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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It's not just Inverclyde! We have old people problems in our supermarkets down in Englandshire too, believe it or not. :P

It's old women that get on my nerves. When I've finished my hard day's shift, I'm quite happy to sit on the bus, plug into my iPod and let the journey go by. I also pay for my seat, so why should I have to give up my seat when it's busy for some old bat who's stupid enough to go shopping when people are going home from their work.

Not only that, they stare at you in the hope that their mental power will make you give up your seat for them. I say NO! If they can walk about the shops for a couple of hours and stand at a bus stop, they are perfectly capable of standing on a sodding bus if it's busy.

Obvious exceptions to this rule are those with walking difficulties, pregnant women and blind people.

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why should I have to give up my seat when it's busy for some old bat who's stupid enough to go shopping when people are going home from their work.

Obvious exceptions to this rule are those with walking difficulties, pregnant women and blind people.

Common decency? Its like the people who park in disabled or parent and child spaces and then rant about their principles. You know, would the extra 2 minutes walk really kill you?

Same with the old people on public transport, does it really hurt to have to stand up for a few minutes more? You are young, you are strong, why not show a bit of common decency to the elderly?

Edited to add, and why would you give your seat up to the blind? By your logic, nothing wrong with their legs.

Edited by The Gray Ghost
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Common decency? Its like the people who park in disabled or parent and child spaces and then rant about their principles. You know, would the extra 2 minutes walk really kill you?

Same with the old people on public transport, does it really hurt to have to stand up for a few minutes more? You are young, you are strong, why not show a bit of common decency to the elderly?

Edited to add, and why would you give your seat up to the blind? By your logic, nothing wrong with their legs.

The elderly should be pulped and turned into glue....

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The day the elderly show common decency towards myself is the day it's returned.

I nurse my contempt according to my mood on the day.

Edit: try getting a bus from Greenock to Largs without developing an urge to kill each and every od person. It stops for each old biddy every 100m down the street along a frikking 12 mile road. :angry:

Edited by vikingTON
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Same with the old people on public transport, does it really hurt to have to stand up for a few minutes more?

Same question applies for the old biddies

why would you give your seat up to the blind? By your logic, nothing wrong with their legs.

So you would be quite happy to let blind people negotiate their way to the back of a bus, would you?

Common decency is one thing, but I hate being expected to do things. Life's about choice and if I choose to give up my seat then I will.

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The day the elderly show common decency towards myself is the day it's returned.

I nurse my contempt according to my mood on the day.

Edit: try getting a bus from Greenock to Largs without developing an urge to kill each and every od person. It stops for each old biddy every 100mdown the street along a frikking 12 mile road. :angry:

Well said that man

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Absolutely crumbled my ankle first period today in PE and went along to casualty with a suspected fracture. Turns out it's just a bad sprain, but holy f**k, i've never ever felt pain like that in my entire life. Though i was gonna spew and had a really loud ringing in my ears, felt as though i was going to collapse.

Have you torn ligaments? I did the same about 10 years ago and my ankle is still weak. I was in agony, the hospital said it would've been better if I'd broken it. :(

Keep your chin up!

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If you don't give up your seat for an old person or a woman then you're a bit of a c**t tbf.

Aye, but a c**t with a nice chair to sit on! Internment camps for the old! pulp and reduce them to base proteins! Useful for all sorts of applications from glue to baby food!

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Aye, but a c**t with a nice chair to sit on! Internment camps for the old! pulp and reduce them to base proteins! Useful for all sorts of applications from glue to baby food!

I'd have a selective process - I'd estimate there's one good egg for every 2 moany bints.

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Absolutely crumbled my ankle first period today in PE and went along to casualty with a suspected fracture. Turns out it's just a bad sprain, but holy f**k, i've never ever felt pain like that in my entire life. Though i was gonna spew and had a really loud ringing in my ears, felt as though i was going to collapse.

God sake, you always have some sort of injury on you! You won't be playing Monday or Wednesday then?

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It's old women that get on my nerves. When I've finished my hard day's shift, I'm quite happy to sit on the bus, plug into my iPod and let the journey go by. I also pay for my seat, so why should I have to give up my seat when it's busy for some old bat who's stupid enough to go shopping when people are going home from their work.

Not only that, they stare at you in the hope that their mental power will make you give up your seat for them. I say NO! If they can walk about the shops for a couple of hours and stand at a bus stop, they are perfectly capable of standing on a sodding bus if it's busy.

Obvious exceptions to this rule are those with walking difficulties, pregnant women and blind people.

Bus and rail pases for the over 60s should be invalid between 7am & 9am and again between 4pm and 6pm as far as I'm concerned.

If you want to travel at peak times then fucking pay top dollar like the rest of us.

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I'd give up my seat on a bus to a fairly old person, who looks like he/she might have trouble standing the whole journey, but not some 55yr old great grand mother on her way back from Maryhill shopping centre with bags of shopping. She can f**k right off.

That's the point I'm making

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