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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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There is a thread about it being the 6th year anniversary of Marc Vivien Foe's death in the Misc Football section. I obviously don't want to see anyone dying (especially a young man) but I hate mindless R.I.P ing.

He was a medicore player with an undetermined character, yet he has morphed into a 'great players and a great guy' in the last 6 years.

I was reading Jamie Carragher's Bio on holiday and Liverpool were very close to signing him before he signed for Man City.

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PTTGOMN - decided just to stay in this weekend. Not because im skint, just because there wasnt anything interesting I can be arsed doing. Rather than save money ive still managed to spend over a score note on 2 magazines, a PS3 game to rent and a curry. Needed somethin to pass the time. Cannae avoid spending these days.

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I was reading Jamie Carragher's Bio on holiday and Liverpool were very close to signing him before he signed for Man City.

I hate Jamie Carragher. I really, really despise the man.

Anyway, a shite game called "jump". I now have a gaping hole just under my bottom lip after connecting with the laminate floor, jaw first at top speed.

My lip has doubled in size, I've had too many shots of Tequila, and I'm bound to be sick before I get to sleep.


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Guest The Phoenix
I hate Jamie Carragher. I really, really despise the man.

Anyway, a shite game called "jump". I now have a gaping hole just under my bottom lip after connecting with the laminate floor, jaw first at top speed.

My lip has doubled in size, I've had too many shots of Tequila, and I'm bound to be sick before I get to sleep.


That's kinda screwed up your pretty boy image. ;)

Right now, I'd settle for being sick if it meant I could get to sleep.

Always the same when I've got important things to sort out - I'll get about 4 hours sleep and then I wake up and my my mind is in overdrive.

Anyone out there?

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Guest The Phoenix
I've spent the morning phoning round pubs that my wife was in last night, checking if anyone had handed in her mobile that she noticed was missing this morning.

She's just found it down the back of the bed.. <_<

I'd check under the bed if I were you, the boyfriend might still be there. ;)

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First thoughts this morning. Where the hell am I and why is the word 'b*****d' stamped on my hand?

A- My mate's couch and I'd been in the Hive.

Mate's stag do last night. Apparently I pulled 4 girls in the Hive. Classy. My last memory is doing shots in Opium.

I thought you had a girlfriend/fiancee? :o

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That's kinda screwed up your pretty boy image. ;)

You should see the size of my bottom lip - It's massive!

Thankfully it's not hurting today, and I'm amazed, and delighted, that I don't have a hangover. My hand is really hurting, though. It's swollen and I can't play bass. That wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't booked in the studio twice next week and didn't have a gig on friday.

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That wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't booked in the studio twice next week and didn't have a gig on friday.

Use it to your advantage. Do Rolling Stones covers at your gig, and you can pose as Mick Jagger.

Here to help, etc.

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