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Better than it's been recently perhaps. Serious mobility edge with one side however.

Apologies for the tirade, or two. I envisaged myself being able to get on the ball more with tonights pool, but balance isn't always easy to achieve I suppose.

Should be back to the Monday next week.

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Apologies for an abysmal display, you'll be pleased to hear my retirement from GA fives for good due to health reasons. (and the obvious)

Your health is paramount of course, but I would hate to think it was my moaning that has pushed you over the edge Chrissy. Say it ain't so?

Taking into account the fact that you've not kicked a ball in anger for how long(?), I don't think you done too bad. You scored sure? That's more than what I done!

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Your health is paramount of course, but I would hate to think it was my moaning that has pushed you over the edge Chrissy. Say it ain't so?

Taking into account the fact that you've not kicked a ball in anger for how long(?), I don't think you done too bad. You scored sure? That's more than what I done!

Don't be daft, if folk didn't moan during fitba then there's no reason why folk should bother there arse.

First time in a wee while anyway, taking into account general unfitness etc. Got 3 tonight, probably one of my better nights in fairness!

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A rare weekend on the drink really took its toll this eve. I'm normally grafty central but was gubbed after 5 mins tonight. Our team's mobility was nothing short of diabolical but we somehow managed tp put away just about every chance we had.

When I return I'll probably be about 2 stone heavier and riddled with goodness knows what. I get back on Sat 16th Jan so will erncil myself in for a return on Monday 18th Jan, permitting I'm alive.

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Jolly good fun tonight. I think our team won (someone shouted, Next team's the winner! as I was clean through on goal and slotted home the vital goal, so I'll assume that my team emerged victorious) but it was an evenly matched and competitive game. Our side seemed to be slightly more physically imposing (and I probably use that in the kindest sense) with myself, Sao Paulo, Fudge and Calum in the side, while with the likes of Adam and McGowan in the opposition, they were deft of movement and moved the ball around quickly and with pace. They seemed fitter than us, but, crucially, I think our finishing was more clinical.

I think we suffered from a lack of movement across the park and more often than not, would take the ball from the goalkeeper, move it sideways, then give it back to the goalkeeper. Sao Paulo was the only person with enough guile to hold the ball up and look for a telling pass, only for his teammates to remain static and confused. I can only think of a handful of times when me moved the ball around with incision and verve. There's no real excuse for this - if one person holds a position, then his teammates should be moving into space - this drags the opposition around and opens up attacking possibilities. In my defence, when I play 11-a-sides, I'm usually sitting in front of the defence and am not used to making runs or looking for smart passes, but this cannot translate into the 5-a-side format.

That's the only real criticism of our overall performance - other than that, we played well, tracked our men (for the best part) and dug in to prevent the better players from taking advantage. The lack of fitness told in the final flourishes of the game with players tiring and jogging for the ball, but, overall, I think most players can be quite happy with their input.

I also had one of the best conversations about Stenhousemuir FC on the drive home.

I look forward to next week.

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Agree with pretty much all that's been said. I had a shocker, no excuses really. Wasn't finding passes, finishing pish, fitness over. Apart from that i was fine. :D

Still enjoyed it mind, thought three of the other players one the opposition team were good players, super fit aswell, which made it difficult for our team, but we dug in and managed to do ok.

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Can I state for those that weren't there that amazingly I wasn't in the team lacking in mobility lol. Definetely one of my better nights at the office in recent months bar the odd bombscare. Adam and Ryan who were both excellent done a fairly good job of making me look betterlol.

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Is it back to Monday next week Kev?

Gutted I missed it last night, but was probably the best decision as my toes still hurt a bit. Should be OK for next week though.

On the plus side, I caught up with Eastenders. Max is a naughty boy.

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