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N H L Returns: Official Ice hockey thread

Savage Henry

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Anyone following the new hockey season?

As a bay area sports fan, I've followed the San Jose Sharks for the last few seasons.

This year we get a full season from Joe Thornton, last season's MVP who they took for daylight robbery from the Bruins. He and Jonathan Cheechoo will cause no end of trouble on offense. Sadly our defensive line hasn't been improved much, or at all even, since last year. But we'll no doubt make the post season again, as our division isn't terrible strong.

Edited by Savage Henry
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I don't know much about ice hockey but whenever I've watched it I've quite enjoyed it.

I quite like the Pittsburgh Penguins, simply because of their name :lol: They have signed this Russian guy Malkin who is apparently top notch but has dislocated his shoulder and will be missing for a while.

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I don't know much about ice hockey but whenever I've watched it I've quite enjoyed it.

I quite like the Pittsburgh Penguins, simply because of their name :lol: They have signed this Russian guy Malkin who is apparently top notch but has dislocated his shoulder and will be missing for a while.

You should take a trip along to murrayfield to watch the edinburgh capitals chris, you'l enjoy it, i went to my first hockey game when i was 12 and ive been hooked ever since, its always a good night out, plus you get the occasional fight B)

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I think Ice Hockey is the most entertaining of the US sports. Glad the seasons starting :) should be an interesting one :)

Cmon the Thrashers :D

And Chris, Penguins were the worst team in the NHL last year, better not to go with the best team name ;) ;)

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I think Ice Hockey is the most entertaining of the US sports.

It's as much Canadian as U.S, i think the Americans hold it in the same regard as Baseball i.e worse than the rubbish game that is American football.

Go Flames, best team, best stadium and best logo. :)


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I wouldn't have thought ice hockey would be popular in the South like Atlanta :unsure: Is it not more of a Northern / Canadian game?

Are Five showing ice hockey still in the UK?

It isnt all that popular, but still gets a decent following. In Augusta there is a minor league Hocket team, that regularly gets attendances in the 1000s.

However, it may not be very popular, but the last 2 Stanley Cup winners have been southern teams :lol: (Carolina and Tampa bay)

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Update: Five's coverage of the NHL starts on 1st November after the World Series finishes.

Five's coverage of NHL is usually ok, except it's normally on at about 5 a.m or thereabouts. :rolleyes::lol:

If you have NASN or know someone who does, they cover most games with live hockey on Saturday night's (Sunday mornings to be precise) with re-runs and talk shows.

And they also have the same frequency of commercials too as US/Canadian tv. (I think they use CBC's coverage.)

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