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I got a no award for my higher maths back at school.

Got a 2 at standard grade though; basic math skills = that adds up to half nine.

See you there, folks.

Does that mean you can count how many shots you had tonight :P ?

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To be fair to our Tom, tonight wasn't half as bad as previous weeks with regards to that.

Tonight wasn't great, although I'm just glad I got the run out.

I enjoyed my back heel through Innes' legs, and the bottle of lucozade orange after play.

Thank you and Goodnight.

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Does that mean you can count how many shots you had tonight :P ?

Not 100% sure why I tried hitting it as often as I did; think a mixture of me knowing I had no chance of skinning/getting by most of the players on the other team and the fact that when I did pass it I tended to end up giving it away just led to an almost "I'll shoot from anywhere" attitude, to use one of the more popular phrases on this thread.

The problem being that it seems I'd also left my shooting boots back in Helensburgh.

My shooting can be quite good sometimes though. Honest.

Anyway, I quite enjoyed it, even if I was gash. Got a fair bit of running done at least, and managed to do one of my favourite things in football; reading a long diagonal ball and getting in a position to header it clear. Twice.

Burger King at the station was shut though. What the f**k man. What the f**k.

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Burger King at the station was shut though. What the f**k man. What the f**k.

I think it shuts at 11 (except Friday and Saturday nights when the pub pissheads are craving food for the last train home). I noticed we were a bit late in getting out Powerleague last night, and with my bus leaving at 11, I managed to board it at precisely 10:59. I think I got more running done in 30 seconds going to catch the bus than I did in 60 minutes of football.

Therefore with me only getting to my bus at the bus station 1 minute before 11, I'm asuming you would of got to Burger King after 11.

HTH - C.Muir

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I think it shuts at 11 (except Friday and Saturday nights when the pub pissheads are craving food for the last train home). I noticed we were a bit late in getting out Powerleague last night, and with my bus leaving at 11, I managed to board it at precisely 10:59. I think I got more running done in 30 seconds going to catch the bus than I did in 60 minutes of football.

Therefore with me only getting to my bus at the bus station 1 minute before 11, I'm asuming you would of got to Burger King after 11.

HTH - C.Muir


Ta for the explanation, I didnt realise it was as late as that by the time I'd got to the station, thought it'd still have been open.

Got scran from a chippy nearby though. Chips and cheese. Magic stuff.

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Its only meant tae open tae 11 through the week but I've seen it open later if its busy. They musta shit it cos it wis deed.

So we lousin it the mora? I had a wee health scare on Friday. Breathin difficulties. Doctors geed me steroids for it so its mibe better if I leave it oot tae.

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