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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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1 minute ago, throbber said:


I don't know how much they made out of it there was something posted in this thread a while back which showed how much they had and where the money went etc. The money isn't going in their pocket and they are still a child down, I'm pretty sure they would rather have the child and their old lives back. The scum bag newspapers on the other hand are delighted that all this has taken place as they have milked it since day one.


The scumbag newspapers didn't "lose" the said child.

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1 minute ago, throbber said:


There could well have been an opportunist abductor though who was aware there were unattended children in the vicinity.


True. She could still be hidden under his desk at the Daily Mails offices too...

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11 minutes ago, throbber said:


There could well have been an opportunist abductor though who was aware there were unattended children in the vicinity.



That's probably the likeliest scenario. Can anyone recall how long the McCanns had been at the staying at the resort when this happened? Had they got into a habit of leaving their kids on their own?

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8 minutes ago, throbber said:


I think they were meant to be staying a fortnight and were at start of the second week? They had left the kids alone before, one time Kate got back and Madeline asked why she had left them alone, Kate wrote about this in her book. It's not that unlikely that some weirdo could have been watching them the entire time they were there and seized their moment, there are a lot of sick people in the world after all so it's not really that unlikely.



You would have thought that might have told them something.

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8 minutes ago, throbber said:


I think they were meant to be staying a fortnight and were at start of the second week? They had left the kids alone before, one time Kate got back and Madeline asked why she had left them alone, Kate wrote about this in her book. It's not that unlikely that some weirdo could have been watching them the entire time they were there and seized their moment, there are a lot of sick people in the world after all so it's not really that unlikely.

going by the mccanns "story" the abductor seemingly had a window of opportunity of an hour at best to

break into the apartment through shutters that could only be opened from the inside
abduct madeleine from her bed, without waking the twins or her
go back to the same window as previous,
manage to get himself out the window, along with a sleeping child, a window that was 3 feet off the ground, and not leave a single trace of evidence that either went through the window
get madeleine to wherever she was going with no one seeing him or her

plus the fact that gerry especially of the two parents looks a right shiftless b*****d

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1 hour ago, throbber said:


The most important thing though is that the media couldn't care less about the welfare of the missing child and only care about the story so they can make plenty money out of it and so that certain journalists can cover the story and get attention out of it. Upon hearing that a child has gone missing they already know what line they can take and how they can manipulate the story as much as possible, and middle class successful parents are easier to demonise I suppose. They won't be thinking for one second about if the child is dead or alive as any sort of decent human being might.


Are you for real, they've been treated with the lightest of kid gloves in this case.

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23 minutes ago, throbber said:


I am for real but you are right and wrong with what you have said. Over all they have been let off by the authorities who would have looked at it differently but the media are constantly toying with the idea that the parents were involved to keep people second guessing their credibility and therefore maintaining interest in the case. The media would love it if the parents did get proven to be involved and would utterly destroy them.


Probably because they have been as unimpressed with them as the rest of us.

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Polygraphs are a crock of shit. But 12 seconds though...

edit: "We're not going to comment on anything", then comments on it, rubs ear and mentions sedatives (not Calpol). 

Case closed m'lud. 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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She washed the kids toy which I always found odd. Also did they not phone Sky news before they called the police? The UK tabloids where asking questions early in the case but then Express got sued and now no one even mentions they scenario that they were involved. Fucking strange met police haven't interviewed them seeing as they have spunked 11 million on the case. Also the questions Kate refused to answer







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3 hours ago, throbber said:


I am for real but you are right and wrong with what you have said. Over all they have been let off by the authorities who would have looked at it differently but the media are constantly toying with the idea that the parents were involved to keep people second guessing their credibility and therefore maintaining interest in the case. The media would love it if the parents did get proven to be involved and would utterly destroy them.


The reason the media are keen to keep people guessing is because it's just as likely to be the parents as much as an intruder. There is no conclusive evidence otherwise. If they did have any involvement they deserve to be utterly destroyed. In fact, they deserve to be destroyed, literally, for leaving their kids in the first place.


When my kids were young and we were on holiday, we had reservations for restaurants that had to be cancelled because they'd fallen asleep or weren't feeling great. You just grab a pizza or get room service and you stay with the kids. What the McCanns did Is despicable.

Edited by tree house tam
Stupid phone
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