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I don't think the sprint challenge has updated in a while though. :(

I was reading last night that they need to iron out the website for personal best miles. Your iPod will record your quickest mile ie a 5 mile run and you ran your PB on mile 3. That is shown on your iPod.

The Nike+ site only collates the first mile of your runs and displays the quickest.

My iPod shows my fastest mile as being 7:06 but Nike+ has me down as 7:36, because that's the quickest I've ran the first mile of any of my training runs.

Shabby. The only thing I've not been too happy about so far with the whole Nike+ stuff.

Gearing up for another 12 mile job on Sunday, might head over to the Falkirk Wheel if the gales are not to strong :lol:

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just been out for the first time in a few days in the wind and rain but feel great for doing it. Would I be right in saying entries for the Edinburgh marathon have closed, I'd like to do my first marathon this year. So far I've only done half-marathons.

Keep it up everyone.

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Guest Raeboy

Thought I may as well join in...

Just re-started running again this year, was doing so fairly consistantly last year, not long distances compared to some on here but generally I try for 20k a week.

Two 5k and then a 10k run coupled with 2 games of fives is usually enough for me in a week, considering I have 14st to haul around the place.

After reading this thread I was inspired to get myself back out there and have done a couple of 5k runs ealier this week so decided a longer route was required last night and managed 13k in 75mins. Sheesh it was tough, my calves and the balls of my feet are really sore this morning. I'm not too bothered at the time it took as the training manuals I have just recommend running for as long as possible at first and then dlowly build up your pace as you get fitter. is this a good plan?

I took part in the Strahclyde 10k race last year and managed that in 50 mins 20secs, which I was fairly chuffed at, it's quite amazing how much harder you push yourself when you are running with other people.

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Thought I may as well join in...

Just re-started running again this year, was doing so fairly consistantly last year, not long distances compared to some on here but generally I try for 20k a week.

Two 5k and then a 10k run coupled with 2 games of fives is usually enough for me in a week, considering I have 14st to haul around the place.

After reading this thread I was inspired to get myself back out there and have done a couple of 5k runs ealier this week so decided a longer route was required last night and managed 13k in 75mins. Sheesh it was tough, my calves and the balls of my feet are really sore this morning. I'm not too bothered at the time it took as the training manuals I have just recommend running for as long as possible at first and then dlowly build up your pace as you get fitter. is this a good plan?

I took part in the Strahclyde 10k race last year and managed that in 50 mins 20secs, which I was fairly chuffed at, it's quite amazing how much harder you push yourself when you are running with other people.

If you want to increase your speed (if not distance) you need to do different types of runs and interval training. The coolrunnings website has some decent training programmes for different levels of ability. The trick is not to try to much to soon as this is when you are most likely to hurt yourself

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My few pints after the Saints game on Saturday ended up being a bit of a session so my usual Sunday morning run was forfieted and it was 2 before i got out, in the wind/rain/hail, for a 10 mile run. Managed it in 1 hr 20m 19 secs though which was not bad i suppose, then played fives at 8 last night so legs are a wee bit tight this monring. 10 weeks on Sunday till the biggie. Alloa half marathon on Easter Sunday, entries close 16 March if anyone else is fancying it.

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Completed a 20 mile run on Sunday in 2 hrs and 22 mins.

Quicker on the way back as I was against the wind on the way out. Averaged 7 min 9 secs per mile but was under 7 min miles for the second half of the run, finishing with 6 mins 37 secs on the last mile.

Legs feel great today and will be running the 6 miles to my parents from work tonight to pick up the kids and the car!

Planning on running the Alloa Half Marathon in 2 weeks time as a tester to see how I've progressed. PB is 1hr 27 mins at last year's Glasgow Half. Would like to get it down under 1 hr 25 mins.

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I was at my work's annual conference and the guest speaker was Rodger Black. I had a word with him afterwards and he was a fairly decent guy, despite coming over on the TV as being a bit of a prat.

He was able to give me a few pointers on the mental aspects of running that thankfully seemed to tie in with my philosophy and outlook.

A timely reminder to keep up the good work and not to get complacent about what I have managed to achieve so far.

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Fitba gave me up when I was 44 - so I started running.

Captain S beat me in last year's Paisley 10k - because of Billy Mehmet...

Billy had scored, Thundermonkey will be pleased to recall, in the final minutes at Tent City last September, and so we won 1-0 which meant I had 8 pints in total that day by the time I sloped off early-ish to bed...

...with a black pudding supper. (I'm not in Bonnie Scotland often enough and so have 'desires'. :rolleyes:)

I had a very bad night's kip - and thus a bad run. I'd hoped to be in among the prizes... there are lots of prizes in the Paisley 10k and 6 for Vet 60s - my happy breed.

But I did 50 minutes 49 secs, I think, a pw. :(

If any of you fancy a target - how about Paisley 10k in September and trying to beat a baldy London basturt aged 61? :)

I'll post a link to it when the time comes round - but start training now - make it atarget. We all need targets... A 101 year old did the local (hilly) 1/2 marathon in 5h 13m last Sunday. I am in awe.

I don't have Nike gear; I don't have an I-pod; I run at least 3 times a week for at least an hour in the mud and on the hills and rough trails of Epping Forest and try to do 3 gym sessions a week.

If you want to get good at running - I'm too old and took it up too late: you lot are NOT - then get into a routine - ignore bad weather or hangovers or anything that interferes - get structure into your running so you do it almost automatically.


when I was doing my fastest marathons I was running over 1100 miles a year. Keep a diary - or does the Nike stuff do that for you?

I will be an evangelist when I grow up.

ps The Cap is not bull-shitting (THIS TIME). Though we're both Buddies, I've never met him but do know his real name and his times in races have been very impressive. Now, let's see how running with a Big Heid slows him up... :)

pps Was it Iceman(?) in London on a course - so NOT running? Everywhere I go I take my gear and get out and explore. It's even possible to run in a great city like London.

ppps "we run because we like it through the broad bright land"

I hope this helps? :)

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Captain S beat me in last year's Paisley 10k - because of Billy Mehmet...

Billy had scored, Thundermonkey will be pleased to recall, in the final minutes at Tent City last September, and so we won 1-0 which meant I had 8 pints in total that day by the time I sloped off early-ish to bed...

...with a black pudding supper. (I'm not in Bonnie Scotland often enough and so have 'desires'. :rolleyes:)

I had a very bad night's kip - and thus a bad run.

I think you'll find that the only person to blame was yourself :P How many did you sink the last couple of times our teams met?

I had no idea that there was a Paisley 10K, sounds good and I'll be at 50 min time by then.

Consider yourself challenged Ching (unless you've been sectioned by then) :)

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Good guy!

There's been a Paisley 10k for a few years now - quality runners up the sharp end... tailing all the way back to us punters...

Reasonably flat course actually runs round the 'new grun' in Feegie (corner of Greenhill Road/Feegie Park Ave). Headed west last year into a westerly breeze then back along an old rail line, which is now a footpath and sadly sheltered from any aid from that wind.

Mah wummin has dictated that for this year's run I will only be allowed to head up on the LAST Plane on Saturday night to avoid a repeat of all those miles' training being washed down the pan.


Here's a map of the course

and I checked my time - OVER 51 minutes :(

- so I'll need to get faster, too....

Edited by chingford
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I had no idea that there was a Paisley 10K, sounds good and I'll be at 50 min time by then.

Its the week before the Glasgow Half Marathon. If it follows the same route as the last 2 years then it'll take you right by St. Mirren's new stadium which will be nearing completion by then. :D

It usually has 1000 entrants - its a good race - more or less flat. I ran it in 39 mins 9 secs last year. Target is to get under 38 mins this time.

The Mens Health Form Scotland 10k in Bellahouston Park is also a good one in June. Should be around 2000 entrants. Its good because the Ploaroid Vale of Leven 10k is the same day - and all the serious runners go there..... thereby meaning that a runner like myself can get quite high up the leader board. B) A top 30 finish ain't out the question. :D

Mind you, I'm aiming for a top 30 finish at the Edinburgh Marathon in May as well. :)

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Thats my entry in for Alloa Half on Easter Sunday, if anyone else is running it let me know, can put a face to a name.

I'm 90% sure I'm joining to run that one along with the Dunfermline half in May. I've read that the Dunfermline one is also undulating but as the marathon course is as flat as Keira Knightly I'm looking forward to challenging myself on the half marathon hills.

If you can conquer them then it's all gravy, right?

Once I've definately signed up I'll let you know.

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The Mens Health Form Scotland 10k in Bellahouston Park is also a good one in June. Should be around 2000 entrants. Its good because the Ploaroid Vale of Leven 10k is the same day - and all the serious runners go there..... thereby meaning that a runner like myself can get quite high up the leader board. B) A top 30 finish ain't out the question. :D

Mind you, I'm aiming for a top 30 finish at the Edinburgh Marathon in May as well. :)

I was considering entreing this 10K as well. Now that you've pointed out that it's the same say as the Vale of Leven 10K i'm definately going to enter it. Maybe a top 50 finish will be within my reach!

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