at night. I imagine you'll enjoy the belly dancing. ;) I'm sure there will be much more there now than when we were there.

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We had Queen Liz at eyemouth today. What a load of bollox !! . Fucking polis everywhere, they were in boats, range rovers, bikes and on foot. Couldnt park the car in my usual place, you know the place that i park the cunting thing over 300 times in a year, nor in the car park over the road. Oh no, 1/2 a fucking mile away. Made me late for work and i nearly shit meeself, all coz of her. Was there any fuckin need.

One bit did make me laugh though. Some auld biddy came down the road in a silver audi estate, parked, got out the car dressed in bright pink and everyone started cheering, waving their flags and taking photo's. The penny didnt drop till 8 motorbikes came down the road with the real queen in tow. fuckin priceless :lol::lol::lol:

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I'm actually heading off tomorrow mornning, but wanted to see what your thoughts were anyway, cheers.

We've been to the big mosque, the old souk, the gold souk, the Dubai museum and fort, the ex ruler's residence (I'm not even going to bothere attempting his name), a dinner cruise along the creek, a wander along the beach and onto the Palm thingy and a walk round a couple of the big malls.

I was perhaps slightly harsh on Dubai, but everything I've done here, I've done things very similar elsewhere and they were the same or better. It just doesn't feel like I've seen anything new or exciting. Apart from the old part (which I quite enjoyed) it's all just a bit too fake for my liking

Perhaps my main gripe is that I can't get on gambling sites in the U.A.E :lol:

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