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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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I'm actually the opposite, Monkey. I hate the boredom of the turbo so I stick the lights on and get outside. Yeah winter weather is poor but with some decent lights and winter clothing you actually get on ok,

Aye, me too.

My late father-in-law's turbo is hanging in the shed, but i can't muster up any enthusiasm for using it.

Thursday will be the day I get back on the bike....3 weeks after my spill. The knee is still smarting a bit at times, but I'm scunnered with not getting out, so I'l be riding to work.

Incidentally, I've not heard back from Div regarding the use of the P&B name and logo for our cycling club. Not sure what the issue is there as he's been about on here and over on B&WA. I can hardly imagine that he'll have a problem with it, though, so the next plan is to look at a central meeting point for our first ride in the Spring.

My suggestion would be that we opt for the most central location for the first meet (Stirling seems a popular option in terms of being as central as anywhere, but it would be good to hear what others think), then cast the net a bit further - possibly to take in the favourite routes of some members. If we can aim to meet 4 times over the year, including a sportive ride, that wouldn't seem too ambitious. I'm happy to travel, and can provide a lift for others in my general area if we can organise a carrier etc.

I'll bump the club idea a few more times then get a PM communication option up and running. Anyone else who fancies joining us can opt in as and when.

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Incidentally, I've not heard back from Div regarding the use of the P&B name and logo for our cycling club. Not sure what the issue is there as he's been about on here and over on B&WA. I can hardly imagine that he'll have a problem with it, though, so the next plan is to look at a central meeting point for our first ride in the Spring.

My suggestion would be that we opt for the most central location for the first meet (Stirling seems a popular option in terms of being as central as anywhere, but it would be good to hear what others think), then cast the net a bit further - possibly to take in the favourite routes of some members. If we can aim to meet 4 times over the year, including a sportive ride, that wouldn't seem too ambitious. I'm happy to travel, and can provide a lift for others in my general area if we can organise a carrier etc.

I'll bump the club idea a few more times then get a PM communication option up and running. Anyone else who fancies joining us can opt in as and when.

Hi Drooper

Been thinking all of this through and whilst a great idea and signed up for it,there's a few things we need to consider (apologies if you already have these in hand)

The group is already at 8 and will hopefully grow before we decide on dates etc.

No being patronising, or trying to be a smart arse,but some of the guys will have no experience at group riding ,regardless of pace, and its important people know what to do and when to do it from a safety viewpoint

Its important everyone has a turn at the front and knows aboout changeovers etc ,etc

I'm not trying to muscle in here, but if all road bikes, I can see if my bike club would be happy for us all to come out with them for our first run as we do a novices run evey Saturday morning at 09.30 .

The majority of the guys are experienced and would coach the guys about the do's and donts of goup riding.

There are no "superstars" ,pace is moderate and runs average around 40 miles.

The other option is if we couldn't go out with club for some reason,I'd be happy to give a pre ride briefing (again apologies if you're already considering this)

With regards to an initial meeting point ,whether we go out with my club or not,Larbert Ralway Station is a good meeting point.

Before anyone jumps in,its not because I'm Larbert based,but it gives guys options to get there by car or train,theres free parking,its not a busy station and pretty central to go off on some decent rides, of varying ability, depending on wind direction on the day.

Something like the two bridges might be a good initial ride as not too hilly,quite scenic and theres a wee tearoom in Culross Monkeyblair and Newbornbairn want to visit to sample their scones ;)

Please dont think I'm trying to muscle in here,but just trying to lend a hand,as I'm sure you'll agree,the safety aspect in doing this is paramount

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I'm not trying to muscle in here, but if all road bikes, I can see if my bike club would be happy for us all to come out with them for our first run as we do a novices run evey Saturday morning at 09.30 .

The majority of the guys are experienced and would coach the guys about the do's and donts of goup riding.

There are no "superstars" ,pace is moderate and runs average around 40 miles.

The other option is if we couldn't go out with club for some reason,I'd be happy to give a pre ride briefing (again apologies if you're already considering this)

I'll be honest and say that this ^^ is another reason why I'm not too keen on getting involved. I cycle because I enjoy it. Being told what to do and where to go is, frankly, my idea of hell.

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I'll be honest and say that this ^^ is another reason why I'm not too keen on getting involved. I cycle because I enjoy it. Being told what to do and where to go is, frankly, my idea of hell.

Sorry Master,never meant to put you off mate,but if you cycle as a group,someone has to plan a route which is sutable for all abilities.

As far as the safety aspect is concerned,its just a few simple guidelines which everyone needs to know which will both add to the enjoyment and make sure we all get round without any incidents.

There has to be some basic structure in place.

Honest mate, riding solo is great,but in a group it can be brilliant fun and you'll soon see what a difference it makes,when its not your turn at the front,especially if riding into a headwind.

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Sorry Master,never meant to put you off mate,but if you cycle as a group,someone has to plan a route which is sutable for all abilities.

Absolutely...but it wasn't a criticism. It's just my personal preference and another reason why I'm not bothered about joining a club (P&B or otherwise).

Edited by The Master
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Unleash The Nade


Newborn Bairn

Sarge Bullman



Rank Badjin


Div has got back to and is more than happy for us to get together under the P&B banner. In fact, he has very kindly offered to throw in a hundred quid for post-ride 'refreshments' after we complete our sportive ride next year! A great gesture on the part of the gaffer :thumsup2

I've read the posts from Unleash the Nade and The Master above, and can appreciate where both are coming from.

I've swithered about joining a club, but I'm unlikely to in the final analysis, as I like to do things on my own terms.

I can certainly see the benefits of group riding - camaraderie, safety, motivation, pushing yourself etc. - but I've never been one for joining in with anything too regimented.

My personal thoughts were that we were looking to get together on a purely social basis, and the idea of Team P&B grew from a post made earlier in the thread. I see it more as a wee tag for an occasional get-together, as opposed to a club as such. I don't envisage there being any competitive element, and, for me, the very purpose of getting together is to ensure that everyone enjoys the experience and isn't excluded due to age, ability, fitness, or riding skills. As UtN says, we need to plan a route, but I don't think we need to worry too much about club riding etiquette. If we aren't looking to challenge Cav and Wiggins for a place in Team GB, then I reckon we won't need to worry about wiping each other out on the road.

TBH, I'm not overly keen on tagging along on an established club ride. Again, this is my personal position. Indeed, I see the whole notion of Team P&B as a bit of a carry on, albeit one with consideration to safety very much in there.

For me, it would be enough to initially meet up at a relatively central location having agreed a route of, say 40 - 50 miles. We take it easy on relatively quiet roads, and get a sense of how we function as a group. It is accepted that we're all novices and won't be trying to come out on top. Ultimately, we could aim to sign up for a sportive event later in the year, and get together having had a couple of preliminary rides for fun. We could then look at sponsorship under the Team P&B banner, and take it from there.

Again, and this is very much my own thoughts for further discussion, I'm for keeping this nice and simple. I fancy getting a Team P&B jersey made up and will be looking into that, but beyond that, let's not over-complicate things.

What UtN is saying makes sense, though. We need to think of safety as a paramount concern, and I'm happy to take some pointers from him on this.

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Shifts permitting I'm in for the sportive but I want you all well drilled to leas me out to the finish al a cav hahaha ph34r.gif


On possible rides, I've been looking at the Action Medical Research, Trossachs Ton on 17th June:


There are two options - a 100 mile route, and an alternative 100Km route. The routes start together and split some way in, so even if a few members of the group prefer to opt for one over the other, we'd all be riding a fair bit of the route together.

AMR is a charity specifically aimed at raising funds for kids medical research etc. What I have noticed this year, however, is that there is an option to enter without committing to raise the minimum sponsorship of £30. This increases the entry fee from £28 to £50 right enough, but allows for people to either raise money for another cause (the £50 entry includes a donation to AMR in any event) or not to look for sponsorship at all.

My thoughts are that if we are forming Team P&B for the ride - and hopefully a few more besides - then it would be worthwhile trying to raise a few quid, and this was how I presented the idea to Div. I'm easy as to how and for what cause we might be looking to raise money.

The Trossachs Ton might sound a bit heavy duty, but after I finished the Glasgow 100 mile route this year, I got talking to a guy who had entered the Trossachs ride and found the Glasgow 100 route a good bit tougher. I managed to complete the Glasgow 100 without too much difficulty and I'm hardly Marco Pantani, so I'm sure with a bit of preparation and training we could complete one of the two routes on offer.

As MonkeyBlair suggested earlier in the thread, I'll start PMing on this soon, but I'm keen to rope in as many folk as might be up for it, so I'm keeping this on the open boards for now.

I'd invite any thoughts as to the Trossachs Ton, any other ride options, and other suggestions and thoughts on a more general level that you might have.



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Moderate undulations I believe.... :whistle

Cycle looks good to me, either 100 miles or 100km, depends on others thoughts.

Bring it on!!


Just spoken to my boss (who lives and cycles in Stirling (decent cyclist)) and he refuses to take part in this event as parts of the route are in seriously poor conditions and people he cycles with who did the ride last year have also refused to do it again.

One for further consideration....

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Cycle looks good to me, either 100 miles or 100km, depends on others thoughts.

Bring it on!!


Just spoken to my boss (who lives and cycles in Stirling (decent cyclist)) and he refuses to take part in this event as parts of the route are in seriously poor conditions and people he cycles with who did the ride last year have also refused to do it again.

One for further consideration....

They have obviously never cycled through bo'ness laugh.gif

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Cycle looks good to me, either 100 miles or 100km, depends on others thoughts.

Bring it on!!


Just spoken to my boss (who lives and cycles in Stirling (decent cyclist)) and he refuses to take part in this event as parts of the route are in seriously poor conditions and people he cycles with who did the ride last year have also refused to do it again.

One for further consideration....

This will always be a tough one.

The roads in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde were woeful at times, and I noticed this was picked up in several reviews of the Glasgow 100.

The problem is that there aren't many decent organised rides to choose from in Scotland. There are literally hundreds dahn saff, but for some reason we've been a bit slow on the uptake.

The Etape Caledonia looks like a great ride but was sold out months ago, much to my frustration, as I'd hoped to sign up for it, and will definitely do so in 2013. The Pedal for Scotland looks okay, but is later in the year.

An alternative is to approach an organisation like Skinny Tyres, and see if they schedule some longish routes. I thought of dropping them an email to see what they offer in terms of single day rides.

If anyone has suggestions in terms of rides that we could look into, please post them. It might be worth doing this pretty soon, as the best rides can become fully subscribed quite quickly.

Another I'd looked at last year was a 100 mile route that crosses the border in a loop, and meets another ride that starts in England and crosses into Scotland. IIRC, the Scottish route starts in North Berwick or thereabouts.

Does anyone have any other suggestions or general ideas?

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Nice one.

Ta. :)

ETA- Tell me you get a free bike wae thaim.....

I liked the TT ones but £70 a bit steep. (is that single or pair ?)


That'll be a pair I'd imagine.

TT might mean they are time trial specific. Not sure if this would be an issue if they are, but, at a guess, they could be superlight and possibly less durable?

I have the HD version, ZX possibly? Fantastic tyres, IMO. You can pick them up for around £30 each online. Well worth the extra few quid over most others.

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I think today's commute was one of my more challenging rides. Not so much in terms of effort, but my route takes me along some back roads before joining the main road, and there were a few icy patches to negotiate.

Then when I arrived, I was in the unusual position of needing to simultaneously warm up and cool down <_<

Speaking of winter cycling, would anyone here ever consider cycling in the snow? Obviously using a road bike would be tantamount to suicide, but if there's (say) a couple of inches on the ground, would you try and negotiate it on a hybrid or MB?

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I think today's commute was one of my more challenging rides. Not so much in terms of effort, but my route takes me along some back roads before joining the main road, and there were a few icy patches to negotiate.

Then when I arrived, I was in the unusual position of needing to simultaneously warm up and cool down dry.gif

Speaking of winter cycling, would anyone here ever consider cycling in the snow? Obviously using a road bike would be tantamount to suicide, but if there's (say) a couple of inches on the ground, would you try and negotiate it on a hybrid or MB?

For a bit of fun, maybe, as a method of commuting, no.

Not at my age anway........... ;)

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ISpeaking of winter cycling, would anyone here ever consider cycling in the snow? Obviously using a road bike would be tantamount to suicide, but if there's (say) a couple of inches on the ground, would you try and negotiate it on a hybrid or MB?

I tied this last year as I thought it would be a bit of fun.

It wasn't! :( ..ended up on my arse..........................................twice!

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