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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Working in offices full of women.

Sick of seeing at least one of them in tears every day.

How do you tell folk nicely to grow a f*ckin backbone?

Stick a stiffy up her poop-chute?! :unsure:

Just a suggestion. ;)

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My friend has just been bleating on about girlfriend troubles. I told him we all (all our circle of friends) think she is absolutely vile looking and that we've no idea why he ever went out with her.

He seemed absolutely shocked by this fact, and it appears he genuinely thinks she looks nice. I sortof thought he was tolerating her so he'd be getting sex on tap.

Why do so people actually go out with munters?

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My SpR (my immediate boss, ineffect) deciding that we're going to start tomorrow at 8, rather than 9.

Eh, why?

I've got a new job lined up from the start of August, so it's tempting to say 'no' and see what happens. I'm fairly certain they wouldn't sack me as tho it's a crap job it nonetheless requires a fair bit of experience - last time someone resigned it took them 3 months to find a suitably qualified replacement...

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Changing light bulbs. Got two switches so I can't tell if it's turned on or off when I put the new one in.

Its a 50/50 if I get burnt or not. It's been out three days and I could do with the new one put in now.

Just been asking about why they get so hot straight away in the other thread. I'm still unsure as folk are giving slightly different answers.

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Changing light bulbs. Got two switches so I can't tell if it's turned on or off when I put the new one in.

Its a 50/50 if I get burnt or not. It's been out three days and I could do with the new one put in now.

Just hold the light bulb in a towel when you screw it in! ;)

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Why do so people actually go out with munters?

In my experience (well, not my experience really, more my friends) it's because they are desperate for any kind of love and affection, and because they can't handle being alone, they will settle for anything they can get.

I have a few friends like this.

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My friend has just been bleating on about girlfriend troubles. I told him we all (all our circle of friends) think she is absolutely vile looking and that we've no idea why he ever went out with her.

He seemed absolutely shocked by this fact, and it appears he genuinely thinks she looks nice. I sortof thought he was tolerating her so he'd be getting sex on tap.

Why do so people actually go out with munters?

Big tits? Or dare I say it, nice personality!??

Just hold the light bulb in a towel when you screw it in! ;)

Genius, a real light bulb moment there.

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I guess it depends what you're looking for as well. i.e. long term relationship or short term f**k. Hot annoying bitches are ok for a shag but think of living with one of them! I'd rather move in with a hound who was sound.

Of course, ideally everyone would like a hot bird who was sound but they're what? One in every fifty girls? Not enough to go round for everyone.

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Maybe she let's him stick it up her rusty sheriff's badge?

I think he's permitted sex about once a week. He always makes comments like 'wonder if i'll get my hole tonight'. I wouldn't even entertain the ideaof going out with a girl who didn't have a relatively high sex drive, or wouldn't let me do her up the arse! :ph34r:

I guess it depends what you're looking for as well. i.e. long term relationship or short term f**k. Hot annoying bitches are ok for a shag but think of living with one of them! I'd rather move in with a hound who was sound.

Of course, ideally everyone would like a hot bird who was sound but they're what? One in every fifty girls? Not enough to go round for everyone.

There are more than enough hot girls kicking around (or at least reasonable looking girls who are your type - which would make you think they are hot) to go around. I feel really shit when my mates talk themselves down and bemoan the fact they'll never be with a good looking girl.

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I think he's permitted sex about once a week. He always makes comments like 'wonder if i'll get my hole tonight'. I wouldn't even entertain the ideaof going out with a girl who didn't have a relatively high sex drive, or wouldn't let me do her up the arse! :ph34r:

Try living with someone for a good few months, see how much you get then. :P

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