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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I work for Amec Design and project Services. Sometimes Im on the ferry to go to sites etc but generally I get off the stop beforehand.

I shall however be on the lookout for you in future mate .

Unfortunately I have hospital and physio from 3.30 pm today mate :(

PM'd - Nae bother. ;) As the awful America phrase goes, we'll just take a rain-check on that then! :rolleyes: Just gies a PM when your free - I have no commitments/plans in the immediate future! :(

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Whereabouts mate? You're not in the Snooker Club or Clyde Taxi's office are you? :unsure: I cross the ferry each day and get the 08:35 No. 6 bus into the airport. I agree that road planning is pants. They've fucked up the M8 causing tons of traffic to go via Renfrew and at the same time are digging up half of Renfrew High Street. :( It's madness! :angry: The No. 6 comes up from the ferry then has to do a dog-leg halfway to Braehead before coming back into Renfrew past the High School and then out on the back road to the airport. It still only takes 15 minutes but you can be stuck in a traffic jam for half an hour if you get your timings wrong. And the M8 work is 20 weeks behind schedule so it won't be finished until the middle of June. :(

By the by, CTBN, I have no plans tonight so, once you finish work, if our paths cross, do you fancy meeting up for a pint and a bit craic? My shout first! ;)

Seriously? They are on the outside lane and look to be just about finished :unsure:

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Seriously? They are on the outside lane and look to be just about finished :unsure:

According to my reliable source at Arriva buses - (Przemyslaw, the polish driver :lol: ), the No. 6 bus shifts for the next six weeks have been set to reflect this, otherwise they'd be going back to using the M8 from the airport to the Arkleston turnoff like before. :(

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Microsoft banned me from xbox live - no pro evo for me till i buy a new console.

How the feck did you get banned?! :huh: Did you call them all a bunch of c**ts, try to hack into their system or were you downloading porn through their site?! :ph34r::rolleyes::lol:

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Well thats what you get for tinkering ;)

Not helpful!

How the feck did you get banned?! :huh: Did you call them all a bunch of c**ts, try to hack into their system or were you downloading porn through their site?! :ph34r::rolleyes::lol:

I modified the firmware so it would play copies, last night microsoft brought out the banhammer and banned everyone who was using their console - the only option is to buy another 360.

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I modified the firmware so it would play copies, last night microsoft brought out the banhammer and banned everyone who was using their console - the only option is to buy another 360.

modified the firmware


Sorry mate, I didn't understand a word of that! :blink: But reading between the lines i take it you're fecked?! :unsure::rolleyes::lol:

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Guest The Phoenix
modified the firmware


Sorry mate, I didn't understand a word of that! :blink: But reading between the lines i take it you're fecked?! :unsure::rolleyes::lol:

Whatever happened to the Grandstand Ping Pong Football Game? :unsure:

I understood that. :(

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modified the firmware


Sorry mate, I didn't understand a word of that! :blink: But reading between the lines i take it you're fecked?! :unsure::rolleyes::lol:

In laymans terms, i stole all my games from them for the past 6 months, and they are punishing me for doing so ;)

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Couple of whinges for a Friday <_<

1) Glasgow City Council. Is my money not good enough for you?! Been in my flat 6 months and they've still not sent me anything on council tax. I've phoned and emailed various times and they've still not got back to me. The worry is they will FINALLY twigg and hit me with a monster bill and expect me to pay it right away. :(

Latest farce: Just phoned up, again, and they said their system is down and could I phone back later. I asked about the various emails they get in and the guy said they SOMETIMES answer them !!!

What hope have you got?!

2) We got a snooty lawyers' letter from our lovely neighbours about an alleged incident where they accused the missus of scratching their car. Even though they were no witnesses to it and its one of the busiest streets in the West End. They lost all the credibility when the guy (tosser) claimed "it cose me 18 grand" only for it to later emerge that it was a) his girlfriend's car and B) a company car they got for free. :lol:

Why they are sending us lawyers letters for a scratch on a company car is beyond me. :(

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2) We got a snooty lawyers' letter from our lovely neighbours about an alleged incident where they accused the missus of scratching their car. Even though they were no witnesses to it and its one of the busiest streets in the West End. They lost all the credibility when the guy (tosser) claimed "it cose me 18 grand" only for it to later emerge that it was a) his girlfriend's car and B) a company car they got for free. :lol:

Why they are sending us lawyers letters for a scratch on a company car is beyond me. :(

I reversed my car into a Fife Council van that was too big to be parked in the car park at the back of our house.

Left a note sellotaped to the driver side window out of honesty and 3 weeks later they sent me a bill for £54.

Paid that as soon as we got it and then they tried billing me £12 for their own mechanic to fix the wing mirror that I knocked off.

Politely told them where to put their £12 as we should have been billed for 'time' at the same time as the initial bill.

Honesty sometimes isnt the best policy.

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Ach! I'm only pulling yer plunger :ph34r:

Its a travesty, a travesty i tell ya :angry: is that better?

Id prefer a consoling arm around my shoulder, but if thats the best you can muster, ill grudgingly take it.

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Guest The Phoenix
Id prefer a consoling arm around my shoulder, but if thats the best you can muster, ill grudgingly take it.

I'm sure you'll settle for LM massaging your ego rather than platitudes from Mr Bowie? :unsure:

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