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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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To be honest some of your posts i read just makes me think or i thought anyway that you were a bit of a c**t.

Maybe am wrong afterall

I agree with G_Man here, some of your other posts make you look like a total fuckwit.

Don't think he is wrong.

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Evidence of racism please? I can play fair though. You're accusing me of being a racist, I'm accusing you of being an absolute halfwit. If you want evidence of how much of a drooling fucktard you are, then I can quite happily provide that, so its only fair that you provide evidence of my alleged racism.

Watch yourself, Salmond might have made gingers a race on the fly.....

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Evidence of racism please? I can play fair though. You're accusing me of being a racist, I'm accusing you of being an absolute halfwit. If you want evidence of how much of a drooling fucktard you are, then I can quite happily provide that, so its only fair that you provide evidence of my alleged racism.

Oh f**k off xbl.the world is bigger than the internet.Go out get some fresh air.

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But if you don't do much phoning surely a tenner for unlimited texts is better than £15? :blink:

Yeah, it was sort of a nonsense that I lost track of.

The "top up £10 a month and get free shit" isn't as good as it looks, because the months when you don't get the free shit you spend more than £10, in my experience. That's what I was trying to get at, but I lost my point.

In my case, paying the £15 a month up front works out cheaper than my old deal, which was a "Top-up a tenner, get free shit" dealio.

Anyway, XBL hates marathons.

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I don't listen to the safety briefing on a plane, and I accidentally broke someone's leg. What else is on my charge sheet?

You think a referee picking a ball up, handing it to a player, blocking the opposition centre half and then allowing the free kick to be taken is good refereeing.

You are absolute scum. FACT!

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Oh f**k off xbl.the world is bigger than the internet.Go out get some fresh air.

I find it interesting that you choose to pick up on my post, but not:

Aint you cool though.

Yeah did you feel pretty proud breaking the guys leg?

To be honest some of your posts i read just makes me think or i thought anyway that you were a bit of a c**t.

Maybe am wrong afterall


Nothing more to say

Jump on the bandwagon i see. Like your style

No just racist.


I mean, honestly, does that kind of post not make you want to claw your eyes out in anger? He argues like a woman, its fucking infuriating!

Watch yourself, Salmond might have made gingers a race on the fly.....


I'm trying very hard to keep civil and inoffensive, just on the off chance!

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Sexist pig!

Well he is! His arguments are absurd, make no sense, and just baffle, so its exactly like arguing with a woman. I mean this, look at this:

Close but no cigar.

73694982-irn_bru_2.jpg <---------------- ME

I mean, seriously, what the f**k does that even mean? First of all the "close but no cigar". If it is close, in what way is it close? What way does the fuckwit smilie resemble him? And then he's apparently a can of irn bru. What the f**k do you say to that? All I can do is gape at the stupidity.

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Aye, but I've noticed how much easier my life has become! I was always a disorganised bassa with no sense of direction, and so I spent many hours being lost and late. With my phone though, its all so much easier...so for example last week, I was in Belfast airport, and the flight was delayed by a couple hours. So immediately I got on my phone brought up traveline Scotland, checked that there would still be public transport home, and so immediately had an alternative route home scheduled. To get to that airport in the first place, I'd google mapped myself a route from where I was staying to the main bus station and used the GPS to get there. While doing all that of couse, I had some relaxing Alkaline Trio playing, and after my flight was late, I just did a bit of web browsing to while away the time. Sure, I'd live without it, but my life would go back to being a massive inconvenience! I heart smartphones.

spot on. I've had a normal mobile up to christmas and and iphone since and I wouldn't go back. my iphone has sat nav, facebook, email, camera, tesco clubcard, sims 3 two seasons of the west wing, great ringtones, the internet and it still works as a basic phone. it basically allows me to focus my energies on the more important stuff in life and helps me chill out too. my only gripe is the headphones which came with it. but I'm planning on using the bluetooth to make these a viable purchase once I get paid... if anyone knows a cheaper but simlar product I'm open to suggestion.

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Well he is! His arguments are absurd, make no sense, and just baffle, so its exactly like arguing with a woman. I mean this, look at this:

I mean, seriously, what the f**k does that even mean? First of all the "close but no cigar". If it is close, in what way is it close? What way does the fuckwit smilie resemble him? And then he's apparently a can of irn bru. What the f**k do you say to that? All I can do is gape at the stupidity.

He's like a special child that goes around with a big stupid smile plastered all over his face thinking everything is amazing because he's blissfully unaware he's a 'Swampy'.

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:lol: Yes you can tell this from the internet. YOUR da Man.

Game over for me tonite lads.

PS, Give tips to old xbl fudge, just incase his lady friend is looking on this forum

Aw yess an internet slagging match count me in fannys ...

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spot on. I've had a normal mobile up to christmas and and iphone since and I wouldn't go back. my iphone has sat nav, facebook, email, camera, tesco clubcard, sims 3 two seasons of the west wing, great ringtones, the internet and it still works as a basic phone. it basically allows me to focus my energies on the more important stuff in life and helps me chill out too. my only gripe is the headphones which came with it. but I'm planning on using the bluetooth to make these a viable purchase once I get paid... if anyone knows a cheaper but simlar product I'm open to suggestion.

Yeah, I'm using standard headphones for my HTC and I'm not a fan, haven't got round to an upgrade yet though. But it is bloody handy eh!

He's like a special child that goes around with a big stupid smile plastered all over his face thinking everything is amazing because he's blissfully unaware he's a 'Swampy'.

Hang on a second...he called me a racist without any supporting evidence, that means I can lower myself to his level (and thats a lot of lowering) and retort with something offensive myself!

fuckwit? :lol:. Have a can of Irn Bru. Having an off day?

Yes, fuckwit. Do you have any concept of what that is, you slavering, retarded, mentally crippled convulsion sufferer.

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