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P&b Running Club

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Right! I'm forever asking questions on here, and it may have been asked on this very thread, but I'm a shameless c**t so I'll ask again.

I go out for the odd run and I'm about to join a gym. I need a new mp3 player. I could just get a massive iPod classic, but it's a bit pricey and I'm worried it's a bit too heavy and the headphone jack would break again (like my last iPod classic). I'm sure there are players out there more suited for running, but it would probably have to hold upwards of 16Gb. Can anyone help?

I run with a 32Gb iPod Touch. As Baggio says, the iPods with hard drives get fucked up when running. I broke the arm that reads the disc on my original iPod classic.

you can get a 16g nano. I think it's better to get a flash drive than a hard drive for running.

On the running front, after a month of post 10k Gin, pizza and cake I've hit the roads again this week. Signed up for the GSR 10k in September so need to start clocking up the kms again!

I'm doing the half-marathon that day. They have arranged the start times of the two races so you could attempt 'the double'......

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I'm doing the half-marathon that day. They have arranged the start times of the two races so you could attempt 'the double'......

Last year there i think there was an hour between races and a couple of dozen folk tried both.

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Falkirk Parkrun starts up next month, I'm helping out at the second trial run this Saturday morning. Looking forward to it.

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Falkirk Parkrun starts up next month, I'm helping out at the second trial run this Saturday morning. Looking forward to it.

i've got myself a park run card for this reason, I play football on a saturday but hopefully get along to a few of them in the preseason then attempt both when i'm benchwarming lol!

I signed up to the glasgow river rat race, 10k its a new race this year and looks pretty decent fun!

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Want to thank whoever it was that highlighted the Couch to 5k podcast. Never thought i could run that far, issues with boredom/motivation, but the podcast really kept me going. I had a couple of setbacks, cold and some sore muscles but took it easy at those points and got through it. I did some of the week runs more than once, more of a confidence thing but it worked and i got there.

If you don't think you can run try it, it does work regardless of your current fitness level.

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This morning I took part in a trial run for the Parkrun starting in Falkirk next July.

Good course and a good bunch of folk. I finished 6th out of about 20-25 runners with a time of 23:55. Not my best ever 5K time but the hill going up the side of the golf course back into the woods is a killer!

My 10K PB is 44:08 so in theory I should be capable of running a 5K in about 22 minutes with a decent bit of training. Not sure where that would have had me finishing today, maybe 2nd or 3rd? Will know more when the results come out later on this afternoon.

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My PB for 10K is 45:08 and my 5K is 21:51 so you'd could be looking at 21:00-21:30.

Been training hard this week.

20min fartlek on hills, 5 mile run and sprint training.

Quite a bit of walking as well as I've been off work all week.

Aching like hell and I've a track meeting tomorrow.

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My PB for 10K is 45:08 and my 5K is 21:51 so you'd could be looking at 21:00-21:30.

Been training hard this week.

20min fartlek on hills, 5 mile run and sprint training.

Quite a bit of walking as well as I've been off work all week.

Aching like hell and I've a track meeting tomorrow.

I'm going to concentrate on 5K for the next few months I reckon, see how it goes at the Parkrun events. Don't see any reason why I can't get sub-22 before the end of the year, although it is a hilly route.

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So far my 5K training is going well.

Ran the trial Parkrun last month on the 25th June and came in at 23:26.

In the four 5Ks I've done since then I've clocked 24:34; 24:12; 23:52 and just back from 23:15.

Hopefully take another thirty seconds off that time and see how it goes. I reckon it's possible as I was slowed down on tonight's run by the barriers alongside the canal that stop vehicles driving along the footpath - got to slow down for those to go round the bit for pedestrians.

Fingers crossed, would be delighted with a time under 23 minutes for the first official Parkrun on the 16th July.

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can't be arsed reading 63 pages after discovering this thread, so making no boasts about relevance of the following random info.

I track my runs on my Nokia N8, using Endomondo. Went back to running last summer, after giving it up aged 15 and spending the next 30 years playing basketball. Taking part in the Glasgow 10k (my first competitive ever) on 4th September, my training 10k's come in at 49-51 mins, so I'm hoping that the rush of racing and the company/cameraderie helps me knock a couple of minutes off that time.

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So far my 5K training is going well.

Ran the trial Parkrun last month on the 25th June and came in at 23:26.

In the four 5Ks I've done since then I've clocked 24:34; 24:12; 23:52 and just back from 23:15.

Hopefully take another thirty seconds off that time and see how it goes. I reckon it's possible as I was slowed down on tonight's run by the barriers alongside the canal that stop vehicles driving along the footpath - got to slow down for those to go round the bit for pedestrians.

Fingers crossed, would be delighted with a time under 23 minutes for the first official Parkrun on the 16th July.

Don't think I'll make the first one on the 16th, still not back to anywhere near fitness after injury. I would probably come last :(

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can't be arsed reading 63 pages after discovering this thread, so making no boasts about relevance of the following random info.

I track my runs on my Nokia N8, using Endomondo. Went back to running last summer, after giving it up aged 15 and spending the next 30 years playing basketball. Taking part in the Glasgow 10k (my first competitive ever) on 4th September, my training 10k's come in at 49-51 mins, so I'm hoping that the rush of racing and the company/cameraderie helps me knock a couple of minutes off that time.

Good luck to you - my first 10k shaved 2 minutes of my training PB. The problem you may have with the mass participation is all the dummy in front of you who think they are faster than they are.

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I've just started running after signing up for the 10K in September.

Not really at the stage of timing runs yet, still trying to finish without being sick.

Managed 2 and a half miles without stopping on Sunday, so getting better.

Made it round Strathclyde park in 40 minutes, walking and running.

Will be trying to go right round without stopping this weekend sometime.

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I've just started running after signing up for the 10K in September.

Not really at the stage of timing runs yet, still trying to finish without being sick.

Managed 2 and a half miles without stopping on Sunday, so getting better.

Made it round Strathclyde park in 40 minutes, walking and running.

Will be trying to go right round without stopping this weekend sometime.

Having just spent the last year gradually building up my stamina, I can say well done.

What helped me when I got to the stage where my body was suggesting I walk a while, I would set myself a series of mini-targets - "I want to still be running at that lamp-post" then "I want to still be running at that bus stop" etc. Even if that next target is only 100m away, you'll be amazed at how much distance achieving these mini-targets will add.

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Having just spent the last year gradually building up my stamina, I can say well done.

What helped me when I got to the stage where my body was suggesting I walk a while, I would set myself a series of mini-targets - "I want to still be running at that lamp-post" then "I want to still be running at that bus stop" etc. Even if that next target is only 100m away, you'll be amazed at how much distance achieving these mini-targets will add.


I'm trying that, but I'm still a bit of a quitter.

Getting there though.

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I've recently started running as well, in the last couple of months, initially I just took it up to get fit for fives which, is again, something I've only started playing after a couple of years out.

I've started running 5Ks around different routes where I stay but my times are fucking garbage I just dont have the stamina / endurance to run for any significant length of time. I was out last night and ran the first mile in about 8 and half minutes and it then took us about the same length of time to walk/run the next half mile which was all up hill. My finishing time was around 34 minutes.

Whats it the best way to increase your stamina / endurance is just a case of running week-in,week-out for a long period of time or is there any other exericises etc. which would be good for this?

For the last couple of weeks I've went out running on Monday & Friday and play fives on a Wednesday. I've noticed a big improvement in my fitness at fives over the last month or so but the running seems to be taking a lot longer.

I am planning on going along to the Parkruns at Strathclyde park in the near future but I would like to get my time down a bit before heading along to these.

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