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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I still can't believe I'm missing the football tonight.. School was a laugh with the Pars fans and now I really want to go! Fucking youth teams.

This is the kind of time these 'niggly' injuries come out.

Someone could always give you a genuine one if that isn't enough :ph34r:

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Got an Iphone as my new works phone today, and I cant work it.

I am officially middle aged <_<

I got a Nokia 97 im still learning how to use it.For the first week i kept phoning people by accident..

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On the train this morning, two women who looked to be mid twenties (who were approx size 16-18's) were banging on about pressure put on women to be slim and how 'real women' weren't meant to look like that.

This annoys the hell out of me.

At that age there is absolutely no reason why you can't be a size 10 or 12 if you are of average height (or a larger size, but still slim if you're taller) and look quite slim. Almost all of my female friends manage to be slim, and even my ice cream binging girlfriend who you could describe as 'curvy' is a size 12.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a 'larger lady', but it's by and large your fault, so if you aren't happy, then lose weight, and if you are happy, shut the f**k up.

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On the train this morning, two women who looked to be mid twenties (who were approx size 16-18's) were banging on about pressure put on women to be slim and how 'real women' weren't meant to look like that.

This annoys the hell out of me.

At that age there is absolutely no reason why you can't be a size 10 or 12 if you are of average height (or a larger size, but still slim if you're taller) and look quite slim. Almost all of my female friends manage to be slim, and even my ice cream binging girlfriend who you could describe as 'curvy' is a size 12.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a 'larger lady', but it's by and large your fault, so if you aren't happy, then lose weight, and if you are happy, shut the f**k up.

Nowt wrong with a fattie now and then.

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