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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When your mum and dad are out on a Saturday night. And then Sunday morning, the people they were out with insist on phoning to discuss the previous night's pleasures and to share how each other is feeling, etc.

This happens every single time.

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When your mum and dad are out on a Saturday night. And then Sunday morning, the people they were out with insist on phoning to discuss the previous night's pleasures and to share how each other is feeling, etc.

This happens every single time they go out swinging.

Finished it for you.

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This weekend has seen me at my works' Christmas lunch on Friday, a night out in town after it, and a session with my mates from the football in Dumbarton, from yesterday afternoon lasting into the small hours. The bank withdrawl receipts and debit card payments from the nightclub do not make pretty or pleasing reading. :(

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They were out with their niece and nephew last night.


That is pretty kinky.

I went out to a gig last night and ended up spending the rest of the night in the Classic Grand. I bumped into a few guys that I haven't seen for years, and however brief our encounters were, I enjoyed them. After that I went back to my mates place, but not before stopping off for some mighty chips, cheese, chicken donner and sauce. My god. It was heavenly.

Anyway, I woke up at around 11am and went out on to the balcony for a fag. My pals flatmates didn't know I was in, so when they heard me cough I heard them going "who the f**k was that?". They were downstairs, so they couldn't see me. One of them guessed it was me, and they were proved right a few minutes later. The balcony was a bit wet and icy, so when I came back through the door and down the stairs I slipped, landing with a mighty crunch, but somehow managing to protect my glass of water. As soon as I hit the floor they burst out laughing, as did I. The noise actually woke up my mate, so it was a pretty tough landing.

The best thing about it was that the fall somehow managed to kill the hangover.

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That stupid Citroen ad where the boy and lassie are in the car attached to some sort of pulley system at a dockyard. Just once, I'd like to see the cords snap, and the malodorous little runts in the car fly off into the river, and attacked by killer jellyfish 'n stuff.

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Folk who seem to be utterly oblivious of the difficulties snowy conditions make for driving.

Folk parking at stupid corners that normally wouldnt be an issue but given folk are driving along the same tracks on a snowy road either direction does not help.

Seen some daft bint getting a good 10 second beeping at (not by me) and while sitting there in the queue she was causing enjoying her fear, alarm and total oblivious look. She didnt have a scooby that she was causing a hold up. :lol: She looked as terrified as she did confused.

Also folk pullng in to the side of the road to park without indicating. Twats.

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Need to read a whole book today, and it looks bloody awful. I'll probably just skim read so I know what's going on basically.


Riddley Walker.

Seriously, WTF is this book all about?!?!

I fucking well told you!! :angry: Do you not listen to a word I say or follow up on the links I give you?

Last time I try to help you with your homework, you bloody ingrate! :angry:

Pah, kids today, I don't know. You try to help them and all they do is whine on...grumble... <_<

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Folk who seem to be utterly oblivious of the difficulties snowy conditions make for driving.

Folk parking at stupid corners that normally wouldnt be an issue but given folk are driving along the same tracks on a snowy road either direction does not help.

Seen some daft bint getting a good 10 second beeping at (not by me) and while sitting there in the queue she was causing enjoying her fear, alarm and total oblivious look. She didnt have a scooby that she was causing a hold up. :lol: She looked as terrified as she did confused.

Also folk pullng in to the side of the road to park without indicating. Twats.

Bad/inconsiderate drivers who are mainly just annoying at other times of the year are really dangerous in these conditions.

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It's the adrenaline. It's the same reason why a game of fives works so well.

I think I might start paying a guy to hide somewhere in the house the morning after a night out. For a hangover cure, it isn't the greatest, but it will certainly do.

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