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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest Dunc?
It's nowhere near bad enough to merit a trip to the hospital. If I'm still feeling like this on Thursday, maybe.

As Dunc? said, I'm just a big jessie. :(

This isn't me having a dig at you Toma, or GMan for suggesting it, at all. There isn't a stomach ache in the world that could take me to hospital. That's probably a bit presumptuous of me to say that, but it just isn't something that I consider. Nobody in my family does. I don't have any brothers or sisters, but in my entire life, I think myself, my Mum and my Dad have all gone to the hospital once each.

My Dad had his appendix removed after he passed out. My Mum broke her shoulder after falling down the stairs. And I dislocated my shoulder after the well publicised car-dodging-ninja-skills incident.

It really surprises me to hear people going to the doctors because they've got the flu or something. I don't suppose it's really something to be criticised though, I probably should take better care of myself! I've probably got one of those brain tumours, me, and they'll find me deid somewhere, but it won't be in the back of an Ambulance!

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This isn't me having a dig at you Toma, or GMan for suggesting it, at all. There isn't a stomach ache in the world that could take me to hospital. That's probably a bit presumptuous of me to say that, but it just isn't something that I consider. Nobody in my family does.

I know what you mean, I haven't been to the doctors in nearly four years now. I would actually have to be officially dying before I would consider getting an appointment. All of my family are like that as well, we just wouldn't consider going to the doctors or hospital.

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This isn't me having a dig at you Toma, or GMan for suggesting it, at all. There isn't a stomach ache in the world that could take me to hospital. That's probably a bit presumptuous of me to say that, but it just isn't something that I consider. Nobody in my family does. I don't have any brothers or sisters, but in my entire life, I think myself, my Mum and my Dad have all gone to the hospital once each.

I'm the same. I'd never go to the hospital on a whim, no chance. I'm also the same in regards to the doctor as well, but that's mainly due to laziness. I'd never head to the hospital because of a sore belly, but when I replied to G-Man I meant if I'm still in pain come Thursday, and it's been steadily getting worse, then I'd go to the doctor, who may or may not refer me to hospital.

It's not too bad now actually, in the last 10 minutes it's went down. As it stands it's kinda like the dull ache you get in your stomach after you've been kicked in the bollocks. I'm hardly writhing in pain, it's just dead uncomfortable.

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Guest Dunc?

I've just thought of a further example that displays the attitude within my family.

I've read a couple of G-Man's posts mentioning that his wife has a very high something-blood-related level (hope that resolves itself soon, Mr Man), and that it's at something like 8ish when it should be around about 7. My Mum is the opposite.

She wasn't feeling well for a good long time, and eventually went to see the Doctor. She had blood taken, and it turns out that she's anaemic, and her blood level is at something like 2.8. The Doctor was staggered that she was still walking around, never mind lying in a hospital bed. It was recommended that she have a blood transfusion, but she refused and has been eating spinach like it's crisps since then.

My Uncle also had a heart attack driving to Linlithgow from Aberdeen, and didn't notice.

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Toma, I wouldn't rule out constipation just because you're going. It could mean that you're a bit blocked up further up, if you get what I mean. Just keep drinking the water and you should sort yourself out and if nothing changes in a day or two, then consider a trip to the doctor.

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Guest Dunc?

I like to tell myself that I wouldn't go near a hospital or the doctors because of all these stories about them being so overworked, and I'd just be inconveniencing them, but it's actually because I'm a big fearty b*****d.

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While on the subject of doctors, Tollcross Medical Practice is fucking awful these days. You have to go through a triage system to get an appointment. You call, tell the receptionist that you need a doctor, they arrange for a doctor to call you who discusses your symptoms with you and then decides if you need an appointment or not. They diagnosed Adam with hay fever and within a couple of hours, he couldn't move. Turned out he had in the 'flu. He's also tried getting an appointment today for another related issue and couldn't even get a doctor to call him back this time. He now has to wait until tomorrow to ring and try and speak to someone.

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My Uncle also had a heart attack driving to Linlithgow from Aberdeen, and didn't notice.

Is he fucking Superman or something? I'd hate to be in a fight with anyone in your family!

Believe me i wouldnt go to the hospital either if i had a stomach ache, but toma did say he is a jessie


Toma, I wouldn't rule out constipation just because you're going. It could mean that you're a bit blocked up further up, if you get what I mean. Just keep drinking the water and you should sort yourself out and if nothing changes in a day or two, then consider a trip to the doctor.

I think I might know what it is now actually. I had a stomach ulcer a while back, and what I'm feeling now is very similar.

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Last night/this morning I could not sleep. I went to bed at 3, stuck on a DVD and tried to fall asleep.. But no, 5 o'clock and I'm still wide awake, in time for my boyfriend getting up for work. I don't know when I eventually nodded off but I woke up at 11. Usually I would go back to sleep but I thought I would stay awake, so that I would be tired tonight. Wrong again, I'm wide awake!

I visit my doctors all the time.. mainly because I always have something wrong with me. Once I went with a really bad cold. The doctor told me to go home, take paracetamol, drink waters etc.. Went back 2 days later as I could barely walk without getting exhausted. Turned out I had glandular fever! I wouldn't wish it on anyone :(

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this would fit in with the not feeling so bad at the moment thing -e.g. it gets better just before it bursts type thing, or is that just appendices? :huh:

Oh aye, cheers for that one. Now paranoid Toma has made one of his very rare appearances! :lol:

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.. Went back 2 days later as I could barely walk without getting exhausted. Turned out I had glandular fever! I wouldn't wish it on anyone :(

I'm not belittling you by any means, but by Vectron, can doctors really do anything about stuff like fevers, infections, flu and the like? I've had a few occasions down the years when I've been so ill that I've hardly been able to move except to throw up and get some water down me for a few days, but my body seems to sort itself out eventually, praise Vectron!

When it comes down to it, I think I just don't believe in Doctors. :ph34r:

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I'm not belittling you by any means, but by Vectron, can doctors really do anything about stuff like fevers, infections, flu and the like? I've had a few occasions down the years when I've been so ill that I've hardly been able to move except to throw up and get some water down me for a few days, but my body seems to sort itself out eventually, praise Vectron!

When it comes down to it, I think I just don't believe in Doctors. :ph34r:

They can't really do anything for the fever, which is rubbish. I was off school for 3 months and stuck in bed the whole time. Even going to the toilet wiped out all my energy. I had a complication with it though and developed a really low blood platelet count meaning that I had to go to the doctor every 7 days for a blood test.

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Guest Dunc?
Is he fucking Superman or something? I'd hate to be in a fight with anyone in your family!

He's only got the use of something like 48% of his lungs, after decades of working with asbestos. He's just not that big on hospitals.

His wife was understandably a bit annoyed with him, when he went for a check-up on his lungs and was told he'd had a heart attack. The only thing he could think it might've been was some chest pains as he drove home from working in Aberdeen. She asked him why he didn't go to the hospital, and he said "Hospitals only ever give me bad news. I was happy thinking it was heartburn, but now, because of the hospital, I've had a heart attack!"

I don't think he believes in doctors either.

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He's only got the use of something like 48% of his lungs, after decades of working with asbestos. He's just not that big on hospitals.

His wife was understandably a bit annoyed with him, when he went for a check-up on his lungs and was told he'd had a heart attack. The only thing he could think it might've been was some chest pains as he drove home from working in Aberdeen. She asked him why he didn't go to the hospital, and he said "Hospitals only ever give me bad news. I was happy thinking it was heartburn, but now, because of the hospital, I've had a heart attack!"

I don't think he believes in doctors either.


That really is brilliant. I hate hospitals as well, nearly every experience I've had around a hospital, someone I know has died, so I'm not too into them.

Anyway, I've just been sick.

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