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Neefie. It looks like you have your training pretty boxed off. How did you come up with these programmes?

I try to vary my training 10k today, easy 5k tomorrow, intervals the day after that, long easy run after that etc.

My main goals are to run the Falkirk Park Run under 20 minutes and I'm going to to run my first a second half marathons next march/April. Do I just stick to this and hopefully see times improve or do I need to tweak the program. I am running a sub 20min 5k on the treadmill but cannot transfer that to the hilly park run. PB is 21:07.

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Neefie. It looks like you have your training pretty boxed off. How did you come up with these programmes?

I try to vary my training 10k today, easy 5k tomorrow, intervals the day after that, long easy run after that etc.

My main goals are to run the Falkirk Park Run under 20 minutes and I'm going to to run my first a second half marathons next march/April. Do I just stick to this and hopefully see times improve or do I need to tweak the program. I am running a sub 20min 5k on the treadmill but cannot transfer that to the hilly park run. PB is 21:07.

I'm currently in the process of becoming an athletics coach. I passed my coaching assistant coach last year and worked with 2 coaches at my club for over a year, one is the endurance coach that runs sub-3 hour marathons and the other is a "Master Coach" and newly qualified "UKA Tutor" and specialises in the technical events and strength in conditioning. So I've took all that info and put it all together.

Basically I work on building stamina by slower, longer runs.

Endurance by doing repitations of the distance at my target pace or faster than my target pace for each rep. Unless it's over 10K I try to do the distance.

Speed by doing flat out speed work over short distances.

Power by doing weights and hill/steps work. I also work on my core. Your running comes from your core.

Flexibility by stretching.

My main goal next year is a sub-13min 3000m steeplechase. This year I got my 10K time from 47mins to run my 1st sub-45min 10k. I also got my 5K time from 24mins to 21mins 21secs. Next year I will want to get a sub-21min 5K.

I do a meso-cycle where I plan for the next 6 months. I pick a race that I want to target for a time. Then I break it down to include the races I want to do in that period. I choose them as my "long run" and also as a means to measure how my progress is coming on. That way I can tweek training. I always build up till a week before a race then ease up so my body is recovered for it.

You now owe my £20 for this! lol

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I did the Jog Scotland Christmas Cracker 5k yesterday, my first run in 3 weeks, think I finished 7th or 8th and no idea of my official time yet.

The race was delay about 10/15minutes just in time for the snow to start - just reminded me of now much I have missed my running over the last few weeks!

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I did the Jog Scotland Christmas Cracker 5k yesterday, my first run in 3 weeks, think I finished 7th or 8th and no idea of my official time yet.

The race was delay about 10/15minutes just in time for the snow to start - just reminded me of now much I have missed my running over the last few weeks!

7th place finish at the 20 minute mark. My PB would have got me a 4th place finish but the headwind probably made this unlikely. Pleased with my time given the lack of training.

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Neefie. It looks like you have your training pretty boxed off. How did you come up with these programmes?

I try to vary my training 10k today, easy 5k tomorrow, intervals the day after that, long easy run after that etc.

My main goals are to run the Falkirk Park Run under 20 minutes and I'm going to to run my first a second half marathons next march/April. Do I just stick to this and hopefully see times improve or do I need to tweak the program. I am running a sub 20min 5k on the treadmill but cannot transfer that to the hilly park run. PB is 21:07.

What incline havbe you set the treadmill at? The treadmill isn't a great way to judge your time as it does some of the work for you and I have also found that the clocks on them can be out be a couple of seconds as well.

try setting the treadmill to an incline of 2 as this is supposed the closest to the effort level you require to run on the flat outside.

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What incline havbe you set the treadmill at? The treadmill isn't a great way to judge your time as it does some of the work for you and I have also found that the clocks on them can be out be a couple of seconds as well.

try setting the treadmill to an incline of 2 as this is supposed the closest to the effort level you require to run on the flat outside.

I've never ran on a treadmill for 8 years and I can't remember.

The treadmill does most of the work and you just have to lift your feet up and down!

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What incline havbe you set the treadmill at? The treadmill isn't a great way to judge your time as it does some of the work for you and I have also found that the clocks on them can be out be a couple of seconds as well.

try setting the treadmill to an incline of 2 as this is supposed the closest to the effort level you require to run on the flat outside.

I will run on random hill setting once a week. Im stuck with the treadmill for 2 out of 5 unfortunatly so I will try your suggestion for the next week. Im donig the marcothon challenge which is run at least 3 miles a day every day in december

I do run quick for the majority of my time. For instance I did 5 k today in 19:56 but started the first half k at 25 min pace and finished on 18.5km/hr. Iv came to the conclusion Im just going to have to beast myself when doing intervals and hills. I will be happy if I can get my park run under 21 minutes for now.

I've never ran on a treadmill for 8 years and I can't remember.

The treadmill does most of the work and you just have to lift your feet up and down!

Doesn't fel like it does most the work anyway but I know what you mean.

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I will run on random hill setting once a week. Im stuck with the treadmill for 2 out of 5 unfortunatly so I will try your suggestion for the next week. Im donig the marcothon challenge which is run at least 3 miles a day every day in december

I do run quick for the majority of my time. For instance I did 5 k today in 19:56 but started the first half k at 25 min pace and finished on 18.5km/hr. Iv came to the conclusion Im just going to have to beast myself when doing intervals and hills. I will be happy if I can get my park run under 21 minutes for now.

Edit to add - I find the random hill pretty pish as the treadmills at my gym alter the speed as well as the gradient. I prefer running pyramids with the incline altering it myself.

Doesn't fel like it does most the work anyway but I know what you mean.

I found my 5k times start to tumble when I moved up distances I recorded by PB at the 5k after I had been training for the half marathon last year but you are doing all the right things. One day it will click and everything will come together for a fast time!

Edited by diamonds2002
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Managed my longest road run yet the other day. 10 miles in 1:22. Pleased as its close to half marathon distance. Will need to take some glucose next time I'm out for a long run as my legs started to feel weak as bami around 9miles.

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A little quiet in here. Everybody to busy Christmas shopping?

I just ran my furthest distance to date. Id say Im on course for the Half Marathons I have planned for March and April.

Just short of 12 miles. Ran from my flat in Falkirk to Linlithgow. Legs were tiring at the end. Only a couple of miles off the distance :)

My link

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A little quiet in here. Everybody to busy Christmas shopping?

I just ran my furthest distance to date. Id say Im on course for the Half Marathons I have planned for March and April.

Just short of 12 miles. Ran from my flat in Falkirk to Linlithgow. Legs were tiring at the end. Only a couple of miles off the distance :)

My link

Good job. If you got the train home, I hope you paid your ticket wink.gif

I'm aiming for half marathon next year, but probably not as early as that.

Going home for the Dumbarton 10k in early June, then aiming at the GSR half marathon. Plus any random events that catch my eye during the year.

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I'm in bits now after major conditioning work. You try doing planks, running, lunges, running, side planks, running, compass jumps, running, leg extensions, running, supermans, running and then do stackers (hold a plank position, then push your self up and back into the plank position using alternate arms for 15 secs each for one minute) and not be in pain!

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I have done one 5k race since Jack was born and thats it! Despite losing weight over the first fortnight I now have a little belly starting and feel lethargic. Hopefully I will get out for a few training session over the holidays. I need to sign up for some races in the new year to focus and give myself something to aim for.

Off my start of year goals I have managed to acheive just one - run a marathon! My hoped for sub 19 5k and sub 40 10k I failed because of timing of my baby boy but i wouldnt change it for the world

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