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I'm pondering entering the Dundee half marathon in june so i've started to do a little bit more running on the treadmill. Normally I get to about 20 mins before i'm absolutely knackered but one of the runners at the gym told me it's much easier if you run at the back of the treadmill. Amazingly it is! God knows why?

Question for you runners out there. If I were to run the half marathon, should I take my i-pod? I know there's a few people who feel that this takes away from the experience of the day but I think i'd be screwed without it.

I think you need to get off the treadmill and start running outside. :)

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They don't have any showers in my work but the building does have a gym (owned by Bannatynes). I reckon that the money I save on train fares from all the runs I do to and from work more or less pays for the gym membership.

Running to and from work (quicker than public transpoert) and doing a couple of lunch time sessions also means that I can do all my training (apart from the Sunday run) without actually spending any time doing it (if you know what I mean - I need to get to and from work anyway and you get a lunch hour).

And on a Sunday, my son usually comes with me on his bike for 5 miles before stopping at his grans for lunch and then joining me for the 5 miles home. Not only do I get my run but I spend 'quality time' with my son, he gets exercise...... and I get brownie points from the missus for getting us both out the house so that she can relax with our daughter in a peaceful house for a couple of hours.

Its the ideal sport - my gym membership pays for itself in saved travel costs and I don't use up any time doing it. B)

Play it again Sam. <_< Thats an awesome amount of time your out running for, good on ya, no wonder you can fit in a little takeaway every now and again.

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I think you need to get off the treadmill and start running outside. :)

You're definitely right but I think i'll build up the miles inside for another month or so then release myself into the wild. I'm not sure the people in my area are quite ready for my scrawny, pasty legs just yet.

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Question for you runners out there. If I were to run the half marathon, should I take my i-pod? I know there's a few people who feel that this takes away from the experience of the day but I think i'd be screwed without it.

I'll be taking my iPod with me to record my run on the marathon but I won't be listening to any music until I hit the wall. I enjoy running with the other competitors and have had a few conversations along the way. It depends what you want from your run. A good time or the atmosphere. I like to soak in the atmosphere but the benefits of music are tremendous in my book so I'll be utilising that when I need it. Probably not for the last mile though - I don't want my headphones on in my photo at the finish :lol:

They don't have any showers in my work but the building does have a gym (owned by Bannatynes). I reckon that the money I save on train fares from all the runs I do to and from work more or less pays for the gym membership.

Running to and from work (quicker than public transpoert) and doing a couple of lunch time sessions also means that I can do all my training (apart from the Sunday run) without actually spending any time doing it (if you know what I mean - I need to get to and from work anyway and you get a lunch hour).

And on a Sunday, my son usually comes with me on his bike for 5 miles before stopping at his grans for lunch and then joining me for the 5 miles home. Not only do I get my run but I spend 'quality time' with my son, he gets exercise...... and I get brownie points from the missus for getting us both out the house so that she can relax with our daughter in a peaceful house for a couple of hours.

Its the ideal sport - my gym membership pays for itself in saved travel costs and I don't use up any time doing it. B)

Another C&P job :P

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Play it again Sam. <_< Thats an awesome amount of time your out running for, good on ya, no wonder you can fit in a little takeaway every now and again.

Its an addiction for me. I gave up smoking 4 years ago and then spent a year putting on a stone in weight. I then decided to get fit and its progressed from there. I didn't just lauch into the huge mileage, its been built up bit by bit.

The real clincher is running to and from work. The distance ranges from 8.7 miles to 6.2 miles (depending on whether I run from home, leave the car at the train station or leave the car at my parents). I just set the alarm, get out of bed, into my running gear and head out the door within 10 mins. No time to think about it and just get going. Once you are out there is no turning back and you've got to keep going. Once at workl you feel great. You can then start doing a second session in the day - either out at lunchtime or run home. I actually find the second session is easier because you are already loosened up.

Its all about personal circumstances however - and my circumstances allow me to do a huge mileage - but without actually using up any of my own time doing it!

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Its all about personal circumstances however - and my circumstances allow me to do a huge mileage - but without actually using up any of my own time doing it!

Thats the clincher for you, i've got quite a few other commitments and play fives twice a week on top of my training, to be able to basically do my runs as an every day part of my routine would be fantastic, but hey i can't, so its my 3/4 runs per week with a mileage of about 30. Still should be on course to burst my personal mile stone of breaking 4 hours on 25 May, providing these hamstrings of mine don't deter me, mind over matter stuff that anyway.

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Thats the clincher for you, i've got quite a few other commitments and play fives twice a week on top of my training, to be able to basically do my runs as an every day part of my routine would be fantastic, but hey i can't, so its my 3/4 runs per week with a mileage of about 30. Still should be on course to burst my personal mile stone of breaking 4 hours on 25 May, providing these hamstrings of mine don't deter me, mind over matter stuff that anyway.

I would say that fives IS part of your training. It involves running after all!

I used to play fives twice a week. I gave them up to concentrate on running as I got injured too often. Nothing serious but the odd kick on the shin, ankle gone over or toe bent back! Also means I got brownie points from the missus. I made out that I was giving fives up because it was taking away from 'family time'. ;)

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5 miles last night in the driving wind and rain. Is it meant to be fun on nights like this?

I was interval training and try as I might to plan it, I always seemed to be running the fast periods into the wind or up hill. Happy enough with the 44:19 I recorded despite the searing pain I was in as I pushed myself hard.

All this effort must be paying off though as my powers of recovery have increased (I feel fine today whereas 2 weeks ago I would be crippled over in pain), I've lost 9lbs and my jeans don't fit me anymore.

I'm due a 10 mile run on Sunday but I'll be drinking tomorrow night so I better do it tomorrow morning instead. It's meant to be at 11:32 pace but I can't seem to run comfortably at that pace anymore. 10:00 mins per mile is more like it at the moment for what will be my longest run so far in my schedule.

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I was interval training and try as I might to plan it, I always seemed to be running the fast periods into the wind or up hill. Happy enough with the 44:19 I recorded despite the searing pain I was in as I pushed myself hard.

44:19 for 5 miles for intervals? I wouldn't even run that slow in an easy run. :P

I managed a 5.44 mile tempo run yesterday (in driving rain, wind & over hills) in 35:22 (6.30 minute miles average). :P

I'm due a 10 mile run on Sunday but I'll be drinking tomorrow night so I better do it tomorrow morning instead. It's meant to be at 11:32 pace but I can't seem to run comfortably at that pace anymore.

No wonder! I could walk faster than that. :o

10:00 mins per mile is more like it at the moment for what will be my longest run so far in my schedule.

Are you planning to pull a caravan behind you?

My long run last Sunday was 18 miles in 7 minute miles. :D

Seriously - I started off 3 years ago at your pace. I'm just giving you a taster of what can be achieved in a relatively short period of time. Keep it up. B)

I ran 7.33 miles into work this morning at an average pace of 7.16 minute miles.... and I'm back out for a 5 mile hill run at lunch time. I love it!

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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44:19 for 5 miles for intervals? I wouldn't even run that slow in an easy run. :P

I managed a 5.44 mile tempo run yesterday (in driving rain, wind & over hills) in 35:22 (6.30 minute miles average). :P

No wonder! I could walk faster than that. :o

Are you planning to pull a caravan behind you?

My long run last Sunday was 18 miles in 7 minute miles. :D

Seriously - I started off 3 years ago at your pace. I'm just giving you a taster of what can be achieved in a relatively short period of time. Keep it up. B)

I ran 7.33 miles into work this morning at an average pace of 7.16 minute miles.... and I'm back out for a 5 mile hill run at lunch time. I love it!


When I finish the marathon I'll be aiming to run twice a week so I can't see me ever reaching 7 minute miles. It is addictive though and I'm loving the improving results (time wise and physically)!

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I done a 3 mile run on the treadmill last night in 22:37 with a gradient of 2. I was planning on doing 5 miles but I couldn't see the telly with the football on it so I moved on to the bike and done 10 miles on that. By Christ my arse was hurting after that. My legs feel fine today though.

I'm supposed to be going running outside tomorrow with a mate. We've got a 3 mile circuit that we've marked out so hopefully i'll manage a couple of laps of it.

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That's good going btw. Very impressive!

Thank you (if you're not joking that is :P ). I suppose I could classify myself as having above-average fitness because I played football for years and years and have generally looked after myself with out doing too much.

A couple of years back I ran 5.2 miles in a fun run in less than 40 minutes which I was absolutely delighted with considering I was out on the lash just a few hours before. If I do enter the Dundee half marathon then i'm looking to do it in less than 2 hours which will be touch and go but I think it's achievable :unsure:

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A couple of years back I ran 5.2 miles in a fun run in less than 40 minutes which I was absolutely delighted with considering I was out on the lash just a few hours before. If I do enter the Dundee half marathon then i'm looking to do it in less than 2 hours which will be touch and go but I think it's achievable :unsure:

Based on the time you ran 3 miles on a treadmill you should be aiming at 1.45 for the half marathon... if you prepared properly.

I appreciate that you'll probably not train for the race properly nor do the required mileage.... but sub 2 hrs should be achieveable. ;)

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Was near 10pm last night before i was able to get out on my run, managed a rapid enough for me 7.13 miles in 57:13, 8:01 minute miles. First half of run wasnae so bad but the second half uphill for the majority and into the wind/rain was a bit of a killer, still just detatched the mind from the rest of my body and got on with it. Fives tonight and a ten miler pencilled in for Sunday morning, might even eek out a 12 miler.

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Was near 10pm last night before i was able to get out on my run, managed a rapid enough for me 7.13 miles in 57:13, 8:01 minute miles. First half of run wasnae so bad but the second half uphill for the majority and into the wind/rain was a bit of a killer, still just detatched the mind from the rest of my body and got on with it. Fives tonight and a ten miler pencilled in for Sunday morning, might even eek out a 12 miler.

Watty pulling out the big guns for the Nike+ challange ;)

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This is helping to focus me. I prefer going for a run in the morning (for the same reason as the Capt) and only have a limited time for running so in order to increase my distance I ahve had to increase my speed (now upto 4 miles in 30 mins) and concenetrating on a longer run at the weekend but the longest I have run is 10k in just over 51 mins. I have never had a problem increasing my speed but have struggled in the past with my stamina but it is good reading other the efforts of other people and it keeps me focus on running faster and further

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This is helping to focus me. I prefer going for a run in the morning (for the same reason as the Capt) and only have a limited time for running so in order to increase my distance I ahve had to increase my speed (now upto 4 miles in 30 mins) and concenetrating on a longer run at the weekend but the longest I have run is 10k in just over 51 mins. I have never had a problem increasing my speed but have struggled in the past with my stamina but it is good reading other the efforts of other people and it keeps me focus on running faster and further

It's what the thread's for :)

Keep on truckin'

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This is helping to focus me. I prefer going for a run in the morning (for the same reason as the Capt) and only have a limited time for running so in order to increase my distance I ahve had to increase my speed (now upto 4 miles in 30 mins) and concenetrating on a longer run at the weekend but the longest I have run is 10k in just over 51 mins. I have never had a problem increasing my speed but have struggled in the past with my stamina but it is good reading other the efforts of other people and it keeps me focus on running faster and further

4 miles in 30 mins pace equates to a 46 min 30 sec 10k. So you should demolish that PB. :)

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