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Didn't realise a test that was called off for rain when the poms were well behind was regarded as a pumping. Good to see the anti-aussie chip on the shoulder is still going strong on P&B.

You seem oblivious to quite a lot regarding cricket.

Ashes retained in three tests. That's a pumping.

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You seem oblivious to quite a lot regarding cricket.

Ashes retained in three tests. That's a pumping.

You seem quite oblivious to what I'm saying, I was talking about the test in rainchester but if you say retaining the ashes in three tests which one ended by rain is a pumping then clearly your deluded, that's no pumping. Poms struggled in the 1st test and rain saved them in the 3rd, hardly a pumping :lol:

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You seem quite oblivious to what I'm saying, I was talking about the test in rainchester but if you say retaining the ashes in three tests which one ended by rain is a pumping then clearly your deluded, that's no pumping. Poms struggled in the 1st test and rain saved them in the 3rd, hardly a pumping  :lol:

Maybe if you had managed to win one of the previous two tests then you wouldnt be moaning about the weather in "Rainchester"

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Maybe if you had managed to win one of the previous two tests then you wouldnt be moaning about the weather in "Rainchester"

Bit pointless staging a test in a city that has rain basically every single day of the year isn't it. Poms got belted around in the 1st day and then just prayed on the rain coming, pointless and boring, feel sorry for the fans who shelved out their hard earned for a ticket for it.

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You seem quite oblivious to what I'm saying, I was talking about the test in rainchester but if you say retaining the ashes in three tests which one ended by rain is a pumping then clearly your deluded, that's no pumping. Poms struggled in the 1st test and rain saved them in the 3rd, hardly a pumping :lol:

Yes, it is a pumping. The ashes were retained in 14 days of cricket. Australia lost the first two tests, the second by a fucking mile. And failed to keep the series alive by winning at Old Trafford, thus failing to win the ashes..

There were signs of hope in most of the tests for Australia of course. But the facts are there. The rain simply helped them to avoid a series whitewash, England were playing for the draw as soon as they lost the toss anyway. <_<

Maybe Australia will win a test in England this series? But I doubt it, they are shit.

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Yes, it is a pumping. The ashes were retained in 14 days of cricket. Australia lost the first two tests, the second by a fucking mile. And failed to keep the series alive by winning at Old Trafford, thus failing to win the ashes..

There were signs of hope in most of the tests for Australia of course. But the facts are there. The rain simply helped them to avoid a series whitewash, England were playing for the draw as soon as they lost the toss anyway. <_<

Maybe Australia will win a test in England this series? But I doubt it, they are shit.

:lol: There really is no helping you is there, maybe take those rose tinted specs off first.

The poms were expected to run wild and annihilate us in every test yet struggled in the 1st, 2nd won easy and would have lost the 3rd if it wasn't for rain, yet you see that as a pumping, deary me :lol: Yeah the poms are that good that they lose a toss and go out to just scrape a draw and pray for rain and your calling us shit. One deluded man, Anyway enjoy watching the rest of the ashes, that's if the rain holds off ;)

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:lol: There really is no helping you is there, maybe take those rose tinted specs off first.

The poms were expected to run wild and annihilate us in every test yet struggled in the 1st, 2nd won easy and would have lost the 3rd if it wasn't for rain, yet you see that as a pumping, deary me :lol: Yeah the poms are that good that they lose a toss and go out to just scrape a draw and pray for rain and your calling us shit. One deluded man, Anyway enjoy watching the rest of the ashes, that's if the rain holds off ;)

I don't know about THAT, but anyone that knows anything about the sport knows that England are a better side and they have just retained the Ashes, which proves it. Your dribbling on about ifs and ands is irrelevant. Test cricket never lies, and in the recently drawn test match there is absolute no way you can say with any certainty that England would have lost that. They have lost the top three for f**k all fairly regularly in this series so far after all and were still going in to that test with two wins under their belt.


suck it up

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This series doesn't really matter, the holders only have the urn for a few months.

It's the series down under at the end of the year that's the big one, and if i was an Aussie id be pretty confident going into that one.

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I don't know about THAT, but anyone that knows anything about the sport knows that England are a better side and they have just retained the Ashes, which proves it. Your dribbling on about ifs and ands is irrelevant. Test cricket never lies, and in the recently drawn test match there is absolute no way you can say with any certainty that England would have lost that. They have lost the top three for f**k all fairly regularly in this series so far after all and were still going in to that test with two wins under their belt.


suck it up

I'm not saying they aren't a better side but they aren't THAT much better than what the media and numpties like you over there would try and have you believe. I can say yes we would have won that last test if it wasn't for rain stopping play, there you go plain and simple and that's also very well respected people in cricket who share that view down here say that. Down here will be a different story come our summer, feel free to bring your bats with silicon on them too :P

Pissing it down at Chester apparently.

Typical, they can't hold any sporting event without rain ruining it.

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This series doesn't really matter, the holders only have the urn for a few months.

It's the series down under at the end of the year that's the big one, and if i was an Aussie id be pretty confident going into that one.

Why's that then?

Maybe if they don't lose this one by the third test. Oops!

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Why's that then?

Maybe if they don't lose this one by the third test. Oops!

Well they never lost it by the third test did they?

It's all about bragging rights the ashes, and the winners of this series will have 3 months worth of bragging, whereas the winners of the next test series have about 18 months worth!

Neither side are that good, if England were half as good as they thought they were they would win 10-0 as this is the worst Aussie team since the 80's. They aren't though, and i fancy them to get turned over down under.

Edited by Lex
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I still wouldn't pick Bresnan he just doesn't have the basic weapons to be a good test bowler. And a bit like his old mate Frontbottom, he has to try and bowl that little bit faster than his body is built to withstand to try and be effective. His strike rate is fucking shit too. I'd get Finn or Tremlett in for this one, maybe even Onions although I'm not sure about him either. It might be a wicket that suits him though, but England don't seem to pick horses for courses. Who knows.

As for Australia, is Harris OK? If he is, its a bit of a miracle that he will have lasted three tests in a row. If he plays it will surely be his last test until the next series, assuming he hasn't fallen to bits. He's a good bowler and has contributed to nullifying the likes of Cook in particular. In fact the Aussie bowling has been decent this series to their target batsmen, they have bowled with good discipline to Cook, Trott and Pietersen who they have targeted as being the top boys for England. The bowling to Cook in particular has impressed me, fifth stump and full has stopped him getting away and scoring in his favourite places. He is a class batsman though and will work out how to counter this but it has been good stuff from the Aussie bowlers.

Anway, for this one, England to win by an innings and about three hundred runs by sunday. <_<

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Well they never lost it by the third test did they?

It's all about bragging rights the ashes, and the winners of this series will have 3 months worth of bragging, whereas the winners of the next test series have about 18 months worth!

Neither sides are that good, if England were half as good as they thought they were they would win 10-0 as this is the worst Aussie team since the 80's. They aren't though, and i fancy them to get turned over down under.

No, they drew it.

Well, thats arguable. England are a good side, Australia are rebuilding theirs. They have a reasonably effective bowling line up (if it stays fit) but their batting is erratic. The last test was one of those matches where the toss was crucial to win. This one coming up might not be such a big deal. But the wickets are almost sub continent in this series and you simply dont want to be batting last, ever, on those things.

The problem with your analysis is that Australia aren't going to improve radically in three months time. It will be the same bunch of plodders, with the class act that is Clark shining like a beacon. The wickets down there will have pace, that will suit the likes of Tremlett and Finn, and possibly even Broad if he is ruffled about something. This England side hasn't performed at all yet, yet it is two nil up after three tests here.

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No, they drew it.

Well, thats arguable. England are a good side, Australia are rebuilding theirs. They have a reasonably effective bowling line up (if it stays fit) but their batting is erratic. The last test was one of those matches where the toss was crucial to win. This one coming up might not be such a big deal. But the wickets are almost sub continent in this series and you simply dont want to be batting last, ever, on those things.

The problem with your analysis is that Australia aren't going to improve radically in three months time. It will be the same bunch of plodders, with the class act that is Clark shining like a beacon. The wickets down there will have pace, that will suit the likes of Tremlett and Finn, and possibly even Broad if he is ruffled about something. This England side hasn't performed at all yet, yet it is two nil up after three tests here.

Australia won't have to improve radically to beat England in Australia though. England are a decent enough side, but I certainly wouldn't describe them as good, Cook is nowhere near the captain or batsman Strauss was. India and South Africa would wipe the floor with them.

These wickets have been custom made for England, and they're still huffing and puffing. Australia should have won at Trent Bridge and would have if the umpires had made the correct calls, their batting collapsed at Lords after a decent bowling effort and then they should and would have won at Old Trafford but for rain. Excuses maybe but English cricket experts have said these things.

The Australian wickets will obviously favour the home side, and there's far less chance of rain helping England out during an Aussie summer.

I predict a 2-2 in this series and a 4-1 to the home side in Australia

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