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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Is that the Bill Bailey lookalike?

Aye, but to be honest most of them are shite. One of them has an arse like a sideboard and a stupid spelling of the name 'Tracy', one of them sings and her mouth turns into the shape of the Cheetos tiger yelping, AND she wears stupid MC hammer trousers, one of them models herself on Gwen Stefani then mumbled through something from The Jungle Book. The girl band is so out of tune I thought it was the Frog Chorus at first. The boy band are so uncomfortable and young I thought they were just killing time in detention before Popeye Scruton let them go home. It's honestly completely shambolic now. They should take it out to the lower field and shoot it in the heid like they've done to Big Brother.

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Aye, but to be honest most of them are shite. One of them has an arse like a sideboard and a stupid spelling of the name 'Tracy', one of them sings and her mouth turns into the shape of the Cheetos tiger yelping, AND she wears stupid MC hammer trousers, one of them models herself on Gwen Stefani then mumbled through something from The Jungle Book. The girl band is so out of tune I thought it was the Frog Chorus at first. The boy band are so uncomfortable and young I thought they were just killing time in detention before Popeye Scruton let them go home. It's honestly completely shambolic now. They should take it out to the lower field and shoot it in the heid like they've done to Big Brother.

FFS big man, Say what you feel ph34r.gif

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Old Firm buses leaving Dunfermline. It really shouldn't annoy me but it is this morning.

Gets on my wick too. Must be worse for the likes of yerselves though. I mean, Albion are a relatively newish club with not a lot of history and have been stuck in the fitba wilderness for donkeys years, whereas the Pars have a great history and are still a decent sized club with a good support. Why the fcuk would anyone from there ever feel the need to jump on a bus to Glasgow to get a fitba fix? Makes nae sense to me.

It's even worse when you hear of these buses leaving Edinburgh, Dundee, and especially Aberdeen.

In an ideal world, the two of them would upsticks and move to Belfast and Dublin, and join whatever tinpot Atlantic League they want, and leave the rest of us to get on with it.

There's a Celtic fan who sits next to me in the office who is one of those completely ignorant Celtic fans who genuinely believes that fans of other teams have to favour one side of the OF, and that no-one is in the slightest bit interested in any game which doesn't feature either of the cúnts. I know I shouldn't let him get to me, but it bugs me senseless.

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Guest The Phoenix

I'm 17 and I have pains in my knees and back, especially after I play football, they're unbearable.

Bang go your plans to be the next Wayne Rooney. :(

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