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Are you feeling any more at home with the distance, SpoonTon? That time sounds quick for the Green pen (though I've no idea what the cut-offs actually were), seems you had a good one!

I think I might have put down 1hr50mins, and I suspect that might be the cut off. That was a bit pessimistic from me but I had a bit of a nightmare last year so I thought I set an easier target. With noone around me I was getting my own applause from crowds for a while, it certainly felt a bit strange.

I don't run the distance enough to be comfortable with it. I can't really control my pace over the last third or so of the distance. Ran the first 10k in 46 minutes yesterday, which accounts for all the time ahead of my previous personal best (ran the rest at the same pace as previous pb).

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Well fine guys!

Managed 20mins of jogging this morning. Have ditched measuring distance for now as know injury and illness this yr means I'm no where near distance I was doing.

Once back to comfortable half hr jog I'll add in distance. Would really like to do 10k in spring and gsr half next yr.

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I managed 59:49 in the 10km. I was pleased with it, my target was to break an hour. I looked at my watch at 5k and was at 29 minutes. I normally run the second 5k of a 10k quicker so I was hoping I could beat the time I got in my previous 10k (57:45) but my feet started to get sore - not enough training. Still, got what I aimed for and there was a great atmosphere. I'm going to aim to do the half next year.

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I've sort of set myself a target of 4 and a half hours but wouldn't be too disappointed going over it. What sort of intervals should I be doing for a marathon? I think I'll follow the plan I have from now and then incorporate intervals later on.

For a marathon it would be 1km/1 mile/2km interval reps imo. You would be running these at minimum you target marathon pace or slightly above. Best thing is to find a circuit in a park that is the above length and do a lap have about 90 secs recovery and then go again.

Also throw in the occasional shorter, faster intervals session of say 400/600/800m at a faster pace to keep you top end speed.

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I've seen that Yasso 800s are good for training for a marathon and can help predict your goal time. That you should be capable of runing 10x repeats of 800m in as many minutes and seconds of that of your goal time in hours and minutes (ie. marathon goal time of 3hr 30 min = running each 800 in 3mins 30 seconds). With 400m recoveries in between.

Anyone put that into practice?

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I've seen that Yasso 800s are good for training for a marathon and can help predict your goal time. That you should be capable of runing 10x repeats of 800m in as many minutes and seconds of that of your goal time in hours and minutes (ie. marathon goal time of 3hr 30 min = running each 800 in 3mins 30 seconds). With 400m recoveries in between.

Anyone put that into practice?

I have read about those, but never actually tried it. It would be a tough session no doubt! In fact I think it would be great training for 10k up!

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Didn't make my PB on Sunday. Started off well and went through each of the first three 5k in pretty much exactly 21:30 so was well on track for PB but it started to go wrong about 9.5 miles where I got a stitch (really unusual for me) and by the time I'd got my breathing back under control my legs had started to go all over the place!

Crossed the line in 1:33:59 and felt awful as I did as well as being gutted (that's reduced a bit now). Felt really tired as well last night and still do which is also a bit new after a race for me.

Will need to figure out what went a bit wrong and try to do it better next time.

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Sometimes you just don't feel right, and that can happen either in hard training runs or races. You were probably just unlucky to have one of those on a race day.I felt exactly like that after a long run a few weeks ago, and didn't feel right for a full week after it.

As for Yasso 800s - I've tried them once, building up by one a week from 5 up to 10. It's a hard session in the last few weeks of it, and certainly worth doing for general running fitness, but my experience is that they aren't a great predictor for your marathon time. Or more likely, they aren't a great predictor unless you're running a lot of miles in a week - peaking at 40-50, I don't think I was doing enough for it to matter that much. Most of my repeats were about 3:05, but I haven't yet got close to that sort of time in a marathon. However, my half marathon time isn't too far away from the 'equivalent' of 3:05, but with the half you don't have such a need to run really high weekly mileage.

Everyone's different though, so worth a go to see how you get on.

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Just entered the Inverness half-marathon, being run in March next year. Should be a good motiviator and I'll get to run down the street where I grew up as well.

Given there is only one street in Inverness, that wouldn't be hard.

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I did the GSR for the first time at the weekend. I was originally going to do the 10k but the half marathon route looked interesting so I ended up entering and running both races. I'm really glad I did as the half marathon was a nice run that I could appreciate more as I just jogged it really. Will be back next year to give it a proper go, without having run the 10k just before. :)

Edited by blue4578
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Running goals for next year:

Grangemouth Road the Houses 10K

Alloa Half

Loch Ness Marathon

Great Scottish Run

Looks like Loch Ness & GSR are on the same weekend next year. Very inconsiderate of them!

My year should look something like:

Loch Katrine Half

Grangemouth 10k (if it's on 10/Apr)

Brighton marathon

Musselburgh 10k...

Anything later'll need to wait until dates settle down, but there'll likely be an Autumn marathon somewhere.

I loved the Inverness Half this year, ICTChris. I had no idea where I was most of the time but I don't know if that was a help or hindrance. Good luck in Aviemore, Reina - you're in great form, I'm sure you'll smash it!

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For anyone interested, Alloa half opened for entries a few days ago. I'm going to have a go at that instead of Inverness next March and also fancy doing the Forfar multi-terrain half in February, which seems to be a tough trail and cross-country route.

Aside from those, will be looking for a Spring marathon that isn't in Edinburgh (Manchester looks a decent bet just now), Black Rock 5 and probably a few shortish local races for the first half of the year.

I got round Kirkcaldy parkrun today in 19:11 - was delighted with that as it beat my previous best by 12 seconds despite having really sore, heavy legs from hard runs the previous two days. Good to get the legs going quickly again and looking forward to the Templeton 10 at the start of November.

Good luck tomorrow, Reina. You seem to be going pretty well just now, so hopefully you're on for another good time.

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