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P&b Running Club

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Guest Second Coming

Scrap the marathon training Cap, join the shiny shorts and vest crew! Running may give you pleasure and keep your BMI in tact, but think about this one:

July 17th Cancun beach, a group of American female students(mix of 18-22 with all fit bodies) are lazing about the beach getting bored with the Yank clowns drinking beer bongs when a guy appears wearing a St Mirren shirt. At first they seem confused, what kind of a chequer board shirt is that? Then the main event, off with the top to reveal a rippling six pack topped off with pecs to die for. Not to mention those buns being in good shape from all the running you have been doing.

Scrap the running and concentrate on a balance between cardio and resistance, the American students need it.

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Scrap the marathon training Cap, join the shiny shorts and vest crew! Running may give you pleasure and keep your BMI in tact, but think about this one:

July 17th Cancun beach, a group of American female students(mix of 18-22 with all fit bodies) are lazing about the beach getting bored with the Yank clowns drinking beer bongs when a guy appears wearing a St Mirren shirt. At first they seem confused, what kind of a chequer board shirt is that? Then the main event, off with the top to reveal a rippling six pack topped off with pecs to die for. Not to mention those buns being in good shape from all the running you have been doing.

Scrap the running and concentrate on a balance between cardio and resistance, the American students need it.

I do the weight lifting as well and the 6 pack is already in place. B)

I should really give the weights a miss in order to lose more weight and maximise my running times....... but I'm too much of a poser and the poolside in Lanzarote beckons. :D

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Christ this threads been hijacked by a couple oh tossers!! lol. El Capatan, i'm starting to doubt your authenticity either that or your a bit to advanced for the likes of ThunderMonkey and I, your in a pretty exclusive club with that mileage your putting in.

To think i started off full of admiration for your transformation from gutless wonder to national cross country/fell running/ultra marathon champ too. :P

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Christ this threads been hijacked by a couple oh tossers!! lol. El Capatan, i'm starting to doubt your authenticity either that or your a bit to advanced for the likes of ThunderMonkey and I, your in a pretty exclusive club with that mileage your putting in.

To think i started off full of admiration for your transformation from gutless wonder to national cross country/fell running/ultra marathon champ too. :P

Don't worry about Sensible, he has performance issues. He wouldn't have posted if he didn't think he was going to be the best.

Anyway, a short 2 miler last night and I may be the fastest over one mile now B)

5 mile interval run tonight then a rest until Saturday's long run.

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Guest Second Coming

Saturday is usually my rest day to be honest. Was doing HIIT last night and my ankles are killing me today.

Tonight will be an intense session of biceps and triceps, coupled with some ab work.

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Christ this threads been hijacked by a couple oh tossers!! lol. El Capatan, i'm starting to doubt your authenticity either that or your a bit to advanced for the likes of ThunderMonkey and I, your in a pretty exclusive club with that mileage your putting in.

To think i started off full of admiration for your transformation from gutless wonder to national cross country/fell running/ultra marathon champ too. :P

I'm authentic alright. :P

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Guest Second Coming
Changed the title now so it's not as Nike+ exclusive.

Feel free to post anything you like about running - up coming races, tips, performances, questions, intentions, Nike+ challanges etc.

Tony Smith in disguise?


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Sport relief homepage

There are sport relief "miles" around the country but you can do 3miles (approx 5k) and 6miles (approx 10K) events as well. I will be investigating these in abit more detail at lunchtime. Middle of march and chance to do your bit for charity while doing a sunday training run

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Sport relief homepage

There are sport relief "miles" around the country but you can do 3miles (approx 5k) and 6miles (approx 10K) events as well. I will be investigating these in abit more detail at lunchtime. Middle of march and chance to do your bit for charity while doing a sunday training run

On further investigation - meh!

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Just back from my Thursday lunchtime tempo run.

5.44 miles in 35 mins & 22 secs exactly - and that's on a hilly course with a big half mile hill at the end and with the wind against us for large parts of the way.

Not bad going considering that I'd run 53.5 miles in the last 4 days before I went at lunchtime.

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I'm pondering entering the Dundee half marathon in june so i've started to do a little bit more running on the treadmill. Normally I get to about 20 mins before i'm absolutely knackered but one of the runners at the gym told me it's much easier if you run at the back of the treadmill. Amazingly it is! God knows why?

Question for you runners out there. If I were to run the half marathon, should I take my i-pod? I know there's a few people who feel that this takes away from the experience of the day but I think i'd be screwed without it.

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They have changed the access to showers and lockers at my work. You need to pay for the gym to use them so lunchtime runs are out for me.

They don't have any showers in my work but the building does have a gym (owned by Bannatynes). I reckon that the money I save on train fares from all the runs I do to and from work more or less pays for the gym membership.

Running to and from work (quicker than public transpoert) and doing a couple of lunch time sessions also means that I can do all my training (apart from the Sunday run) without actually spending any time doing it (if you know what I mean - I need to get to and from work anyway and you get a lunch hour).

And on a Sunday, my son usually comes with me on his bike for 5 miles before stopping at his grans for lunch and then joining me for the 5 miles home. Not only do I get my run but I spend 'quality time' with my son, he gets exercise...... and I get brownie points from the missus for getting us both out the house so that she can relax with our daughter in a peaceful house for a couple of hours.

Its the ideal sport - my gym membership pays for itself in saved travel costs and I don't use up any time doing it. B)

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