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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Where's the motive for capturing a young girl to treat her nice?

A mother who had recently lost a child, or has been rendered infertile, may be driven to commit such an act.

I believe the hit drama "River City" recently touched upon this theme.

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Even if that was the captor's/captors' intent, the odds of that happening as so deeply remote. For one thing, the first time she's seen in public, she'll be recognised - so how will they enroll her in school or allow her to make friends?

Im sure it can happen. A change of hair colour, a few years older and the kid may be unrecognisable. Home school the kid until the whole thing dies down, make sure you move away from the immediate area. There is also nothing to say that eventually they do not get caught, but the kid could be well looked after in the meantime.

Maybe the kind guy i am is just hoping for the best, (as i said before) but it can happen.

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A mother who had recently lost a child, or has been rendered infertile, may be driven to commit such an act.

I believe the hit drama "River City" recently touched upon this theme.

I know you were just making a good point, but no need for the embellishment that is surely a lie :o

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Even if that was the captor's/captors' intent, the odds of that happening as so deeply remote. For one thing, the first time she's seen in public, she'll be recognised - so how will they enroll her in school or allow her to make friends?

They are hardly likely to keep her in the same place, she is likely to be in a different country by now.

Maybe a Scandinavian country?

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Im sure it can happen. A change of hair colour, a few years older and the kid may be unrecognisable. Home school the kid until the whole thing dies down, make sure you move away from the immediate area. There is also nothing to say that eventually they do not get caught, but the kid could be well looked after in the meantime.

Maybe the kind guy i am is just hoping for the best, (as i said before) but it can happen.

Ah, ha!

I knew there was someone out there who watched the Hallmark channel!

Maybe a Scandinavian country?

I was thinking Madagascar.

Edited by Hieronymous_Bosch
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A mother who had recently lost a child, or has been rendered infertile, may be driven to commit such an act.

I believe the hit drama "River City" recently touched upon this theme.

True. I watched a film years ago with Michelle Pffeifer(sp) which was about that very subject. True story apprantly as well.

Her bairn went missing, and he turned up years later at her door step offering to mow the lawn :o

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I watched an episode of CSI the other day that was about a mother who had lost her son, but had developed a fixation with a young boy who played in her local park and had invented this reality inside her head that he was her son. She called out the CSIs to investigate when his real parents took him home, claiming that he had been "kidnapped".

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Yes, and a lot can happen in the time that it takes Div to realise something is up, and cross the road.

Maybe but how long do you really think it would take him to get across the road to the child? :unsure:

Much less than 30 minutes I imagine!

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Maybe but how long do you really think it would take him to get across the road to the child? :unsure:

Much less than 30 minutes I imagine!

I`m sure he would be there as quick as humanly possible. However it may still be too late.

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I would like to think of myself as a reasonably responsible parent but I quite often put the wee man to bed and nip over the road to my neighbours house for a shandy of a weekend. We take a walkie talkie across the road and leave the other one in baby mode in his room.

He is three and a half.

We go over and check on him every hour.

We can see the house from where we are and we are approximately 25 yards from the house.

I don't really see this as being any different than being sat out in the garden whilst he was sleeping up stairs.

I have to say however I wouldn't do the same thing in a foreign country but does anyone think the above actions are scandalous - should I be put in jail ???

Maybe, maybe not. But it would appear according to most of the judges, juries and executioners on here that you should certainly have your child taken into care, face abandonment charges and possibly be banned from future procreation!

Incidentally I'm completely at a loss as to what difference a foreign country makes to things? If we've established in principle that you're prepared to do that what odds does it make where you do it?

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Incidentally I'm completely at a loss as to what difference a foreign country makes to things? If we've established in principle that you're prepared to do that what odds does it make where you do it?

I'd have thought the thinking is you have more control/knowledge over the local environment and the people who are in it, than you do in Portugal.

I can see both sides here to be honest - I wouldn't blame the parents too much. I just found the media treatment interesting.

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Incidentally I'm completely at a loss as to what difference a foreign country makes to things? If we've established in principle that you're prepared to do that what odds does it make where you do it?

Pretty much what HB has alluded to. I know the area I live in - which is incredibly quiet. A foreign holiday resort is always busy - people wandering around the resort all the time, coming and going, and the faces changing every other day - it's a completely different scenario to the one which I describe at home IMO.

Not judging the parents in this case at all - I just think they have done what thousands of parents do abroad every week of the year tbh.

Hope they find the little girl and she is ok.

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Pretty much what HB has alluded to. I know the area I live in - which is incredibly quiet. A foreign holiday resort is always busy - people wandering around the resort all the time, coming and going, and the faces changing every other day - it's a completely different scenario to the one which I describe at home IMO.

Not judging the parents in this case at all - I just think they have done what thousands of parents do abroad every week of the year tbh.

Hope they find the little girl and she is ok.

Fair enough, I didn't phrase that well, I obviously got the implication of the difference, I was merely trying to highlight that in principle it's no different.

Your second paragraph is the crux of the whole thing really. Regardless of the whys and wherefors of it, they've not committed some heinous sin, they've made an error of judgement that will undoubtedly haunt them forever. It saddens me how many people on here are queueing up to have a go, second guess and in some cases actually advocating criminal neglect charges. Like they're not suffering enough. :(

People make mistakes. It's against the law to use a non hands free mobile phone whilst driving. It's against the law to speed too but most of us have probably done both at one time or another. Some very unlucky people will end up causing or being caught in an accident as a result. There but for the grace of God go all of us though.

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Guest The Phoenix
1It saddens me how many people on here are queueing up to have a go,

2second guess and

3 in some cases actually advocating criminal neglect charges.

4 Like they're not suffering enough. :(

1 I'm not having a go.

2 Who's second guessing - it is a fact they left their three year old daughter without adult supervision

3 This would be a criminal neglect charge in Britain. I would hope such charges were applied in every case not just some.

4 I doubt very much if the parents are logged on to P&B so I fail to see how anyone on here is adding to their suffering.

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1 I'm not having a go.

2 Who's second guessing - it is a fact they left their three year old daughter without adult supervision

3 This would be a criminal neglect charge in Britain. I would hope such charges were applied in every case not just some.

So do you think that you should chain your kids to you until they get to about 4 then? or atleast to an adult? Did you stay around your kids every minute of every day until they went to school? and then took them home and again never left their side?

4 I doubt very much if the parents are logged on to P&B so I fail to see how anyone on here is adding to their suffering.

You don't know that for sure. They may have relatives of theirs who are PnB readers.

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Guest The Phoenix
1 So do you think that you should chain your kids to you until they get to about 4 then? or atleast to an adult?

2 Did you stay around your kids every minute of every day until they went to school? and then took them home and again never left their side?

3 You don't know that for sure. They may have relatives of theirs who are PnB readers.


1 No. I said they left them alone, without adult supervision, which is a criminal offence in Britain.

2 No. But I (nor my wife) never left them alone in the Portugal Scenario or anything similar.

3 Get real - you really think anyone related to them is on P&B, given the situation in Portugal?

Bluetooner, I defended you in the past but you are in danger of losing the plot on this one. :(

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1 No. I said they left them alone, without adult supervision, which is a criminal offence in Britain.

2 No. But I (nor my wife) never left them alone in the Portugal Scenario or anything similar.

3 Get real - you really think anyone related to them is on P&B, given the situation in Portugal?

Bluetooner, I defended you in the past but you are in danger of losing the plot on this one. :(

1. They havent left them alone in Britain (as far as we are aware). I assume you are going to call the police on Div since he has admitted he does.

2. You havent left them alone in that scenario, other people have (as Debbies mother has admitted to)

3. Why does it have to be now? in a month or 2 time when the outcome may be known, they could come across the thread and be upset about what everyone is saying about their family.

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