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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Sitting on my arse watching telly, sleeping in until 2pm or thereabouts, using all the dishes and cups until I have none left that are clean, dumping all my read newspapers on the sofa, filling the kitchen bin and being too lazy to take it downstairs to the bin yard and not sweeping the laminate flooring, washing the tiled kitchen or bathroom flooring! :(

In my older, pre grown up days, this used to happen to our flat sometimes! Nowadays though, I just keep things relatively tidy...however, I can offer tips!

1. You dont need to wash ALL your dishes! Make sure you have enough for tonight, and then stack the rest in a kitchen cupboard or 2. Vow to do them soon, but for the love of god dont forget about them.

2. That isnt "dumping", thats "collecting", or even "recycling". Pile them up in your room somewhere, bung them in a black binbag and throw them into your bedroom. Worry about it after they have gone.

3. Go empty the bin you lazy b*****d.

4. Sweeping can sound torturous, but it really isnt that bad. This only takes a couple of minutes.

5. Washing tiles??? :blink: Tiles can be washed? Don't worry about this part, just make sure your sides have been wiped down and are clean. Clean tiles are for ponces.

6. Open some windows and air the place out. Dont resort to chemically air fresheners, just open your windows wide for a few hours and make sure the place doesnt smell so stale. This is the big one. People can forgive a messy house, but a stinking house? This is the equivalent of 4 hours of cleaning, so its massively time saving.

These days of course, my house is always clean and tidy (except the bathroom), always well aired (permanently open windows), and the kitchen is wiped down and cleaned every day. However, take these tips, and you'll have a presentable kitchen and living room in no time! :D

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I couldnt sit there with a pile of newspapers in my living room. Ive always hated the smell of newspapers and if I'm in a room I can usually smell a newspaper before I can see it. They always seem to smell worse the longer they have been sitting there as well! Maybe im just strange! :lol:

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Went to the bank after work to find out that between lunchtime and 5.00pm today, some fucking fraudster has cleaned my account out....I get paid weekly but there was still a fair bit in it and now there's nothing.

I now need to go up to the bank first thing tomorrow to see if they can refund me some of the transactions from my debit card that weren't mine!

I am beyond raging :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Went to the bank after work to find out that between lunchtime and 5.00pm today, some fucking fraudster has cleaned my account out....I get paid weekly but there was still a fair bit in it and now there's nothing.

I now need to go up to the bank first thing tomorrow to see if they can refund me some of the transactions from my debit card that weren't mine!

I am beyond raging :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

Have you cancelled your cards though? Get that done straight away, there is usually some sort of 24 hour number to call or something.

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Have you cancelled your cards though? Get that done straight away, there is usually some sort of 24 hour number to call or something.

Aye they were cancelled as soon as I discovered what had happened. It's making me want to get just a bog standard cashline card and none of this debit card nonsense.

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Aye they were cancelled as soon as I discovered what had happened. It's making me want to get just a bog standard cashline card and none of this debit card nonsense.

Its a pretty unfortunate thing to happen, but at least you noticed it straight away, so you can show that you noticed the problem quickly, cancelled your cards, and you're not trying to have a laugh with them.

Hope you get it sorted out.

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Its a pretty unfortunate thing to happen, but at least you noticed it straight away, so you can show that you noticed the problem quickly, cancelled your cards, and you're not trying to have a laugh with them.

Hope you get it sorted out.

I was thinking it was Friday the 13th today! :lol:

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Fucking housemates! <_<

We're in tonight, but Ive been effectively sent to my room because they have Big Brother on. I cant stay in the same room as something like that, it makes me squirm and want to hide. Its the same with Eastenders, Hollyoaks, Still Game, The Office etc. Arrrgh!

I hate squirmy tv. :(

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These days of course, my house is always clean and tidy (except the bathroom), always well aired (permanently open windows), and the kitchen is wiped down and cleaned every day. However, take these tips, and you'll have a presentable kitchen and living room in no time! :D

:lol: You knew I'd be watching didn't you? You wouldn't normally have thought to add that. You were right to though. I'm most disappointed not to be able to slate you for it. :(

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:lol: You knew I'd be watching didn't you? You wouldn't normally have thought to add that. You were right to though. I'm most disappointed not to be able to slate you for it. :(

Are you my new stalker? :o

And yes, I added that bit in just before I posted :D

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The Nationwide Bank. :angry:

I tried to open a new account with them today, because, they don't charge you for taking out money abroad. I'd been told this, and then saw their advert for it as well.

So after being told I need ID, Proof of Address etc (all of which I had taken in with me, knowing I'd need them), I filled out the form and gave various other details, and she said she would start-up an account for me. :) (Or so I thought. <_< )

After about 5 minutes (during which I had bored myself reading abour Fixed Interest Rates, ISA's and the likes), the woman comes back and says that my application for an account had been declined. :angry:

So I asked (politely) why this could have been. She said that usually it could be because of a bad credit rating (but in my case this was not it, because I don't have a negative one, and I have accounts, (and a Debit Card) with another bank.)

She said that all the details on the form are 'weighted' and it just declined my application. :angry: So I don't know, and she couldn't expand further, on why it declined my application!

So I went to my usual bank, and asked how much they charged for taking out money abroad. After they were helpful and friendly, and actually allowed me to have an account ( :huh: ) I don't mind paying the small amount.

Nationwide, Proud to be Different?

I think they should f**k off! :angry:

Rant over.

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The Nationwide Bank. :angry:

I tried to open a new account with them today, because, they don't charge you for taking out money abroad. I'd been told this, and then saw their advert for it as well.

So after being told I need ID, Proof of Address etc (all of which I had taken in with me, knowing I'd need them), I filled out the form and gave various other details, and she said she would start-up an account for me. :) (Or so I thought. <_< )

After about 5 minutes (during which I had bored myself reading abour Fixed Interest Rates, ISA's and the likes), the woman comes back and says that my application for an account had been declined. :angry:

So I asked (politely) why this could have been. She said that usually it could be because of a bad credit rating (but in my case this was not it, because I don't have a negative one, and I have accounts, (and a Debit Card) with another bank.)

She said that all the details on the form are 'weighted' and it just declined my application. :angry: So I don't know, and she couldn't expand further, on why it declined my application!

So I went to my usual bank, and asked how much they charged for taking out money abroad. After they were helpful and friendly, and actually allowed me to have an account ( :huh: ) I don't mind paying the small amount.

Nationwide, Proud to be Different?

I think they should f**k off! :angry:

Rant over.

That happens to me all the time Tom

Myabe it's because i owe the cvnts thousands :lol::lol:

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Shakey, it can actually be detrimental to have no credit history at all. You can only spend on a debit card as much as you have allowed funds in your bank, so unless you have an overdraft on that, you're not building up a credit history. If you've never actually had credit, how will the bank know they can trust you to behave with it? Also, of course, they won't know if they can actually make any money from you either, in which case, they don't want to know. If you've shown in the past that you've had credit and used it wisely, paid it back along with interest, you've actually got a better credit rating than someone who's never taken out credit for anything.

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Discovery Channel being the only channel on my box that isn't working, and being the only channel that I want to watch as there is a Deadliest Catch marathon.

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Don't know if I'm the only person to notice this, but at the big tournaments I don't like the way all the TV "pundits", commentators and Presenters refer to France as "France", Portugal as "Portugal" and so on, but Germany are always referred to as "The Germans".

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