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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Decided to quit smoking yesterday. Can't help but feel I've made a terrible mistake! Will see it through though as I am determined to kick it once and for all.

My overall lifestyle is in dramatic need of change, too much sitting about doing nothing, drinking excessively and eating rubbish will see me in an early grave, so determined to give myself an overhaul.

What a dick I am.

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Decided to quit smoking yesterday. Can't help but feel I've made a terrible mistake! Will see it through though as I am determined to kick it once and for all.

My overall lifestyle is in dramatic need of change, too much sitting about doing nothing, drinking excessively and eating rubbish will see me in an early grave, so determined to give myself an overhaul.

What a dick I am.

I'm in a similar situation, debating whether to go for a run when I get home or go for a Burger King.
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I'm in a similar situation, debating whether to go for a run when I get home or go for a Burger King.

Go for the former, you'll feel so much better about yourself!

Although the XL BDC is one of the finest things known to man.

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Decided to quit smoking yesterday. Can't help but feel I've made a terrible mistake! Will see it through though as I am determined to kick it once and for all.

My overall lifestyle is in dramatic need of change, too much sitting about doing nothing, drinking excessively and eating rubbish will see me in an early grave, so determined to give myself an overhaul.

What a dick I am.

I have your tobacco tin with the smoking monkey on it. You left it in the pub.

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This. It's atrocious stuff from both sides and shows the worst of this site, especially with all the empty P&B cliches being used as if they actually have any meaning at all. Please stop.

But more importantly, this. You make a good point about abuse. Some wouldn't think of it in those terms, but that's exactly what it is and no one should put up with it.

I've noticed it's a 1 way street nowadays.

I know of no girl who asks her man what she can and can't do, yet know of a few guys who know full well they won't be allowed to do what the rest of the guys are doing.

It also seems to me that women are expected to control men nowadays.

You hear women using using sentences like 'and you just let him go?'


Young guys nowadays are well telt. It's worse if they are out their league wi the Mrs.

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I've noticed it's a 1 way street nowadays.

I know of no girl who asks her man what she can and can't do, yet know of a few guys who know full well they won't be allowed to do what the rest of the guys are doing.

It also seems to me that women are expected to control men nowadays.

You hear women using using sentences like 'and you just let him go?'


Young guys nowadays are well telt. It's worse if they are out their league wi the Mrs.

Very true, my flatmate had to ask his bird before he did anything. Once liked one of these "memes" on fb then shat it cause there was a good looking girl in the photo and his bird might saw he liked it. Mental stuff

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Folk who constantly comment on the food you eat.

I work with this guy who started going to the gym about a month ago, lost a bit of weight so thinks he can now examine the nutritional information on the back of my lunches and tell me how bad they are compared to his chicken and rice concoction.

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Folk who constantly comment on the food you eat.

I work with this guy who started going to the gym about a month ago, lost a bit of weight so thinks he can now examine the nutritional information on the back of my lunches and tell me how bad they are compared to his chicken and rice concoction.

I quite like it in my office. I just sit there with my 3 pound meal deal from Tesco and bag of sweets for the day to go with my coffee and watch as people make a concerted effort to eat healthy and their made up salads, etc.

Plus I'm not fat in the slightest, so it's an even greater sense of satisfaction.

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Bitches who hang their handbags in the crooks of their elbows and have their arms sticking way out to the side. Handbags should be slung over the shoulder IMO

The same bitches who clog up the tills by loading the conveyor one item at a time and then their bags one item at a time because they are too fucking thick to put the handbag down and use both hands.

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I'm in a similar situation, debating whether to go for a run when I get home or go for a Burger King.

Go for a run,feel great after it.

Have a burger,feel like crap after it

Only one winner

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Oh and the managers dog getting free run of the hotel, during food service hours, I love dogs, but I love steak pie more, this lump of matted grey heinz57 fur is going from table to table mooching with big sad eyes...

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Cheers gents. I think I've just beaten my biggest challenge thus far - having a big f**k off pizza for dinner and no cigarette for pudding, just one of those shitty lozenge type things to suck on.

I quit about this time four years ago when my missus was pregnant with the little one. Lasted well over six months without a smoke so know that it's totally doable.

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Decided to quit smoking yesterday. Can't help but feel I've made a terrible mistake! Will see it through though as I am determined to kick it once and for all.

My overall lifestyle is in dramatic need of change, too much sitting about doing nothing, drinking excessively and eating rubbish will see me in an early grave, so determined to give myself an overhaul.

What a dick I am.

You're probably the oldest in your street. You've got 5 years left, max! What's the point in stopping now?
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