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Hillwalking Thread

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3 hours ago, The Woolshed said:


Conditions were outstanding. Up and down in 4 an a half. Not a breath of wind.

Nice mate. Not as much snow as I'd have expected to see.  I'm off to Loch Rannoch area for the munros of Carn Dearg & Sgor Ghaibre and a bonus corby, Meall na Moig. Forecast is again tremendous. Getting up to scrape the car at 5am will not be tremendous :lol:

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Enjoy Jupe [emoji106]????. Forecast does look really good again. We couldn't believe the lack of snow heading up either. Fair whack over on Lochnagar. I guess the extra height and fact it's more inland.

Legs are sore today anyway but will definitely try another more challenging one next year.

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25 minutes ago, Hamish's Passenger said:

I went up Ben Lawers with the missus and the dug yesterday. It was very misty but within minutes it had cleared. Love this picture.318f8b3c240766a948e70f6864c3ef7f.jpg

It's getting framed I think.




You were sledging as well?!!

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Brilliant conditions for winter walking yesterday pretty much everywhere it seems. I joined a couple of friends (after a deeply unpleasant alarm at 4:30am to head to just short of Rannoch Station for the munros of Carn Dearg and Sgor Ghaibre, with the corbett of Beinn Pharlagain added on the way in. A physically tough day with lots of deep soft snow to contend with on both ridges, but the views were stunning, with cloud inversions all over the place. The only downside was walking 6-7 miles on a hardcore landy track in B2 boots, a rather painful experience :lol:  Still, more of the same with a good forecast for Thursday, I'm off to the Monadhliaths. 


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Sunday was a fine end to eight days where I had three outings in absolutely perfect winter weather. The Thursday after the above post I did the three Monadhliaths, though I somewhat underestimated the difficulty involved in getting from the 2nd to the 3rd munro over 4.5 miles in soft snow, followed by the misery of a 5.5 mile walk out of which nearly half was over shit, unreliable and pathless terrain in near darkness. Ended up being a 10 hour epic, but the weather was again glorious. 


After a couple of days of recovery (my feet were fucking agony) I took a last minute decision to head north-west to Loch Quoich and the Spidean Mialach - Gleouraich ridge. Getting there is a pain in the tits (145 mile each way). Had to get up at 4am on Sunday, the drive took 4+ hours, including a sleep in a layby near Roy Bridge. The single track road out to Quoich dam is shite but the walk more than makes up for it, got brilliant views, fogbows and a brocken spectre. 



Seven munros and a corbett over 8 days is a pleasing haul, no niggles with the dodgy knee and all in excellent conditions. Ben Lomond this coming weekend, and maybe nearby Ben Vorlich if i can be arsed. 

Edited by jupe1407
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Trip up Ben Lomond with some folk from work today. Not too cold, not too windy. Unfit as feck at the moment though, so was harder than I remember the hill being. Very little cloud around the mountain until coming back down when it turned into a scene from John Carpenter's The Fog for a short while, but a decent trip.IMG_0407_zpsrq8dtbtl.jpg

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Nice one. I have fond memories of Gleouraich & Spidean Mialach after an inversion in March which cleared in time for a similar view west along Loch Quioch towards Knoydart. That ridge is a delightful stroll in good conditions.

I've no been as prolific recently with moving house and a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder from trying to shift furniture. The new bird who lives out of town is further curtailing the hill activity but I still managed a hoof up Saileag last week.

 Looks like another ace weekend in prospect but I'll probably no get out with one thing and another. Hope you can make the most of it.


Cheers bud. Had a decent bike/hike up Beinn Dearg yesterday and it looks good for tomorrow's trip to Ben Lomond.

Good luck with the new hoose!

Trip up Ben Lomond with some folk from work today. Not too cold, not too windy. Unfit as feck at the moment though, so was harder than I remember the hill being. Very little cloud around the mountain until coming back down when it turned into a scene from John Carpenter's The Fog for a short while, but a decent trip.IMG_0407_zpsrq8dtbtl.jpg

Was there any snow to speak of? Doing it tomorrow but not having to wear winter boots nor cart up the ironmongery would be nice.

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Lomond via Ptarmigan was a piece of piss tbh. Virtually no snow left, just frosted over grass. We came back down the tourist route, and the wee diversion near the end is indeed a brief bogfest. Did the loop in 4.5 hours with a decent break at the summit (which we surprisingly had to ourselves - met all the crowds on the way down). Nipped round to Alexandria for some scran at the Stables, which was excellent. 


No hills next week as I've got the works Xmas night out and will no doubt be fucking crumpled. The advanced forecast is also fairly shite. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Swordfishtrombone said:

Walked up Ben Cleuch from the Tilly Glen side on Thursday. I am not fit and the ascent up The Law nearly finished me it is steep as hell  The view down to Forth Valley was worth the climb.

Walks like that or East lomond from Falkland are usually more brutal than a day on the munros as they tend to be straight up calf burners.

Something on landy track under 6 hours for me tomorrow so possibly Glas Tulaichean from Dalmunzie.

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