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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Coolio. Mind I can get you on for 10 notes.

Much is it usually?

if you wait a couple of weeks and ill be home,ill have a hit with you 2

and i know someone with a car ;)

Sounds brilliant. :D

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I never go to a bus station without golf clubs.

Particularly Kirkcaldy.

Im always on the train to Kirkcaldy, busses are alright tho. :P

Weekday £25

Weekend £35


Im quite happy to pay £10 then! B)

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Wawrinka looks like an actor, but i can't work out who :angry:

I was thinking the same about Roddick, then someone said he looked like Stiffler and I could not bieleve how obvious it was.

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The best place is Dahab on Dlouhá (near Old Town Square), but there's a good place on Slavikova (Vinohrady, P2- Metro Jiřího z Poděbrad) which is a lot closer to me.

Do you live in Zizkov? The day after the Scotland game last year me and my mates took the Metro to there and did a wee pub crawl of Zizkov ending up at the wee club in Viktoria's ground

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Do you live in Zizkov? The day after the Scotland game last year me and my mates took the Metro to there and did a wee pub crawl of Zizkov ending up at the wee club in Viktoria's ground

Very very close, the bottom of the hill round the corner is Zizkov proper. It's not the nicest of areas, but it certainly does have a lot of pubs...and dog shit.

I live right next to Flora metro, which is one up from JZP.

Edited by Breaking Decency
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Guest The Phoenix
I'm hungry and there's nothing in the house that can be eaten within the next 10 minutes.

Good job Kilt isn't about to respond to that.

Note: I deleted my last post - that picture was way too big.

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Wawrinka looks like an actor, but i can't work out who :angry:

thought he looked like the astronaut in Deep Impact myself. The one that was blinded and couldnt see his kid, ye know the one

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thought he looked like the astronaut in Deep Impact myself. The one that was blinded and couldnt see his kid, ye know the one

Ron Eldard. He does a bit actually, but it's not who i'm thinking of.

Cheers for the help anyway peeps.

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