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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Now that the McCann's have turned tail and hot-footed it back to Blighty, does Portugal & the UK have extration rights? I know that Spain in the past has been 'unhelpful' it sending known criminals back to Britain...

...or am I being over cynical as to why they've REALLY come home??

(let's face it, it's not because they need to feed the cat...)

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A Portugese lawyer interviewed on te news last night stated that he believed the real reason they had returned home was for the sake of their other two children.

He said if prosecutors decided to arrest them, then under Portugese law, the two other children would be taken into care - albeit short term care, but care none the less.

I cannot believe, even if they did have something to do with Madelaine's death, that this is a situation they would wish for their other kids.

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Guest Captain Saintsible

Its pretty obvious that the McCanns are being victimised because they are Catholics of Irish extraction. Its yet another example of how poorly the Irish are treated by the British establishment and Scottish referees.

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He said if prosecutors decided to arrest them, then under Portugese law, the two other children would be taken into care - albeit short term care, but care none the less.

Surely only if there were no other provisions for the children.

They wouldn't arbitrarily detain the children in Portugal if there were grandparents, aunts and uncles (not fat Philomena obviously) etc. to look after them.

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Guest Ron Burgundy
Its pretty obvious that the McCanns are being victimised because they are Catholics of Irish extraction. Its yet another example of how poorly the Irish are treated by the British establishment and Scottish referees.

I can hear the mournful lament of Beymystic drifting through the misty glens of Eire as we speak.......magical

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Guest Captain Saintsible

I do detect some mailgnant undercurrents here.

The McCanns are obviously being victimised because of their Irish/Catholic background - but poor Philomena is just being villified because over her under active thyroid gland (my mother in law says her 30+ BMI is because of an under active thyroid - definitely nothing to do with all the cakes she eats and the fact that she does nothing).

And the poor brother is being victimised because of his ginger hair.

Its an absolute disgrace!

Edited by Captain Saintsible
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I do detect some mailgnant undercurrents here.

The McCanns are obviously being victimised because of their Irish/Catholic background - but poor Philomena is just being villified because over her under active thyroid gland (my mother in law says her 30+ BMI is because of an under active thyroid - definitely nothing to do with all the cakes she eats and the fact that she does nothing).

And the poor brother is being victimised because of his ginger hair.

Its an absolute disgrace!

You forgot about the bald brother in law guy I victimised because of his baldness.

I heard the Vatican had removed them from their daily prayers. Brilliant if true - what a caring church they are. Nothing like innocent until proven guilty for them. :lol:

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Guest Captain Saintsible

By the way, I've been reading some of the threads in the Madeleine forum on Sky News - and its just incredible. I don't know where they are getting half of their information from. Some folk on there are obviously frustrated detectives and know the case inside out to minute levels of detail!

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The holiday season is coming to a close and temperatures in the Algarve will be starting to taper off a bit.

I've heard rumours that the 'Madeleine, Our Treasure: Her Every Relation's (Kate Included) Love Lingers for England's Rose' Fighting Fund Ltd (or 'MOTHERKILLER Fighting Fund Ltd' for short) will be opening their new offices in Dubai.

It's guaranteed all-year round sun is a massive boon for the company directors (Kate, Gerry, a few mates). In the summer, when the temperature gets a bit too hot (metaphorically?), they will move back to Leicestershire.

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Guest Captain Saintsible
You forgot about the bald brother in law guy I victimised because of his baldness.

I heard the Vatican had removed them from their daily prayers. Brilliant if true - what a caring church they are. Nothing like innocent until proven guilty for them. :lol:

I think that's the ginger one I was meaning. He's balding and what is left of his hair is ginger. That, on top of his Irish Catholic background, is the real reason you are victimising him HB. ;)

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Guest Fast_Action
By the way, I've been reading some of the threads in the Madeleine forum on Sky News - and its just incredible. I don't know where they are getting half of their information from. Some folk on there are obviously frustrated detectives and know the case inside out to minute levels of detail!

Just like many of the posters on P&B. ;)

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the company directors (Kate, Gerry, a few mates).

In fairness, one of the pals is a lawyer.

Though on the other hand he is pretty old, so may be dying soon. If I were him, I wouldn't be accepting a drink if he goes to the house to visit them.

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Let me get this straight. They had their kids in a creche and then they put them to bed at 7.30pm??

Did they spend any time with their kids on this holiday?

I've seen Div mention that we've all done things that maybe left our kids unsafe - and I can agree to this to an extent. But the thought of putting your kids to bed at 7.30pm and then going out for dinner - and doing this night after night - is just not something that I could ever contemplate - not do I find it plausible that I could get a 4 year old to happliy go to bed and to sleep at 7.30pm in the evening while on holiday!

As I've said before, my own 3 year old (in fact she was still 2 when we were on holiday) was still running about after midnight full of life. I can also remember when we first went abroad with my son when he was 4 - there is no way that he would easily or happily gone to bed at 7.30pm.

And leaving aside the fact that I find it incerdibly hard to believe that a 4 year old would easily go to sleep so early in the evening - what is the point in having kids and going on holiday with them if you are just going to stick them in a creche and then put them to bed early every night so you can go off for dinner with your friends?

For me and my wife - having the kids out with us at night is great fun - we like to be with our children (even though our son is a real handful). At the apartments we were at everyone with kids had them out at night - and it didn't stop all enjoying ourselves, eating, drinking and socialising.

Putting your kids in a creche and then putting them in bed early all stinks of incredible selfishness to me.

100% agree. Just horrible behaviour, really, and the fact they tried to peddle the "we've all done it" notion later on really pissed me off.

As to the rest of the case, I've no idea - as has been said 1001 times already none of us do until we know what actual evidence there is. Nobody's coming out of this fiasco particularly well, though, and the version of events detailed in that newspaper cutting is frankly appalling.

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This could all be a smokescreen set up by the UK and USA governments to take attention away from the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Got f**k all to do with the US government. UK maybe, but this is getting very little air time in the US.

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Guest Captain Saintsible

On poster on the Sky News forum was pointing out that Kate McCann hasn't had any roots showing over the past 4 months meaning that she must have been getting her hair done...... therefore she must be guilty!

Another is an expert of body language and can tell by the way they talk, move their eyes about, etc that they are guilty.

Before all this forensic stuff it was mainly pro-McCanns who held the upper hand - but since they became suspects its turned and most folk are becoming pretty vicious. Makes this thread look very tame by comparison! :lol:

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Guest Fast_Action
Its pretty obvious that the McCanns are being victimised because they are Catholics of Irish extraction. Its yet another example of how poorly the Irish are treated by the British establishment and Scottish referees.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I always believed Portugal to be a catholic country. You might be right about the Irish strain.

What would the Portugese authorities do to a Dundee fan though?

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Before all this forensic stuff it was mainly pro-McCanns who held the upper hand - but since they became suspects its turned and most folk are becoming pretty vicious.

I know. It's excellent isn't it!

I'm loving that the same people who were happy to take as Gospel any amount of dross the McCanns and co. trotted out are now appalled at the reverse happening.

As soon as the fund was started, I knew they would come to a sticky end in the media. Fact is, the British public hate to see other people with money. As soon as they threatened to use the fund for themselves, they were in trouble.!

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