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Glasgow Area 5's


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Does anyone fancy a GA 5's night out on Saturday 29th January? A few pints, some casual bigotry.

Yes that would suit me. After 2 weeks of being sober at work I'll be back in Glasgow on the 26th so definitely out that weekend.

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there, yees happy now??? ya shower of bastarts!

i've got a big fuckin skelf from going into those bushes to get that baw! Now you've got to ask yourself, "would Walter be happy with that???"

I dont think so!

aye, exactly.....ya shower of bastarts!

i'm in for next week, dunno about the night out, i'll need to gauge the confidence at the Banco de McGoooo nearer the time before i can decide on that.

ya v/l bastarts!

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That A - the park is too close to the extrmities of the complex for lower league style clearances, favoured by Shaky. And poorly struck right foot volleys, favoured by me.

And also B - the narrow parks are too wee and there isn't enough space. Games on the wider parks are much more enjoyable.

Edited by Piehutt
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The narrow parks are the best ones. It's more about the passing and the movement than the runnning about or skinning people. I have a telepathic connection with Brian (and one is quickly developing with McGowan) so my Xavi like passes come into their own more.

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The narrow parks are the best ones. It's more about the passing and the movement than the runnning about or skinning people. I have a telepathic connection with Brian (and one is quickly developing with McGowan) so my Xavi like passes come into their own more.

I'm in.

I have to say, i minded you mentioning your connection with brian when the 1-2 went to shit last night. laugh.gif

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Hold on... Nobody has had a go at Kevin yet?

If you're reading this Kevin, or when you come to read it; every one of us at the Glasgow Area Fives now holds an unquantifiably fierce and absolutely undying contempt for you.

I suspect I forward fairly the feelings of all of those genuinely concerned with the success of our matches (or at least, more so than with arrant alcoholism) when I say; I dearly hope that all of your loved ones perish horribly.

It is hereby decreed that Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth is to be 'borred fae' this five aside let for a period no shorter than six months.

A period of time which will be conditionally suspended. This video is a foresight of mine, concerning you Kevin. Nobody (except me) wants it to come to realisation.

A full apology and an acknowledgement of the footage will be regarded as bail payment or rather, grounds for pardon.

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