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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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All pre-supposing of course that it was a paedophile that did it.


a murder they couldn't possibly have committed

Ho hum. I still dont see how they could not possibly have committed said murder?

At least they are suspects, although jiust like in the Iranian incident a few months back, we've only heard one half of the story. It will be interesting to hear what the Portugese police actually have to say - when they are good and ready.

After all the vilification they have had, wouldnt it be nice if they were able to wrap this up.

For what its worth, I still reckon it was the parents. Ive noticed more and more speculation on here, at work, and in the media that is following my line of thinking. For those having a go at the police etc. for DARING to ask questions and try to eradicate innacuracies in the story of the 'snatching', shut up and let them do their job!

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Must have been easier to take one of the twins, if they just wanted to snatch a 4 year old it would have been easier to grab a unguarded kid off the street.

Instead of spying and working out the McCanns meal/bevvy up routine then breaking into the apartment and sloping off into the night.

The McCanns aren't telling the whole truth.

Because paedophiles haven't ever been known before to fixate on a particular child they've seen have they? :blink:

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From todays Daily Star. I wonder how this will go down with the British public?


MADELEINE McCann's parents are set to use £1million donated by the public to find their child to fund their criminal defence.

Gerry and Kate McCann want to hire a team of top lawyers to fight police allegations they killed their daughter and hid her body.

And the couple plan to use Madeleine's Fund to pay for it.

The move provoked outrage last night from people who donated cash before the parents were named official suspects.

In messages posted on internet websites many revealed that they planned to demand their

donations back.

And some called for the fund to be frozen.

But legal experts said there was little that could be done to stop the McCanns – because the fund is a private business and not a charity.

It was rejected by the Charity Commission which ruled its aims were not broad enough to merit charitable status.


Instead Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Ltd was set up as a company.

That means the McCanns only have to get the consent of the firm's board of directors to access the cash.

apostropheLeft.gif I never really imagined we'd be in this situation.apostropheRight.gif Gerry McCann

And they are all either close pals or relatives.

So far heart surgeon Gerry and GP Kate, both 39, have paid for their own lawyers.

But if they are formally charged – as their Portuguese attorney has predicted – the legal bill will rocket.

Police admit the case could take up to two years to go to trial.

The couple's spokeswoman Justine McGuinness said: "Gerry and Kate are paying for their own legal team.

"But they are looking into the legality of using the Find Madeleine campaign fund in the future."

Gerry admitted he was frustrated the

couple had not yet been able to use the fund to pay legal bills.

He said: "It seems like a disaster that we've got this huge donated fund and now we're not allowed to use it for legal costs because we're under


"I never really imagined we'd be in this situation.

"And it could get worse I suppose. But ultimately if it comes to that, sooner or later, there'll be a formal process whereby we can rebut things in court. Then it will all come out. At least now we've got a clearer view of what we're up against, whereas what we had before was smear and innuendo.

"We know what we have to fight now. The problem is we do have a fight.

"Because of the amount of pressure there's been on the Policia Judicia and all the

criticism you always wonder how far they will go.

"Now I've seen what they've got I'm actually clearer in my mind why they've shifted and treated us so differently.

"I'm still concerned with their perception of the evidence.

"But that's for us to sort out with legal support."

So far the fund's directors have not commented on whether they will release cash for defence lawyers. They include former GMTV presenter Esther McVey, 39, a family friend who runs a Liverpool-based PR firm; Gerry's brother John McCann, 48, and Madeleine's great uncle Brian Kennedy, 68.

Other directors include Doug Skehan, 54, a clinical director of cardiology who works alongside Gerry at Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, and friends Peter Hubner, 64, who is a retired consultant and Philip Tomlinson, 76, a lawyer.


According to its stated aims the fund can be used to "provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family".

Additionally the cash can be used to ensure "Madeleine's abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors are identified and brought to justice."

The fund's website states: "Those directors who are members of Madeleine's family cannot vote in discussions relating to payments to family members."

But that did not stop donors threatening to demand their cash back.

One wrote on a website detailing the police suspicions about the parents: "I've given money to this fund hoping it would help find Madeleine.

"I can't believe the parents are suspects. I can't imagine they've had anything to do with it, but I don't want them using my money hiring lawyers."

The person added: "All the money should be returned."

Another penned: "I'm writing to get my money back. I didn't give it to pay solicitors to fight for the McCanns' innocence."

And another said: "This stinks. I'd rather give money to the police. What they're finding might not be pleasant but they're doing their job."

Edited by FFCinthearea
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On the fund thing, I'm not sure anyone could be surprised.

When I looked at the terms of the fund I said a lot earlier in this thread that I couldn't understand why anyone would contribute to it, and it was completely open to abuse, which is exactly what is happening.

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From todays Daily Star. I wonder how this will go down with the British public?


I'm not sure this is what the fund was meant for? :unsure:

But then again if you're daft enough to contribute to it then you can't really complain.

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Guest Ron Burgundy

According to the newspaper Sol, the friends' account is as follows:

6pm The McCanns collect Madeleine and their twin siblings from the creche at the Ocean Club

7.30 The three children are put to bed

8.30 Kate and Gerry McCann arrive at the tapas restaurant

8.45 Family friends Russell O'Brien, a doctor from Exeter, and Matthew and Rachael Oldfield, a doctor and recruitment consultant from London, arrive

8.55 David and Fiona Payne, both doctors from Leicester, arrive

9.00 Gerry McCann goes to check on his children

9.05 Mr McCann is returning to the table when he runs into Jeremy Wilkins, an English TV producer whom he befriended on the tennis courts, and the pair chat in the street just outside the McCann's apartment

9.10 Jane Tanner, Mr O'Brien's partner, is coming late to the dinner, one of their children having been sick, when she sees a man walking away from the McCann's apartment with a child over his shoulder. She tells police that she passed directly alongside Mr McCann and Mr Wilkins; the latter tells police he saw neither her nor the mysterious man.

so we are to believe both the father and a friend were standing outside the apartment talking as someone broke in took the child and escaped through a window with no-one else seeing other than this woman?

9.25 Gerry McCann returns to the restaurant. Mr Oldfield leaves to check on his own children

spends 15 mins chatting to a guy he met on a tennis court right outside the apartment and we are meant to believe the little girl was targetted by someone, well what kind of fucking idiot child snatcher, with the logistical knowledge to sneak a child out of a country would watch children being checked every 5 mins and still press ahead with a snatch?

9.30 Mr Oldfield goes to the McCann's apartment; he doesn't raise any suspicions at the time but later says that he noticed there was more light in the apartment. Russell O'Brien leaves at the same time, to discover that his daughter is vomiting

Why did he go to their apartment, what possible reason would he have for just passing by and noticing there was more light in the apartment?

9.35 Mr Oldfield returns to the table

9.55 Mr O'Brien returns

10.00 Kate McCann goes to the apartment and discovers that her daughter has gone. She returns to the restaurant and raises the alarm.

Someones lying about that night and they seem to have kept that woman pretty quiet since.

Edited by Ron Burgundy
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More terrific legal analysis from Philomena McCann today as well. She really understands the intricacies of the legal process, and her knowledge is apparently easily transferred from legal system to legal system. I wonder if she fancies taking on some Amnesty International work...

""It is unbelievable they have been named as suspects, no one believes the Portuguese police.

"They are assuming on spurious evidence that Madeleine is now dead.

"Well, we don't agree with that in any shape or form, and we want the investigation changed round to look for Madeleine alive, as we reckon she is."

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"Because of the amount of pressure there's been on the Policia Judicia and all the

criticism you always wonder how far they will go.

So who has been putting pressure on the Portuguese Police? Tourist Boards, The British Press, The McCanns?

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More terrific legal analysis from Philomena McCann today as well.

Well I'm pretty sure she's got a lot of time on her hands, seeing as she can't get out of her seat, so maybe's she's been studying international law.....

Then again I doubt her fat fingers can turn the page of a book.

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Well I'm pretty sure she's got a lot of time on her hands, seeing as she can't get out of her seat, so maybe's she's been studying international law.....

Then again I doubt her fat fingers can turn the page of a book.


You'd think, having such an incredibly stupid name, she would go to great lengths not to have it in the paper. But no.

I love how the papers and even BBC Online where I got those quotes from, give her column space, when she is just a ranting madwoman.

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Guest Ron Burgundy
So who has been putting pressure on the Portuguese Police? Tourist Boards, The British Press, The McCanns?

The viscious Airtours and Thompsons holiday crime clans are putting pressure on the police so their portuguese connection can keep working

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Going on the basis that we all know feck all about it, how about this for a made up on the story/motive.

They killed maddie as she had an incurable disease, they actually had the twins thinking they would carry a gene that could save her.

The gene therapy didn't work so they bumped her off.

Just felt the need to re introduce the WB theory.

As for the kids body, she was dumped in the clinical waste of the local hospital, all wrapped nicely in the appropriate packaging.

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Just felt the need to re introduce the WB theory.

As for the kids body, she was dumped in the clinical waste of the local hospital, all wrapped nicely in the appropriate packaging.

Thats a new method.

So on the thread between various murders we have;

Dispose in clinical waste

Acid bath

Inaccessable quarys

Under roads

Fed to pigs.

Lets hope no P&B'er goes AWOL anytime soon!

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Guest Captain Saintsible
According to the newspaper Sol, the friends' account is as follows:

6pm The McCanns collect Madeleine and their twin siblings from the creche at the Ocean Club

7.30 The three children are put to bed


Let me get this straight. They had their kids in a creche and then they put them to bed at 7.30pm??

Did they spend any time with their kids on this holiday?

I've seen Div mention that we've all done things that maybe left our kids unsafe - and I can agree to this to an extent. But the thought of putting your kids to bed at 7.30pm and then going out for dinner - and doing this night after night - is just not something that I could ever contemplate - not do I find it plausible that I could get a 4 year old to happliy go to bed and to sleep at 7.30pm in the evening while on holiday!

As I've said before, my own 3 year old (in fact she was still 2 when we were on holiday) was still running about after midnight full of life. I can also remember when we first went abroad with my son when he was 4 - there is no way that he would easily or happily gone to bed at 7.30pm.

And leaving aside the fact that I find it incerdibly hard to believe that a 4 year old would easily go to sleep so early in the evening - what is the point in having kids and going on holiday with them if you are just going to stick them in a creche and then put them to bed early every night so you can go off for dinner with your friends?

For me and my wife - having the kids out with us at night is great fun - we like to be with our children (even though our son is a real handful). At the apartments we were at everyone with kids had them out at night - and it didn't stop all enjoying ourselves, eating, drinking and socialising.

Putting your kids in a creche and then putting them in bed early all stinks of incredible selfishness to me.

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Guest Captain Saintsible
Ifacing the ridiculous notion of being charged for a murder they couldn't possibly have committed -

It can't be that ridiculous if the Portugese Police and now following that line of enquiry. You need to remember that they now have forensic evidence - and I'd imagine they must have something pretty compelling to go down this route. And its not as if they they are doing this alone - they've been working with the UK Police and its UK labs who have been doing the forensics.

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Let me get this straight. They had their kids in a creche and then they put them to bed at 7.30pm??

Did they spend any time with their kids on this holiday?

I've seen Div mention that we've all done things that maybe left our kids unsafe - and I can agree to this to an extent. But the thought of putting your kids to bed at 7.30pm and then going out for dinner - and doing this night after night - is just not something that I could ever contemplate - not do I find it plausible that I could get a 4 year old to happliy go to bed and to sleep at 7.30pm in the evening while on holiday!

As I've said before, my own 3 year old (in fact she was still 2 when we were on holiday) was still running about after midnight full of life. I can also remember when we first went abroad with my son when he was 4 - there is no way that he would easily or happily gone to bed at 7.30pm.

And leaving aside the fact that I find it incerdibly hard to believe that a 4 year old would easily go to sleep so early in the evening - what is the point in having kids and going on holiday with them if you are just going to stick them in a creche and then put them to bed early every night so you can go off for dinner with your friends?

For me and my wife - having the kids out with us at night is great fun - we like to be with our children (even though our son is a real handful). At the apartments we were at everyone with kids had them out at night - and it didn't stop all enjoying ourselves, eating, drinking and socialising.

Putting your kids in a creche and then putting them in bed early all stinks of incredible selfishness to me.

Was thinking that my self , no way a child of 4 would go down that early on holiday

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