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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Serious question. How did they know the dogs smelt cadaverine and the scent of blood? Isn't it possibly all the dogs smelt was arseholes and baws?

Unless the dog had developed powers of speech, how would they know?

I am still laughing at this post some hours later. What utter stupidity :lol:

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For me the leaving of their kids the second time, after the kids woke up the night before, couldn't find them and then Maddie asks them why they went out, cancels out any sympathy i have for the McCann's. I cannot summon up anything for their cause.However I don't believe they knocked off Maddie before dumping the body nor do i think they will ever find her. Don't blame them for keeping on looking tho, its a pain in the arse when i lose my ipod.

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the daily mail are now reporting (without any direct quotes) that the mystery 9:15 man came forward with the exact pyjamas that his daughter was wearing when jane tanner supposedly saw him coming out the creche. WTF?

so we have crime watch ignoring the fact that the 10pm sighting was originally reported as being gerry mccann and the rest of the media tip toeing around the strange circumstances of the 9:15 man being id'd five years later. there is something afoot.

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She might have been watching Crimewatch last night, and thinking - I wouldn't want to live with these two pains in the neck.

Exactly. Let's say she does turn up, would she want to live with the parents who cared about their stomachs and circle of friends more than there kids??

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When our kids were small they sat in their buggies beside us whilst we enjoyed a meal or a drink on holiday - I'd say it was the thing to do and it's certainly what most parents appeared to be doing - generally they just slept, no harm done.

When I was a kid though I was left for hours and hours alone at night whilst my parents went out at and enjoyed a drink, I think most parents were doing it tbh - they even had a notice board in the corner of the bar to inform folk that there was a "Child crying in Chalet 279" !

I used to take a small blackboard with "don't care" written on it to get round this drinking impediment.

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So basically it's a case of "there's explanations for things, but I don't want to listen to them" then?

Still waiting on explanations about the dogs, why the toy was washed and how the intruder entered and left the apartment, could you enlighten me?

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Shot my gran in the face last year. Absolutely gutted about it and really miss her - some nights I can't even sleep thinking about how stupid I was. Just turned myself in yesterday but the polis agreed I was clearly feeling pretty bad about it and that was punishment enough. Fucking result

Would have thought it would be more "Nana nana na!"?

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  • Meeting the Pope generated publicity and kept the story in the news.
  • Using a spokesperson affords them a vehicle to put across their views with a degree of care and eloquence, as well as dealing with all the mud that has been thrown their way.
  • Hiring decent lawyers means they will be advised that not answering questions under interrogation is quite often a perfectly reasonable course of action.

Personally if it was my child I would co-operate 100%

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