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If you’re really anal like me you can get it to update you every half mile.
I dont have a target or anything yet I am still only really in the business of upping my distance to something I can maintain but is enough as to be good exercise.

I did one the other week tho and had to stop as I went out too fast and was pretty seething with myself for being silly. Just need a visible/audible benchmark I think for now
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2 hours ago, lichtie23 said:

If I’m just going for a solid run I target under 8 minute miles. If I’m pushing myself then Nearer 7.30. Looking to blitz my 5K PB would be nearer 7.15

I do it in km.

Standard run: between 4:50 and 5:00 per km.

Long run: between 5:00 and 5:15 per km

Short run: between 4:30 and 4:40 per km.

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I do it in km.
Standard run: between 4:50 and 5:00 per km.
Long run: between 5:00 and 5:15 per km
Short run: between 4:30 and 4:40 per km.

Sounds good. Might try using this fir a few weeks and see how I get on
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On the subject of strava mid run updates, has anyone used it during an actual race and if so, any issues?

Iv used it during parkrun and had no issues at all. Don’t know if you want to class that as a race or not
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Iv used it during parkrun and had no issues at all. Don’t know if you want to class that as a race or not

I do. I just have a fear come marathon day that there’s so many people using it that it crashes it.

I’m basing that on nothing other than paranoia though.
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Had been slowly working my way back up to 10k after a 4/5 year absence from running and so tonight decided to run as far as I possibly could. Delighted to see I'd managed 14k!

Had the fear I was going to end up doing 9.9k or something so that's a relief. Feet blistered and knees sore but feel fantastic :) 

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Going to up my game slightly tomorrow up to just over 6km. On Saturday night I fought in a charity boxing match which had given me great motivation. It already feels like it has left a hole and I am desperate not to slip so I plan to try and get up to 10km as something to drive towards.

Should manage it in a few weeks hopefully then il maybe enter a race or something.

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Going to up my game slightly tomorrow up to just over 6km. On Saturday night I fought in a charity boxing match which had given me great motivation. It already feels like it has left a hole and I am desperate not to slip so I plan to try and get up to 10km as something to drive towards.

Should manage it in a few weeks hopefully then il maybe enter a race or something.

More importantly....how did the fight go?
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FWIW I couldnt recommend it highly enough if you or anyone else are in the market for a new challenge. Training is intense and brutal, fighting in front it 500 folk is fucking insane.

They used to have a charity boxing thing every year in Arbroath. Few boys I know have done it and loved it. Personally I’m not a fan of being punched in a face. I’d probably enjoy the training, but not the actual fight
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On 4/1/2019 at 14:25, Bairnardo said:
On 4/1/2019 at 14:24, lichtie23 said:

I always run listening to podcasts so it speaks straight into my ears after every mile. Along the lines of
“2 miles done in 15 minutes, 2 seconds. Previous mile in 7 minutes 57 seconds”
You go into the settings just before you start recording a run and activate audio cues. Hope that helps

Spot on. Will try next time

I've got an app called runkeeper. It does a nice map of you route, gives all the split times etc but best thing is the "Madameoiselle" voice. You can set alerts at, for example, 20 minute interval. She'll notify you then say stuff like "Ooh la la, you are fast". Gives me a semi tbh.

I've ditched earphones for running now anyway. Find all the ambient noises quite hypnotic - breathing, footsteps, and just being more aware of what's going on around you. 

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