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P&b Running Club

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Well here goes. I am 38 and have done f**k all exercise for the last 10 years.

Ran for the Gala bus up North Bridge in Edinburgh, got on it and could hardly say. Single to Gala, it took me about 5 minutes to feel comfortable.

Decided I must do something about this and reading this thread has given me the incentive to do something about it. I used to be reasonably fit as I was in the Forces, but this fightened me a bit.

I am under no illusions that the next few weeks are going to be hard and in the first few weeks are going to be a lot of walking rather than running. I wont join the P&B running club until I can run for 30 minutes, but will envisage joining eventualy, to add some extra to my running

So this week, I will go out and buy some decent running shoes and start the following week as I am due in Edinburgh midweek. Lack of choice in Gala.

Bit of advice needed:

I have looked at the Runners World Guide for beginners , has anyone got a better plan to follow? Or is this as good as it gets?

Where I am working at the moment also has tread mills, don't know whether to try and use these or leave it until I have a bit off stamina? Nobody uses the gym, so looking stupid does not come into the equation.

Do you think it is worth setting myself a goal, like a 5k, just to complete it, and no world records. Getting around it will be a PB.


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Good man. The running shoes are a good start and will give you the incentive you need to get started. As I said in a previos post, timings aren't important and you should just look to concentrate on building up your distance.

I have looked at the Runners World Guide for beginners , has anyone got a better plan to follow? Or is this as good as it gets?

I've not seen the programme but for me you should begin with whatever feels comfortable at the moment, if that is two laps of your road then so be it. The thing about fitness is that programmes needed to be tailored to fit an individuals needs.

To give you an idea; when I was training for the Half Marathon I knew I could run five miles, so that was my starting point. I ran twice a week, on a Tuesday and Sunday over a 12 week period. Every Tuesday I ran 5-6 miles, no more. The point was not to fatigue myself for the Sunday. The Sunday run was a buld-up of half mile incriments every week, so Sunday week 1 was 5 miles, week 2 was 5.5, week 3 6 and so on. I weight trained on a wed but if the gym isn't your scene then you could always get a run in then, just keep it light. The aim being to keep pushing it that little bit further. There will be times when you don't hit your target but that's ok, unless you have a race date to aim for the programme can always slip.

Obviously you wouldn't be starting at 5 miles but the principles remain. Suss out your current level and increase it weekly by c.10-15%.

Where I am working at the moment also has tread mills, don't know whether to try and use these or leave it until I have a bit off stamina? Nobody uses the gym, so looking stupid does not come into the equation.

Treadmills are a great start but not so good when you start hitting longer distances due to the boredom factor. They do however allow you to get started and build you confidence so make the most of the facilities available to you.

Do you think it is worth setting myself a goal, like a 5k, just to complete it, and no world records. Getting around it will be a PB.

Absolutely. If you sign up and pay for a race not only do you have the incintive of being ready for race day but also for not wasting your money. Now is a good time to start, albeit the toughest weather wise, as the running season is at an end.

The key is not setting your goals to high at the start as its tougher to keep your motivation up if you keep missing targets. Small steps forward still get you to where you want to be.

Hope that helps mate :)

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Thanks for that Jordo.

The RW plan is, and not to worry about distance.

•Week 1 Run one min, walk 90 seconds. Repeat eight times. Do three times a week.

•Week 2 Run two mins, walk one min. Repeat seven times. Do three times a week.

•Week 3 Run three mins walk one mins. Repeat six times. Do three times a week.

•Week 4 Run five mins, walk two mins. Repeat four times. Do three times a week.

•Week 5 Run eight mins, walk two mins. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.

•Week 6 Run 12 mins, walk one min. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.

•Week 7 Run 15 mins, walk one min, Run fifteen mins. Do three times a week

•Week 8 Run 30 mins continuously.

Struggling to find any 5k's in March. But I notice the BUPA 10k in Edinburgh, on 2nd May. 21 weeks away, if I start next weekend.

Think I will start and give it a couple weeks and see if it's achievable. If I think it might, may well enter, to give me a goal. Or is it a not a good one to go for as a novice? No doubt I will be highly visable as I will just be in front of the mini bus picking up the Marshalls up, after the last runner has passed, which will be me. :)

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I dont know much about it to be honest, although llike most sports you should always take on board medical advice. If it's 'impact' sports that would be a problem could you look at swimming as another method of getting fit?

Bit of topic I know but there are many people who can't run due to medical complaints/conditions but theres always alternatives.

I've never really thought of it before but recently I've known just how much it would affect me (could lose my eyesight or worse as it affects the heart too)

Means I'll have to change my day life (sports coaching at college - how ironic!) and other habbits.

Yeah, things like Golf, Moderate Swimming, Archery etc I could do no bother to keep fit. Need to learn how to swim first mind :lol:

Edited by Brown Must Go
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Thanks for that Jordo.

The RW plan is, and not to worry about distance.

•Week 1 Run one min, walk 90 seconds. Repeat eight times. Do three times a week.

•Week 2 Run two mins, walk one min. Repeat seven times. Do three times a week.

•Week 3 Run three mins walk one mins. Repeat six times. Do three times a week.

•Week 4 Run five mins, walk two mins. Repeat four times. Do three times a week.

•Week 5 Run eight mins, walk two mins. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.

•Week 6 Run 12 mins, walk one min. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.

•Week 7 Run 15 mins, walk one min, Run fifteen mins. Do three times a week

•Week 8 Run 30 mins continuously.

Struggling to find any 5k's in March. But I notice the BUPA 10k in Edinburgh, on 2nd May. 21 weeks away, if I start next weekend.

Think I will start and give it a couple weeks and see if it's achievable. If I think it might, may well enter, to give me a goal. Or is it a not a good one to go for as a novice? No doubt I will be highly visable as I will just be in front of the mini bus picking up the Marshalls up, after the last runner has passed, which will be me. :)

That programme looks good to me. Just make sure you have a rest day in between each run and see how you go. 8 weeks of that then 12 weeks building towards the 10k mark. 8+12=20 with a week to spare, it's like it was meant to be :lol:

10k is a good distance but you have time on your hands so go for it. And don't worry about how you preform on the day, you'd be suprised at how many people will be in the same boat. Alternatively, look for a 5k and build from there.

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I think I just seen Gaz or a good double out on a run just now at Larbert Station when I was nipping out to put the lotto on.

Proper loon it's fucking pelting it doon!

Not me mate, I've got a bit of a knee injury the now so I've not been out much over the last few days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did the jog Scotland 5K at Strathclyde Park in 20 mins 22secs. I was hoping to go sub-20mins but the 3 to 4k part lost my the 30 secs. Still well chuffed as it is easily 1 minute off my PB. :)

Was 9th over the finish line and 8th on the chip time :D

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I think I just seen Gaz or a good double out on a run just now at Larbert Station when I was nipping out to put the lotto on.

Proper loon it's fucking pelting it doon!


I've seen the Gaz double out running round Polmont. Might have mentioned it in this thread as well.

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  • 3 months later...

I think might have ran by me at Larbert station a few weeks ago too, not long after the Falkirk-Aberdeen game.

Anyway, not long back from my first run of the year. 8k, coming in at 45:23. Pretty poor, and was hoping to push for 10k but I didn't want to push it with it being my first in a while.

Possibly looking to run the Race for Life in a couple of months, will see how I get on.

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Have just started a new (and uber sedentary) job, so have bought a decent pair of trainers and registered for the Glasgow 10K in September in a desperate (and probably doomed) attempt to stave off obesity.

Progress updates to follow...

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I've seen the Gaz double out running round Polmont. Might have mentioned it in this thread as well.

I didn't notice this back then, but that probably is me - along to Polmont and up to Brightons is my usual route.

Anyway, my running's coming along fine. Got the Grangemouth 10K at the end of the month. Current PB is 44:31 so aiming to beat that. Anyone else doing it?

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Finally getting back into running following my knee injury. Tweaked my ACL before Christmas and following a few trips to a chiropractor it's feeling fine now.

Running in high humidity is a bitch though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumping this as it was always a good thread to read.

Getting myself back into running as I can't do weights at the moment due to injuring my forearms.

Anyone ever bought any running gear from www.prodirectrunning.com? If so is it reliable? Good gear?

Managed to do about 2.5 miles on Sunday there with two really steep hills in the middle of it so I was pretty impressed. How quickly should I see improvement in my cv fitness if I am running 3 - 4 times a week at 2.5 miles?

Any info would be great.

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I've got my Nike + gear sorted out eventually - calibrated it at the weekend and was planning on getting out this week... fucking weather has put a stop to that...

That prodirectrunning is always advertising in the running magazine I buy, Airdrieonians, so I imagine it's probably fine.

Baggio - I get a lot of inspiration from here. :)

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