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Well completed my 1st full X-c season. This is the only race that I'd done before last year. I was 4 and a half mins fast this year. I'm dissapointed as I was flying round, then I fell badly! Hamstring was tight, hip was sore and I couldn't put any speed on.

Next up some 10ks, track season and then half marathons.

I'll not miss the mud, Lack of changing facilities, the freezing wind, the snow, the rain, lugging a tent for miles, having to clean my kit 3 times before it's clean or ripping the hairs off me as the mud's dried in.

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Starting to get back into some sort of exercise now, had a hernia last year and easing myself back into it all.

Walked 6 miles to work and back and going to do that everyday i`m working, plus some jogs in the mornings.

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Back at work again so straight back on the treadmill only to find my left calf is tight, right hamstring is tight and also a shooting pain in my heel. Few days off I think :( Gets addictive this running lark.

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I've had a lazy week this week after the 10k on Sunday, and I'm not going to get out much this weekend either. So I decided to sneak a run in after work today and ended up going for 8½ miles. Ended up in Cullen and thought, "oh shit, I've got to run back, too"! Was a lovely run though. :)

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Think I'm going to have to give up the prospect of ever running again. SI joint in my back still very sore, even with osteopathic treatment. Walking on good days is fine, but other days just walking the dogs is agony :(

I am hopeful of recovering, but I've been out a long time now and will be back to the very beginning again!

Might have to switch to cycling!

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Ouch! I'd turn to jelly if I didn't go out on the odd run.

Not good news Footiechick :(

I forgot to un-pause my workout on Sunday - lost 3.2 miles which is a shame as I managed 8.8 miles in the end.

I am wobbling in bits I wasn't before already :( Still doing Yoga and swimming though.

I was wondering about these Power Plate things - any good???? You can hire them for your house. Might investigate!

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Got a 10K on Sun. Did this last year in 49mins57secs. I'm hoping that I will have improved in the year i've been running. So we wil see if I've got fitter.

As for stiffness, you need to stretch off. Hold the stretch for 7-10 seconds to flush the adalatic acid.

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After a fairly piss-poor start in my half-arsed training schedule for this Marathon nonsense, things appear to be ramping up a little. I managed 5.3 miles on Sunday morning (after a night out) and did 10K on Monday evening.

I've also started trying a short hill run to kill some time during lunch hours. There's one just along from my work, a mile long, fairly steep hill, so i'm attempting to run up that, and tank it back down every Tuesday, with a 3 mile run round a neighbouring loch on Thursday lunchtimes.

I try to do a longer run at the weekend. I'll try for 8-10 miles on Saturday morning. I also chuck in football twice a week (it's not really HIIT but it's fairly intensive at times), badminton and try to get to the gym twice a week for a weights circuit.

My biggest problem is being physically fucked after a few miles, it's simple boredom. I don't like running with music, and i read on the EMF site that MP3s are banned for the marathon anyway, so i see little point in training with one.

Anyway, 6.5 weeks to go, i'm clearly behind where i need to be in terms of distance. Hopefully I can at least get to over 15/16 miles in training comfortably and rely on adrenaline to take car of the rest.

If any experienced distance runners have any useful tips for the average joe who's been stupid enough to enter a marathon, feel free to post :D

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Shit, I didn't know they were banned... doh!

FWIW Jupe, my cousin (who runs the marathon regularly) says the Edinburgh one is his favourite because there are loads of supporters a the side to encourage and towards the end, they're standing outside their houses with jellybeans and Haribos and the like for the runners. :) I'm really looking forward to it now!

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Jupe when you are doing your hil runs you should use the downhill as a recovery jog. Tank it up the hill and take it easy down.

There is also evidence that listening to music can improve your performance in training and can act as a motivational tool even if you dont use them in the actual race. I have done a couple of races with my ipod and a couple without and my times in races are better without but I always use it in training.

I know it isnt the macho thing to do but remember you can stop and walk for a bit as well especially as you haven't been putting in the miles as yet.

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I ran the Edin Marathon in 2008 and MP3s were allowed then. I'd be interested to find out what the reason is behind their ban.

The final few miles of that Marathon are fairly well supported Reina. It's the previous 24 miles of empty streets and barren coastal roads that did me in.

Any tips for marathon beginners?

Walking is fine until you are up to longer distances. I walked for 5 mins when I hit the wall at 20 miles back in 2008. I knew it was time to gt back running when I felt my legs turning to concrete though.

If you are not feeling up to a training run don't feel too guilty about it. Obviously don't be a pussy about it. If it's raining or windy - get out there. If you have an ailment of some kind though it's better to rest than aggrivate it further by rigidly sticking to a training routine.

If you only manage 8 miles of a 10 mile run that's fine too (as long as you go into the marathon knowing you can comfortably get round 17/18/19 miles you should be fine).

Forget about predicted times on the day if you are struggling, folk can do themselves very real damage and worse overdoing it on the day.

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Is it permitted to wear headphones during the race?No it is not permitted. This event is run under UK Athletics rules and therefore MP3 players or other devices plugged into the ear are banned whilst running for reasons of health & safety, both yours and other competitors.

What a load of pish. My iPod greatly helped me in the second half of the 2008 marathon. I can only compare that to my in and out times and the horrors I endured when I first tackled the marathon in 2003 (without an MP3 player).

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If any experienced distance runners have any useful tips for the average joe who's been stupid enough to enter a marathon, feel free to post :D

One tip I heard was to give up caffine till before the race. Then before you start drink a red bull. then have another about the 19-20 mile mark. the caffine rush is supposed to be a good help.

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Shit, I didn't know they were banned... doh!

FWIW Jupe, my cousin (who runs the marathon regularly) says the Edinburgh one is his favourite because there are loads of supporters a the side to encourage and towards the end, they're standing outside their houses with jellybeans and Haribos and the like for the runners. :) I'm really looking forward to it now!

Well the MacMillan runners should be well supported in Leith. I just noticed that a the green vest, with a white compression top and the white shorts i'll be wearing will look much like a Hibs kit :lol:

I should update that training blog. I've not bothered my ass typing it up for weeks.

Jupe when you are doing your hil runs you should use the downhill as a recovery jog. Tank it up the hill and take it easy down.

There is also evidence that listening to music can improve your performance in training and can act as a motivational tool even if you dont use them in the actual race. I have done a couple of races with my ipod and a couple without and my times in races are better without but I always use it in training.

I know it isnt the macho thing to do but remember you can stop and walk for a bit as well especially as you haven't been putting in the miles as yet.

I've just been doing the whole hill in one, as it's a mile long, and my lunchtime is limited. However I might try just taking a section of it and doing a few repeats. Cheers.

I ran the Edin Marathon in 2008 and MP3s were allowed then. I'd be interested to find out what the reason is behind their ban.

The final few miles of that Marathon are fairly well supported Reina. It's the previous 24 miles of empty streets and barren coastal roads that did me in.

Any tips for marathon beginners?

Walking is fine until you are up to longer distances. I walked for 5 mins when I hit the wall at 20 miles back in 2008. I knew it was time to gt back running when I felt my legs turning to concrete though.

If you are not feeling up to a training run don't feel too guilty about it. Obviously don't be a pussy about it. If it's raining or windy - get out there. If you have an ailment of some kind though it's better to rest than aggrivate it further by rigidly sticking to a training routine.

If you only manage 8 miles of a 10 mile run that's fine too (as long as you go into the marathon knowing you can comfortably get round 17/18/19 miles you should be fine).

Forget about predicted times on the day if you are struggling, folk can do themselves very real damage and worse overdoing it on the day.

It's pacing myself on training runs that i find hard. I only have time for shortish runs through the week, and it's hard to make myself run them at the pace i'll be attempting the marathon on (i'm hoping to run at a 9.5/10 minute mile for as much of it as i can). However I've been lengthening my runs at the weekend, and will have a crack at 10 miles on Sat morning, which if i can stick to the right pace i should be able to do.

My fitness has definitely increased bigtime in recent weeks, no doubt through improving the diet as well as running as often as i can.

And the MP3 thing is a pain in the ass. I think i'd have stuck The Cult's "She Sells Sanctuary" on repeat play for 4.5 hours :lol:

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