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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Oh, Philpy, I agree with you.

Joan Burnie has been taking her frustrations out on the public, especially men, for decades, simply for being born with a face like a blind cobbler's thumb.

That & being dumped for a younger mistress by the late Douglas Crawford of the SNP (hence also her blind hatred towards them).

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Chatting to my parents about this last night, they said they left me in hotel rooms(only whilst downstairs in the Hotel restaurant mind you) multiple times when on holiday. They did however also mention that had the Madeleine McCann case happened before they had taken me abroad there would be absolutely no chance they'd leave me alone in the room.

Then, in my opinion, your parents acted irresponsibly.

You can wheel out all the "it was only downstairs" or "it was close to the hotel room" lines you want, but if you are not in the same room as your children, especially bearing in mind the age of the McCann children at the time, you cannot be there if they wake up with a nightmare, choke whilst sleeping, or sadly, if someone breaks into the hotel room.

And it's not about being a holier than thou parent, it's placing your childs welfare and safety over and above that of a nice meal with friends.

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Whats got me about this case is the amount of money and resources poured into it.

The fact is Kate and Gerry are 100% at fault. They left 3 kids alone while they went out. The resort had a childcare service they could have used. The fact that the twins cried for over a hour the previous night and despite that they still went out.who does that? How can people show sympathy towards these people?

We all expect maddie to be dead anyway so why waste more money/police time on a unsolvable case?

Dollop of shite type post.

  • They are not 100% at fault for her abduction
  • How can you not sympathise ffs?
  • Not everyone expects the child to be dead.
  • The case is certainly not unsolvable
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Then, in my opinion, your parents acted irresponsibly.

You can wheel out all the "it was only downstairs" or "it was close to the hotel room" lines you want, but if you are not in the same room as your children, especially bearing in mind the age of the McCann children at the time, you cannot be there if they wake up with a nightmare, choke whilst sleeping, or sadly, if someone breaks into the hotel room.

And it's not about being a holier than thou parent, it's placing your childs welfare and safety over and above that of a nice meal with friends.

So are you always in the room when your kids are sleeping? What about when you are sleeping? Do you and your wife sleep in shifts?

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So are you always in the room when your kids are sleeping? What about when you are sleeping? Do you and your wife sleep in shifts?

Let's not be silly here.

There is a world of difference between me and my wife sleeping in a house with the kids in rooms next to us with the front and back door locked and being in a restauarant with friends out of sight and earshot of your kids with what apparently was an unlocked patio door.

Please behave yourself.

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Let's not be silly here.

There is a world of difference between me and my wife sleeping in a house with the kids in rooms next to us with the front and back door locked and being in a restauarant with friends out of sight and earshot of your kids with what apparently was an unlocked patio door.

Please behave yourself.

How will that save them from choking? Or someone breaking into the house while you are sleeping? Edited by GAD
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Dollop of shite type post.

  • They are not 100% at fault for her abduction
  • How can you not sympathise ffs?
  • Not everyone expects the child to be dead.
  • The case is certainly not unsolvable

Ok so if they stayed in would she have went missing assuming that Kate and Gerry did not have anything to do with it?

I have no sympathy because Kate and Gerry showed no sympathy to their own kids despite the fact maddie asked where they were when she was crying the night before. Why even risk leaving kids alone. If it happened in the UK and a kid got hurt that parent would get slaughtered by the media aswell as the kids getting put into Care.

6 years on no real evidence that supports the McCanns and the fact they did not answer alot of questions at the time that could have helped the police.

The McCanns are guilty as f**k it would not surprise me if they did kill her or sell her.

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How will that save them from choking? Or someone breaking into the house while you are sleeping?

Had I know you were going to press on with this madcap approach, I'd have adopted an equally comedic stance. Apologies.

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I wasn't aware that the babysitting/creche facilities at the resort were FREE. So they weren't even saving a few bob by leaving the kids unattended - repeatedly, apparently, with ample evidence of the upset this could cause to the children. Their own children, ferchrissake.

Any time me and Mrs WRK have gone on holiday with the Rosettes, that's what we've done - gone on holiday with our kids. It's supposed to be a time to get some quality family time, and for us all to have a good time. Not dump the kids with strangers or leave them unattended while we go out on the lash. We have done the "buggy next to the table" thing on countless occasions, and let the kids come out to eat with us - it's their holiday as well, after all. On the odd occasion we've wanted to stay up a bit later, we've either sat with friends on our balcony/patio and had a couple of wines while all the kids (ours and theirs) sleep in our apartment, or let our kids have a "sleepover" at their little mates' place while the adults are there. It's really not difficult.

For those who are trying to decide when it's OK to leave kids alone, the answer is NEVER. Any other answer labels you as someone who has either never had kids, or should never have them.

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I wasn't aware that the babysitting/creche facilities at the resort were FREE. So they weren't even saving a few bob by leaving the kids unattended - repeatedly, apparently, with ample evidence of the upset this could cause to the children. Their own children, ferchrissake.

Any time me and Mrs WRK have gone on holiday with the Rosettes, that's what we've done - gone on holiday with our kids. It's supposed to be a time to get some quality family time, and for us all to have a good time. Not dump the kids with strangers or leave them unattended while we go out on the lash. We have done the "buggy next to the table" thing on countless occasions, and let the kids come out to eat with us - it's their holiday as well, after all. On the odd occasion we've wanted to stay up a bit later, we've either sat with friends on our balcony/patio and had a couple of wines while all the kids (ours and theirs) sleep in our apartment, or let our kids have a "sleepover" at their little mates' place while the adults are there. It's really not difficult.

For those who are trying to decide when it's OK to leave kids alone, the answer is NEVER. Any other answer labels you as someone who has either never had kids, or should never have them.


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I wasn't aware that the babysitting/creche facilities at the resort were FREE. So they weren't even saving a few bob by leaving the kids unattended - repeatedly, apparently, with ample evidence of the upset this could cause to the children. Their own children, ferchrissake.

Any time me and Mrs WRK have gone on holiday with the Rosettes, that's what we've done - gone on holiday with our kids. It's supposed to be a time to get some quality family time, and for us all to have a good time. Not dump the kids with strangers or leave them unattended while we go out on the lash. We have done the "buggy next to the table" thing on countless occasions, and let the kids come out to eat with us - it's their holiday as well, after all. On the odd occasion we've wanted to stay up a bit later, we've either sat with friends on our balcony/patio and had a couple of wines while all the kids (ours and theirs) sleep in our apartment, or let our kids have a "sleepover" at their little mates' place while the adults are there. It's really not difficult.

For those who are trying to decide when it's OK to leave kids alone, the answer is NEVER. Any other answer labels you as someone who has either never had kids, or should never have them.

The McCann's charity work with organisations such as the NSPCC to raise awareness of the dangers of leaving children alone and unattended has been notable by it's absence.

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For those who are trying to decide when it's OK to leave kids alone, the answer is NEVER. Any other answer labels you as someone who has either never had kids, or should never have them.

Nail. Head.

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I used to walk home from school myself when I was five.

My parents must have been rubbish.

I like how all these smart arsed fuckers are basically recycling the same old shite. All these "hilarious" examples are worlds apart from leaving 3 kids under the age of 5 in an unlocked hotel room while you eat and drink with your mates in a tapas bar out of sight and earshot of said hotel room.

Incidentally, if you walked home from school when you were 5, and you lived more than 5 seconds from the school, shame on your parents.


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