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just a word of warning, if your run is in 2 weeks you want to be tapering your distance in 1 week. I'm having a rest this weekend as I've had a heavy week. Ran 3.3 miles in 23 mins 24 secs on Tuesday. Then had a hard pyramid session on Thurday. 2 reps of 1-2-3-2-1 minute efforts. Legs have been heavy ever since.

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just a word of warning, if your run is in 2 weeks you want to be tapering your distance in 1 week. I'm having a rest this weekend as I've had a heavy week. Ran 3.3 miles in 23 mins 24 secs on Tuesday. Then had a hard pyramid session on Thurday. 2 reps of 1-2-3-2-1 minute efforts. Legs have been heavy ever since.

5 weeks for me. I'm not where i should be according to the training plan though. That had me at 18 miles with 3 weeks to go, which is a big ask. I'm hoping to get my distance up to that with 2 weeks to go, then take it easier. Shorter runs and continue with the hill runs and HIIT. I've been doing a bit of legwork on the weights.

I've notced a huge difference in the last 2-3 weeks fitness wise though, since doing the hill runs. Also got a programme from a running magazine for treadmill work, and tweaked it:

10 mins at 5/10 intensity

1min 6

1min 7

1min 6

1min 7

1min 8

1min 7

1min 8

1min 9

1min 10

10 mins 5 warm down

That's certainly helped a bit i think.

Edited by jupe1407
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7 miles into my run last night I got a sharp pain in my right calf which was bad enough to make me stop running immediately.

I went and had a sports massage this morning and hope it was worth all the pain. I've not experienced pain like that in a while.

Time for me to take a week off from running.

5 weeks to go :unsure:

Edited by Ziggy
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I didn't really hit anything approaching a wall until about 9 miles

It was my first 9 miles run that did me in when I was trainign for the half marathon last year. It kind of feels almost trance like but not in a good way. It was also the point that I realised that I would need to start eating on my longer runs. Take some Jelly babies with you and have a handful at 6 miles or 40-45mins.

London Marathon 2012 ballot opens 26.04.2011.

Cheers for that - i failed to get entry this year and it looked amazing on the TV yesterday morning. Really want to do it now.

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That's another 6 miles that Nizzy and myself bagged this morning. Highlights include running through a cemetery and taking in the breathtaking Grangemouth scenery.

I'm relieved we made it past the cemetery before I got the notion I was about to shit myself.

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Any injury advice would be most welcome...

I've started getting a sharp pain on the outside of my left kneecap the last week and a half. Really felt it after a 10 mile + run last Saturday, it eased up, then was back with a vengeance after 4 miles on Wednesday. I couldn't even manage 2 miles on a fucking treadmill yesterday. Any experienced (ie previously injured runners) got any ideas WTF i've done to it? I don't remember any actual incident that could have caused it.

I'm doing the Edinburgh Marathon on 22nd May :(

I'm seriously worried!

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I would maybe go and see a physio - mate of mine did it and she got a massage and has been fine since.

Aye i'm making an appointment with one next week. Hopefully this is just a minor thing that's easy to rectify. Not only do i need to run this marathon, i need to get some more training in as well. A week's rest should help a bit as well

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