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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Well if Big Elaine said so and Philomenia, or whatever her name is, we best do otherwise the two will join forces and fat whiny bitches will rule the World!

Don't forget Joan Burnie.

And India Knight.

And most likely Carole fecking Malone as well. :angry:

This female conspiracy - covering up Kate? :unsure:

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By his own admission, Kate and Gerrys attempted defence of their actions that night have changed from

" We were close by and checked on them regularly "


" We were close by and checked on them regularly - just not properly "

When are these people going to learn to shut the feck up? Their constant need to be on the front pages is just digging a deeper hole.

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Not sure if anyone's posted this yet, but look ad Gerry's body language when he talks about sedatives

He's a shite liar.

Gerry's nervous laugh when he says 'sedatives', playing with his ear lobe, not looking at the journalist or the camera and Kate's long blink as soon as she's asked the questions.

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Wonder if Venessa Feltz will make a sign of support as well :unsure:

Nah - her and Philomena are engaged in a titanic struggle for Canada's wheat crop as we speak.

This planet isn't big enough for both of them.

Edited by vikingTON
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Nah - her and Philomena are engaged in a titanic struggle for Canada's wheat crop as we speak.

This planet isn't big enough for both of them.

Sort of like a King Kong/Godzilla esque fight in, just for the Hell of it, New York.

Dunno about you but I'd buy a ticket to see it! :lol:

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From Dumfries?

Face west and you'll get a shot of their @rses eclipsing the sun.

Maybe it's something like Highlander with the pair being immortal hence why some omens taken before battle in the Ancient Era often saw eclipses. Vanessa for Macedon and Philo-whatever her name is fighting for Rome.

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What gets my back up is the amount of people that say "oh, the parents have nothing to do with it". How do they know?

Probably because you would need some evidence to accuse someone of something. There is no evidence at all to claim that the parents did anything to their wee girl. The Portugese police have fuelled a lot of speculation with their shit handling of this saga.

The parents shouldn`t have left the kids on their own. That`s all they had to do with it unless someone can prove otherwise. Even the supposed DNA evidence in the hire car looks like yet another f**k up by the keystone cops over there.

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Even the supposed DNA evidence in the hire car looks like yet another f**k up by the keystone cops over there.

And what exactly have the portugese police said? :unsure:

Everything about this 'evidence' is all allegations and speculation. The police havent actually confirmed anything as far as I know. Yet another person having a go at the police for no reason - give them peace to do their job!

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And what exactly have the portugese police said? :unsure:

Everything about this 'evidence' is all allegations and speculation. The police havent actually confirmed anything as far as I know. Yet another person having a go at the police for no reason - give them peace to do their job!

Some of the police over there will "sing" to the papers for a few dollars more. The hire car was significant evidence. It allowed some of the Sherlocks on here to damn the girls parents and accuse them of all sorts.

The Portugese police are fucking shit. I think our police leave a lot to be desired at times but that crowd over there have bungled the crime scene. They bungled the hure car. They are f**k ups.

My brother in law is an inspector over here and he is ripping the pish out of them over there for being so abysmal.

Yes lets leave them alone to flounder around getting nowhere yet allowing some of their members to feed shite to the press. Lets speculate that the parents are child murderers when there is zero evidence to support it.

You call for folk to allow the police to get on with things and have peace to do their jobs.

Ironic considering some of the speculative shite you have been spouting on here about the wee girls parents. I`ll be the first to stick the boot into anyone once they are convicted. I just get the impression the cops over there have no idea what the hell they are doing. They are wilting under the media scrutiny as far as I can see. This case has become political. The police over there need to show themselves in a good light after the criticism they have endured.

I bet they just want the case to quietly slip away really. <_<

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Lets speculate that the parents are child murderers when there is zero evidence to support it.

Problem with this case is there's zero evidence to support anything....who did it or who didn't do it. In such circumstances people will speculate...it's only natural. However, I agree with your main premise that as of yet the McCanns are guilty of nothing more than bad parenting....let's hope it stays that way.

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My brother in law is an inspector over here and he is ripping the pish out of them over there for being so abysmal.

Did he also rip the pish out of "us over here" about the De Menezes f**k up, or the Birmingham 6, or the Guildford 4, or Kevin Callan, Dave Wood, Adrian Maher, Graham Huckerby, Shay Power, John Brannan, Bernard Murphy etc etc.

All of whose convictions were overturned after shocking police work/prosecution lies.

All of them within the UK.

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Did he also rip the pish out of "us over here" about the De Menezes f**k up, or the Birmingham 6, or the Guildford 4, or Kevin Callan, Dave Wood, Adrian Maher, Graham Huckerby, Shay Power, John Brannan, Bernard Murphy etc etc.

All of whose convictions were overturned after shocking police work/prosecution lies.

All of them within the UK.

Well he certainly did for the De Menezes f**k up. Dinno about the rest. He certainly wasn`t in the force when the Guildford four were stitched up.

The Scottish force has its fair share of f**k ups too obviously. I`m not a fan of the police in general BTW.

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