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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Just read that! Im not having your babies now! :angry:

This doesn't annoy me as such, but I think you probably have the highest smiley to post ratio on the whole of the internet.

You probably average more than one smiley, per post, which is quite something.

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This doesn't annoy me as such, but I think you probably have the highest smiley to post ratio on the whole of the internet.

You probably average more than one smiley, per post, which is quite something.

Sorry. I dont mean it, it just seems to me that it helps the way the post is supposed to be read.

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Two drunken bints just walked past my house, on the phone to someone else, singing The Libertine's "Can't Stand Me Now". Now, I don't know these women, but I know for a fact that I couldn't fucking stand them anyway.

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Two drunken bints just walked past my house, on the phone to someone else, singing The Libertine's "Can't Stand Me Now". Now, I don't know these women, but I know for a fact that I couldn't fucking stand them anyway.

I watched a wee 4 year old boy walking along singing Follow Follow today, sans top, and with a mighty swagger.

I'm willing to bet his parents are lovely people.

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I watched a wee 4 year old boy walking along singing Follow Follow today, sans top, and with a mighty swagger.

I'm willing to bet his parents are lovely people.

We had a people carrier full of some interesting specimens all wearing green hoops passing by yesterday. When we're out having a cigarette, it's amazing how many people stare up at us, and I quite often sarcastically wave with a huge grin on my face just to shame them. I normally comment that it's like being a lion at Longleat, with people sitting in the cars staring at the "exhibits". Thinking on it, it seems to be the opposite way around and my house is actually just planted in a huge safari park.

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Guest The Phoenix

I had headed for bed but I feel the need to ask if anyone knows who put the E-45 Cream where the toothpaste normally is, in my bathroom? :angry:

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I know..... :wub: C'Mon Friday!!!! ;):lol:


I decided to go outside and sit for 5 minutes, and it was even warmer outside than it is in my bedroom.

The sweat is absolutely pishing out of me. I'm not getting to sleep any time soon.

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I'm so hot.


Now you know what it feels like to be Honest Saints Fan all the time!

Apparently it gets even hotter in Sweden in the summer.

Its actually really horrible. I was brought up on the coast, on the cliff edge, my summer consisted of nice temperatures, bracing breezes, and plenty of haar blocking out the fucking sun all summer. It very rarely got humid, the breeze took care of that. This is like being back in Sri Lanka again. You go outside and there is no refreshment to be found. Its horrible. :(

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Now you know what it feels like to be Honest Saints Fan all the time!

It's pretty tough, I must say.

I think I'm going to be in this thread all night complaining. I'm really tired, my duvet is too thick, I even brought out another duvet cover and just used that, but it's still too much.

I can't sleep in the bufty because as soon as a bit of light hits my bedroom I could have about 20 windows with a perfect view of my bits, and My legs are too sweaty in shorts.


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