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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Being all tidy and putting a load of washing on so I have clean stuff to wear for woork tomorrow and then coming back into the lounge and finding a rogue black worksock that I dropped! <_< Bugger! :angry:

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I've always been a sausage man, myself. Bacon's nice and all, but you cannae beat a good sausage sandwich.

And I would have made it myself, but I was woken up by him and told the food was ready. I'm never going to turn down food, especially something like bacon. It's just I'd've liked sausages even more.

Good grief this is a bizarre conversation.

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Along with the lonesome sock, there was also half a breadstick under the sofa! <_<

I really must tidy up more often! :(

I thought you were talking about half a loaf of a French stick there!

You are right though, you really ought to tidy up more often. A man's home says a lot about the person ;)

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You are right though, you really ought to tidy up more often. A man's home says a lot about the person ;)

What you really mean is that when you live with a female, or have a female who is round at your flat often then it will be spick and span, if not, it will be a tip.

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I've always been a sausage man, myself. Bacon's nice and all, but you cannae beat a good sausage sandwich.

And I would have made it myself, but I was woken up by him and told the food was ready. I'm never going to turn down food, especially something like bacon. It's just I'd've liked sausages even more.

Good grief this is a bizarre conversation.

a sausage sandwich woops a bacon sandwiches ass any day of the week :lol:

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What you really mean is that when you live with a female, or have a female who is round at your flat often then it will be spick and span, if not, it will be a tip.

You know, I don't agree. If I lived on my own, I reckon my flat would be tidier than it normally is! It's having a woman here that makes it untidy.

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You know, I don't agree. If I lived on my own, I reckon my flat would be tidier than it normally is! It's having a woman here that makes it untidy.

If I lived on my own I would drown in a sea of my own unwashed boxer shorts.

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You are right though, you really ought to tidy up more often. A man's home says a lot about the person ;)

I know - it currently says 'I'm a lazy chunt!' :(

You know, I don't agree. If I lived on my own, I reckon my flat would be tidier than it normally is! It's having a woman here that makes it untidy.
You are such a bloody liar.

Uh oh, one throwaway comment and I've started a 'domestic'! :o

No ma fault..... :ph34r: .....scurries away to watch extra time.... :lol:

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Guest The Phoenix
Being all tidy and putting a load of washing on so I have clean stuff to wear for woork tomorrow and then coming back into the lounge and finding a rogue black worksock that I dropped! <_< Bugger! :angry:

Racist. :angry:

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Guest The Phoenix
:lol::lol::lol: Isn't it time for your siesta Grandad?! :P

Probably. Especially as I was on this thread at around 4 o'clock this morning (see earlier post) and then went to work at 8:00 a.m and put in a 5 hour shift.

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