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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I only knew that 'cos Mrs Kilt used it occassionally. :ph34r: I thought it was just a 'wimmin's' thing! :rolleyes:

FFS Kilt! How on earth you got away with not having to use it yourself in that case is a wonder! Please don't elaborate though!!! :huh:

Fudge is without question my favourite person ever.

Well make sure he's using a condom. You wouldn't want to go catching his latest affliction!

Folk who don't cover the nose when they're sneezing.

My friend was in Asda once, near the "choose your own" salad bar with loads of open bowls so you could just fill up a tub with whatever you fancied. A small boy was stood with his chin resting on the bar just by the bowls and let out a sudden sneeze. Without turning away or covering his nose/mouth! :yucky I've never eaten from the salad bar since!

Opening a bottle of wine to find it tastes horrible - and to add to the irritation, opened it after 10, so couldnt go get another or a few beers.

And what was wrong with Tesco? Or Asda? Or any of the other places you could've got alcohol at that time of night? :P

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And what was wrong with Tesco? Or Asda? Or any of the other places you could've got alcohol at that time of night? :P

You can't buy alcohol in Tesco after 10pm. Or indeed before 12.30pm on a Sunday - something a lot of people don't know.

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Guest The Phoenix
You can't buy alcohol in Tesco after 10pm. Or indeed before 12.30pm on a Sunday - something a lot of people don't know.

Maybe your wee country Tesco doesn't sell alcohol after 10 p.m. but many others have 24 hour licences (apart from Sunday).

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i'm absolutely dying after one quid drinks in that beat club last night and im working at 5.

My hangover cure today:

  • get up
  • lie down again very quickly
  • snooze
  • take a bite of bacon roll
  • run to the toilet to be sick
  • feel great and eat the rest of the bacon roll and drink cup of (now cold) tea
  • feel a bit ill again and lie down
  • snooze
  • have alka seltzer
  • shower

I feel brilliant now!

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What shops sell booze after 10pm? I just thought it was the law that every shop couldn't sell booze after 10pm. This is exciting news.

a place called peckhams in glasgow sells it untill about midnight or something.

it's no bad if you need a late carryout but it's slightly more expensive than your run of the mill londis etc.

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What shops sell booze after 10pm? I just thought it was the law that every shop couldn't sell booze after 10pm. This is exciting news.

Yeah, I was sure it was no booze sales after 10pm in Scotland. The only time I've got after 10 is at Peckhams in the Merchant City, possibly because they have seats upstairs so its not technically an off license? Dunno if the one on Hyndland road does it as well. Some mates of mine have bought from 'dial a booze' before, apparently some wee chinese dude delivered them a crate out of the boot of his car at about 3 in the morning.

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I'm right royally stuck at Super Mario Bros on the DS...I've spent the past half hour trying to figure out how to proceed in world 6-1 :angry:

Which bit are you stuck at? My 7 year old has completed it. I'll ask him to help. ;)

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Which bit are you stuck at? My 7 year old has completed it. I'll ask him to help. ;)

Thanks, I need it or this DS is going through a window! :lol:

I dunno how to get on in world 6-1...I'm stuck at the bottom of some cliffs!

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Thanks, I need it or this DS is going through a window! :lol:

I dunno how to get on in world 6-1...I'm stuck at the bottom of some cliffs!

Two seconds...the wee man is onto it. :D

Edit: you have to bounce up the cliffs in stages, i.e. press jump until you hit the wall then up and jump again and you'll bounce off the wall up the way, then again until you get to the top.

That's an easy level, even I can do it. :o

Edited by Monster
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Two seconds...the wee man is onto it. :D

Edit: you have to bounce up the cliffs in stages, i.e. press jump until you hit the wall then up and jump again and you'll bounce off the wall up the way, then again until you get to the top.

That's an easy level, even I can do it. :o


I'll tackle it after the good Doctor, many thanks to you and the wee man...I may be back asking questions later! :lol:

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It's alcohol licensing laws in Scotland that prevent Tesco from selling after 10pm. I doubt any other Tesco in Scotland would be different.

Indeed, another thing that a lot of people don't know or indeed understand. They think it's a store policy, it's not. It's Scottish licensing laws that prevent us from selling alcohol after/before certain times on certain days.

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