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Indeed with September weekend off.

4th Sept - 1/2 marathon

11th Sept - Cumbernauld 10k

17th Sept - Strathclyde Park Run

24/25th Sept - weekend off

2nd October - Loch Ness Marathon


Good luck.

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Race pack for Great Scottish Run arrived in the post this morning. Look out for #136 (near the back :ph34r: ).

9.30 start on Sunday morning? Ouch.

Oh good god. It's only a couple of weeks ago and I am still a fat blob and haven't even walked this week. My baby has been demanding due to her reflux so I've not had a chance. Concerted effort from tomorrow.

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I was just printing off the course this morning. Must admit to feeling nervous for the first time. I was cool until last night but there's a friend's husband whose running and he's shitting himself. He feels under prepared and now I'm feeling the same. I'll be happier when my race number arrives and I know the finer details such as bag storage and train times.

The actual run should be fine although I've only gone as far a 10 miles in my training.

I suppose my immediate concerns are getting a playlist together for my iPod (according to a reply from the run's Facebook page there is no problem with MP3 players on the course) and hitting my charity target. Anyone else running for charity? I'm £45 short of my target.

I'm running (walking/limping!) for Samaratans, I only set a £100 target and I've met that and still a few folk to sponsor me.

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cheers - another 7 and 1/2 mile run this morning before work.

Hardcore right enough.

How early do you get up?

I'm struggling to get three miles in before work, but I need to catch the 7.07 train.

It's getting harder the darker the mornings are.

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Hardcore right enough.

How early do you get up?

I'm struggling to get three miles in before work, but I need to catch the 7.07 train.

It's getting harder the darker the mornings are.

Get up at 6 out the house for 6.30. Down to the gym to stretch out before run, out for run, then post run stretch, shower, dressed and in the car between 8.15 and 8.30.

If I leave at 8.30 I am usually 5 minutes late getting to work.

Have you done the Cumbernauld before Diamonds? The route I always run is around the loch and around the two main roads in Blackwood

I have done it once before - you leave broadwood and then run through along towards an industrial estate, through the ndustrial estate, passed some barratt style housing down to the loch and back up to broadwood.

The year I did it the start was delayed so the North Lanarkshire Provost could get piped to the start line to give the starting orders. C*nt

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I think they might have changed it slightly. I was a steward at one before (about 4 years ago, school forced me) and I heard one of the runners saying they've altered the route. Something about a hill.

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I think they might have changed it slightly. I was a steward at one before (about 4 years ago, school forced me) and I heard one of the runners saying they've altered the route. Something about a hill.

That reminds me there was a pretty long hill.

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Get up at 6 out the house for 6.30. Down to the gym to stretch out before run, out for run, then post run stretch, shower, dressed and in the car between 8.15 and 8.30.

If I leave at 8.30 I am usually 5 minutes late getting to work.

I need a wee nap after reading that.

I'm up at quarter to six, two minute stretch, run, stretch, shower then a doze on the train.

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You sometimes tend to slow slightly (or go faster for a spurt) when outside - if you don't fanny around with the speed and inclines you're forced to go at that speed (normally quite high).

I cannot stand treadmills personally

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I hate them too. I can't think of anything more boring than running inside. I was out on Tuesday and saw seals and deer. If I go to the gym, I just get to see myself looking like a sweaty red pint of mess in the mirror. Not appealing...

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Yes the Treadmill sucks but its all I have out here (oil rig) for 2 weeks and yes you tend to want to give up alot easier.

I think I run about the same pace outside as I do on a treadmill. My recent 5k park run times suggest this.

Once I get a official sub 45min 10k then im going to look at doing a half marathon. Totally different but I think I could give it a go.

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I'm not running in the Parkrun tomorrow, just volunteering.

Didn't get back my honeymoon until late on Sunday night and have had a boring week at work so I've not been motivated to do any running.

Volunteer tomorrow, cracked back into the fitness on Monday and then we'll see how it goes.

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I'm not running in the Parkrun tomorrow, just volunteering.

Didn't get back my honeymoon until late on Sunday night and have had a boring week at work so I've not been motivated to do any running.

Volunteer tomorrow, cracked back into the fitness on Monday and then we'll see how it goes.

Should see if you can get the tail runner gig. At least you would get some exercise.

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