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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:


Make that 5, and it’s the type of expect on a bad hangover. Is this normal??


How many gels did you take?  If it was 2 or 3 then no, it's not normal.  If it was 6 or 7 then yes.

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2 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:


Two. At one hour and at 2 hours.


Maybe it was a one off, or maybe you are overly sensitive to them.  Worth trying another couple of times (keep your afternoon free) , but if it keeps happening you may need to find another form of energy.

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Maybe it was a one off, or maybe you are overly sensitive to them.  Worth trying another couple of times (keep your afternoon free) , but if it keeps happening you may need to find another form of energy.

Cheers, will give them another go and see the outcome.
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Two runs for me today. Three less than @Dons_1988, wahey!

Livingston Parkrun this morning, finished in 22:39. My first time running all the course as it was sadly cancelled last week.

I think I could possibly get sub-22, but need to make sure I start further towards the front - it's quite tight at some bits, not much space for overtaking.

Then my long run tonight, 9 miles. Took it nice and slow, finished in 1:16:01.

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On 4/5/2019 at 19:52, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Christ. Good luck with that. Only marathon I ever did was in marathon and I was too hot there (and i got sunburnt). I can't even go out for a walk when it's that temperature!

I am used to it now mate - this is my 10th year in SE Asia. It's weird but the heat/humidity doesn't seem to affect me too much, my Aussie wife struggles way more than me!

12km yesterday morning - was slow (5m 45/km) and was a bit of struggle as my legs felt heavy, cardio seems to be fine though.

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Going to up my game slightly tomorrow up to just over 6km. On Saturday night I fought in a charity boxing match which had given me great motivation. It already feels like it has left a hole and I am desperate not to slip so I plan to try and get up to 10km as something to drive towards.

Should manage it in a few weeks hopefully then il maybe enter a race or something.
Got delayed on this but finally managed out today. Strava reality v Mapometer theory resulted in only a 3.62 mile (5.8km) run which took me a plodding 32 mins. Didnt stop tho so happy with how I managed the distance just need to go faster now. Reckon I have have two or three minutes off that over the next week once iv did it another couple of times
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I am following a training plan on the Runkeeper app and today is supposed to be a 12km run, however, I played badminton last night so am a little sore and play football tomorrow night.

Would you guys just bite the bullet and battle through the run or is it best to just leave it?

I don't like missing runs on the plan but sometimes circumstances make it difficult to fit it all in.

Any thoughts?


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1 hour ago, Rab B Nesbit said:

Managed to get the trainers back on last night and did 25 minutes. No idea what distance - I need to get an app again - but after a month doing very little it was a start. 

If you can remember the route you took and you fancy knowing how far you went, Googlemaps has a handy measurement tool. Just open maps, then right-click on the map and select "Measure distance". 

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6 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

If you can remember the route you took and you fancy knowing how far you went, Googlemaps has a handy measurement tool. Just open maps, then right-click on the map and select "Measure distance". 

Thank you for this I didn’t know about it ! Will have a look :)

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Guest bernardblack

I’ve suddenly got a shooting pain in my left hip whenever I twist my right leg. Must have been from my long run on Saturday

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I've regressed massively, in 4 weeks I have to run 7 miles for my part in a relay about 5 weeks a go I was up to 10k runs but now i struggle to do 5k i just feel tired and distracted  on every run. Should i just have a week off and hope the well rested legs help when I get back on it? 

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2 hours ago, pub car king said:

I've regressed massively, in 4 weeks I have to run 7 miles for my part in a relay about 5 weeks a go I was up to 10k runs but now i struggle to do 5k i just feel tired and distracted  on every run. Should i just have a week off and hope the well rested legs help when I get back on it? 

Not quite sure ... a week off sounds quite a lot but definitely a couple of days shouldn't do any harm. You might feel tired and distracted when you do your practice runs, but when it comes to the race proper, adrenalin and the shame of letting everyone down should see you do your bit no problem. 

Just remembered I bought someone's place for the Stirling half-marathon when I was steaming in the pub on Saturday (suppose it's better than buying drugs or exotic pets) ... distance-wise it shouldn't be a problem as it's not long since I did Inverness, but what's the course like? From what I can gather it's pretty flat ... anything I should watch out for?

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Not quite sure ... a week off sounds quite a lot but definitely a couple of days shouldn't do any harm. You might feel tired and distracted when you do your practice runs, but when it comes to the race proper, adrenalin and the shame of letting everyone down should see you do your bit no problem. 
Just remembered I bought someone's place for the Stirling half-marathon when I was steaming in the pub on Saturday (suppose it's better than buying drugs or exotic pets) ... distance-wise it shouldn't be a problem as it's not long since I did Inverness, but what's the course like? From what I can gather it's pretty flat ... anything I should watch out for?

I will be there too warming up for the marathon. I have never done a proper race in my life though so I can offer you zero insight.
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