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Excuses Why Your Homework Wasn't Turned In


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5. im allergic to it

4. You said it was due tomorrow, but right now, it's today

3. My best friend was absent

2. There was a hot eastern european chick in my house last night and she stuffed it up her pussy :o

1. I ate it

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I would never use anything so rubbish :rolleyes:

Though once I said I hadn't locked my door, so I could go home and find/do my homework in time for my class with a particularly nasty teacher :lol::lol:

I've had several other classics. Like I once told the teacher that my brother was in hospital, and they wouldn't allow my calculator into the ward :lol::lol::lol:

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Guest xbasslichtie

My best ones are the totally honest ones..

Ive used "My heart just wasnt in it, sorry" once or twice but my favourite one was "I had writers block!".

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Guest xbasslichtie

Using the above excuse in combination with a torn, chewed and stained homework book works a treat as well!

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One of my mates at school said that their teacher (it was a subject I wisely chose not to do) told them a story of a boy who claimed he'd done his homework and forgot to bring it in. The teacher then got his car keys out, marched the boy to his car and proceeded to drive him home to get his homework. They were half way there before the boy burst into tears and admitted he hadn't done it :lol:

Sadly the teacher died a year or so ago, as he was a decent guy :(

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I have personally heard all these excuses before, but instead of getting annoyed about it I just dont give a monkeys. Make up any excuse you want, make it amusing or just say you cant be arsed, I treat it in both the same way!

If people ask for extensions for work I have set, I tell them no, Im a cold hearted b*****d like that! :lol:

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One of my mates at school said that their teacher (it was a subject I wisely chose not to do) told them a story of a boy who claimed he'd done his homework and forgot to bring it in. The teacher then got his car keys out, marched the boy to his car and proceeded to drive him home to get his homework. They were half way there before the boy burst into tears and admitted he hadn't done it :lol:


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I just say I couldn't do it, make up a bit I didn't understand and tell them it'll be on their desk first thing the next morning. Works every time.

Most of the time I can't be arsed with the hassle NOT doing it causes so just do it. Unless of course I actually can't do it in which case I go in and say I couldn't do it. :blink:

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I just say I couldn't do it, make up a bit I didn't understand and tell them it'll be on their desk first thing the next morning. Works every time.

My mate used a similar method in Advanced Higher Maths. Sod all folk could be arsed doing the homework as it didn't really matter for most of us, and every time the teacher came round to check our homework, my mate just said "Oh, I had a bit of trouble with such and such a question, can you help me please". Worked every time :lol:

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Guest James the bairn

A gid yin i use sometimes is I put it on yer desk then fakely search around his/her ddesk acting as if i put it there!

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5. What homework?

4. I thought it was to be handed in tomorrow!

3. My printer doesn't have any ink in it

2. I left my textbook in class

1. I left the sheet in my trouser pocket and my mum put the trousers in for washing

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ofcourse i always do my homework (or depending on teh subject get laura or david to do it) but the best excuse i've heard is from a random wannabe ned. He was unable to do his homework because the night before he had been chased-all night- by the 'crooky fleeto' or some other mental outfit because they were "pyoor impressed" with his Burberry cap and wanted to steal it from him. He then actually did a solo talk on it. It was all, ofcourse, a load of tripe.

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Guest babydoll69

there was once i can remeber not handing homework in, and that was cos i forgot to pick it up. the homework was done, and was sitting on my desk at home. the teach was a prat thou, but he let me of with the punny ecy! 1st offence and all!

times where i have had homework i didn't understand, i went to obtain help before it was due.

what can i say, its tragic!

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That's a good point...

Although the "I didn't understand" bit always works for me, it can backfire in that some teachers will ask why you didn't come to them before that day to ask for help.

In this instance, I'd reply "I've had so much homework from other classes that I left this to last night, not knowing I wouldn't understand" That goes down such a treat :D

Ps - it only works if the teacher likes you ;)

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That's a good point...

Although the "I didn't understand" bit always works for me, it can backfire in that some teachers will ask why you didn't come to them before that day to ask for help.

In this instance, I'd reply "I've had so much homework from other classes that I left this to last night, not knowing I wouldn't understand" That goes down such a treat :D

Ps - it only works if the teacher likes you ;)

I get that used all the time on me, I still tell them tough shit!

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