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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm having really bloody strange dreams. I'm not happy about it at all.

Plus, I started cutting up clips to use for this video, then I found myself on a little roll until I realised I can't go any further because I need to wait on recording our bloody singer, which won't happen until Thursday!

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I know which adert it is I hate!!! The new Aviva one with the Plymouth Argyle supporter. It makes me want to punch the screen. That has got to be the worst accent anywhere in the world.


Aye, it's exactly the same accent as one of the wife's irritating relatives, so double the reason for me to hate it. <_<

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Yes but surely if the game started at 19.45 then you would have less pintage than the 18.00 KO? :unsure:

No cause I wont make it out till 5.45 so I will be drinking from then until the game finishes then leaving as there is no point staying, it if started 2 hours later I would be drinking for 2 hours longer.

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No cause I wont make it out till 5.45 so I will be drinking from then until the game finishes then leaving as there is no point staying, it if started 2 hours later I would be drinking for 2 hours longer.

Oh right ok.

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No cause I wont make it out till 5.45 so I will be drinking from then until the game finishes then leaving as there is no point staying, it if started 2 hours later I would be drinking for 2 hours longer.

Is having a couple of pints not reason enough? Just go home at the time the game would have finished had it been a 19.45 kick off.

Problem solved.

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Nice bit of concern shown there! :rolleyes:

Hope everything turns out OK, Sam.

:lol: Spot on Phoenix. My warmest wishes also go with you Sam! ;) Hope it all works out okay and a speedy recovery is on the cards! :)

I've had a mystery injury since the start of the year in my knee.

My knees really ache after 6 hours standing on the control and it doesn't help that the Doc just said it was down to the 'ageing process'! <_<

I'm sure she has her reasons ;)

Ah...feck....sussed..... :ph34r::(

Im 20 in a week. :(

Feck off you young chunt, that's hardly a PTTGOYN! <_<

I'm old enough to be your Dad! :(

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