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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Got to read a book and hand in a summary for Monday.

Aye, like that's going to happen. I love the internet.

I assume you're angling for help with your homework again? :rolleyes:

Good point actually. Ridley Walker or something I think. :unsure:

If so, it would help if you got the title of the book right to start with! <_<

Edit: This is actually the same Picador edition I have:


Riddley Walker is a book . Ridley Scott was responsible for Alien .

Correct! :)

Riddley Walker is written by Russell Hoban, also famous for:

The Lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz,<LI>Kleinzeit (my personal favourite and a fantastic book)<LI>Turtle Diary (later made into a film with Glenda Jackson and Ben Kingsley, Screenplay by Harold Pinter)<LI>Pilgermann<LI>The Medusa Frequency<LI>Fremder<LI>Mr. Rinyo-Clacton's Offer<LI>Angelica's Grotto<LI>Amaryllis Night and Day<LI>The Bat Tattoo<LI>Her Name Was Lola<LI>Come Dance with Me <LI>Linger Awhile<LI>My Tango with Barbara Strozzi

He also has a large number of children's books, the best being The Mouse And His Child which, although for kids, is a fantastic moral tale about self-worth and self-belief. It also has a novel example of infinite introspection. The Mouse and his Child see a Bonzo dog food tin. It's label has a picture of a dog in an apron, on its hind legs, holding a serving tray on which there is a tin of Bonzo dog food, with a label showing a picture of a dog in an apron, on its hind legs, holding a serving tray on which there is a tin of Bonzo dog food, with a label showing a picture of a dog in an apron, on its hind legs, holding a serving tray on which there is a tin of Bonzo dog food..... :)

Unfortunately, Riddley Walker is atypical of Hoban's work, being written in a Joycean Finnegans Wake style and dealing with the hero being left in a land devastated by nuclear war. I never really got into it, despite three attempts, as I found the language too challenging, so the best I can offer you is Riddley Walker (1980). A quick scan of the 'Character's and References' section will give you an example of the language used - 'Puter Leat' = Computor Elite etc.

Shame it wasn't Kleinzeit or Turtle Diary, but I suppose Riddley Walker can best be seen as a post Lord of the Flies book; ie. For what 'could' happen, read what 'has' happened.

Hope that helps! :)

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The person i just played against on the Scrabble app on Facebook just took an average of 10 minutes per turn. And still fucking lost. Jesus wept, it's not that difficult a game is it?

And yes, I've just admitted to playing online Scrabble on a Friday night.

I'm about to rip some CD's in anticipation of my daughter getting me an MP3 for New Year.

Incidentally, and from the Yule present from my Ex to me, here is a list of all the two letter words permitted in Scrabble:

AA, AB, AD, AE, AG, AH, AI, AL, AM, AN, AR, AS, AT, AW, AX, AY, BA, BE, BI, BO, BY, CH, DA, DE, DI, DO, EA, ED, EE, EF, EH, EL, EM, EN, ER, ES, ET, EX, FA, FE, FY, GI, GO, GU, HA, HE, HI, HM, HO, ID, IF, IN, IO, IS, IT, JA, JO, KA, KI, KO, KY, LA, LI, LO, MA, ME, MI, MM, MO, MU, MY, NA, NE, NO, NU, NY, OB, OD, OE, OF, OH, OI, OM, ON, OO, OP, OR, OS, OU, OW, OX, OY, PA, PE, PI, PO, QI, RE, SH, SI, SO, ST, TA, TE, TI, TO, UG, UH, UM, UN, UP, UR, US, UT, WE, WO, XI, XU, YA, YE, YO, YU, ZA & ZO.

If you doubt any of these, I can give you the definition from my marvellous and thoughtful Scrabble 2010 Calendar present! <_<:(

PS If you lose again now, you deserve shot! :P

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Our trip to Perth tomorrow is off. With the conditions the roads are just too risky, especially on the way back when it's expected to fall below zero and freeze the water on the roads. Very disapointed and therefore no footy tomorrow, but I just had a very weird feeling that I shouldn't go. The right decision in any case though. Plus I'm still finding it hard being apart from my girlfriend, and still not sure when I can see her next. The distance thing is a b*****d, but thankfully it's only temporary.

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Not a fun night. The thrashing embers of last night's hangover held on so I couldn't get pished easily, the bit of stuff was late night Christmas shopping. Unfortunately it was also apparently 'Affirmative Action Night' again, where 300 years of slavery is made up for with 3 unceasing hours of hip-hop drivel. Not going to happen - left early.

Now with the money saved I'm being drawn towards going to the game at Dundee tomorrow, even though we'll get stuffed in sub-zero temperatures while being herded by the Tayside Stasi into neat little einsatzgruppen.

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Well this is horrible. Threw up, went for a shower. But its so cold that my body flat out refused to leave the shower for 20 minutes. I could not fucking convince myself to leave. After half an hour or so, I am frantically fucking drying myself while part of my body decides it really wants to be back in the shower, while the other part really wants to throw up some more. This is not nice. I think I may be freezing to death.

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If you're going to be sick anywhere, the shower is probably the best place to do it. Other than the toilet, obviously.

When I woke up, there was someone in the bathroom. So I threw up into a bin bag in my bedroom. But it leaked. And I spent what felt like many sub zero hoors disinfecting my room. And then I went for the shower, which I am still not recovered from. Its so cold. I just want to shower till spring. I need sympathy and hugs. :(

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A look at even this thread tells me that vikingTON was home by half 1. This disappoints me, since saw him early in the night then ran into a guy from the morton forum and spent much of the night searching the club for vikingTON solely so this guy could tell him he's a weapon. vT, you're an inconsiderate p***k.

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I've managed, ooooohhh, 3 hours sleep since 04:00am when I went to bed. <_<

Still, the kids plane down South is on schedule. Let's just hope they are as insomniac as me and got up in time. They should be going to the Gate right now.*

I knew my "Would you like me to come along and see you off" was a bit of an empty offer! :rolleyes::(

*Update: 07:45 BOARDING, 07:50 LAST CALL, 07:54 GATE CLOSED, 08:01 TAXIED

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Guest The Phoenix
Paper rounds are going to be interesting tomorrow

The final confirmation (if it were needed) of Exuberant's sad life.

Under no circumstances can a paper round be described as interesting.

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Oh shit! I see that my kids flight has now returned to "GATE CLOSED" at Glasgow and "09:15 FROM GLASGOW - DELAYED" on the Southampton arrivals screen.

They're probably still stuck on the taxi lane, unless its gone "tech" and has gone back on stand to the apron. :(

Edit: FlyMaster Tracking confirms - "Flight has not departed 08:52". I may still be called on to dash to Glasgow Airport. <_<

Edit #2: Shit, shit, shit - "GATE OPEN". That means it's back on stand and has gone tech! Fuckity, fuckfuck! :angry:<_<

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