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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Cycle looks good to me, either 100 miles or 100km, depends on others thoughts.


Just spoken to my boss (who lives and cycles in Stirling (decent cyclist)) and he refuses to take part in this event as parts of the route are in seriously poor conditions and people he cycles with who did the ride last year have also refused to do it again.

One for further consideration....

A few of us from my work were going to do this run as well. Doubt it will stop us going for it maybe just do the 100k instead of the100 mile.

Add my name to this P&B team i'll be up for joining a few days out along the way

Still cycling to and from work and getting out for the occasional cycle at night just now by this time last year my bike was locked away for winter hibernation so i'll keep going until the grounds are white with snow.


Unleash The Nade


Newborn Bairn

Sarge Bullman



Rank Badjin


(Obviously once i upgrade to a road bike) but that will be done early next year)

Edited by paisleysaints
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Not been out in the bike since 16th October sad.gif. Combination of weather, time and darkness.

Will be after christmas too, I'll be well unfit again.

Not signed up to team P&B but need to do so.

I know the feeling mate.

This is my 5th week without taking the bike out following my spill and knee injury. I've got a physio appointment on Friday as this isn't clearing up too well. That said, I would have went out for a trial ride if the weather hadn't been so hellish.

I'm now suffering from severe withdrawals, and the pounds are sneaking back on :(

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Bump! Have we all given up for the winter :P

Decided to leave the bike at home yesterday, natch, but couldn't resist the much calmer conditions today. I think I need better gloves, though, because my hands were freezing.

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JJeeze just back out on the bike there. Only 3 miles along the main road and back into Glasgow. I kept up with traffic but when I got back in the house, my god though I was dying, had to get a drink and a seat, absolutely shattered! From 3 and a bit hours for pedal for Scotland in September, no trainings since mid October, I'he lost all fitness!

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I took the road bike out today for a short spin.

First time out since I took a spill and buggered my knee the best part of 6 weeks ago.

I had no intention of trying anything too ambitious as the main object of the exercise was to....well, get a bit of exercise and fresh air, but mainly to see how the knee held up. I was due to attend a physio appointment for an assessment of the knee on Friday but work scuppered that. I was suffering from cabin fever and decided to throw caution to the wind and take the bike out anyway.

Surprisingly enough, the knee held up pretty well, even on the monstrous hill on the return leg home. I can't say the same about my fitness level, though. 15 miles (if that), and I was blowing out my arse and actually wheezing like an octogenarian who smokes 60 a day at one point. FFS, that was a bit demoralising, but that feeling is outweighed by the pleasure of just getting back out there.

The bike didn't miss a beat, right enough. I'm really missing my routine rides on the road bike but this wee spin has ensured that there is no danger of me falling out of love with my new found passion.

Time to build some momentum for Team P&B! I'll set up a block PM list this week and start to gather a few ideas for the New Year. We would welcome any more interest from anyone looking to join in. This is very much a case of the more the merrier :)

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12 days to shortest day of the year. Roll on the lighter nights nights.

Amen to that.

It is much harder to motivate yourself to get out during the winter, but the shorter daylight hours limit the scope and make it too easy not to bother.

My intention has been to continue commuting on the bike in all but the very worst winter weather, but the knee injury and abysmal weather of late has scuppered that.

It will be great to get out for a right good run at the weekend or early evening again, just for the bloody enjoyment of it.

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Amen to that.

It is much harder to motivate yourself to get out during the winter, but the shorter daylight hours limit the scope and make it too easy not to bother.

I have proper full bore off road lights for my road bike. Means that light is never an issue, lucky as I occasionally cycle over night. But have been so busy the past 4 weeks I have not gotten any decent rides in.
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Did 50 minutes on the turbo trainer last night which doesn't sound a lot but believe me it is the equivalent of about 2 1/2 hours on the road.

Did a very intense workout (going up and down the gears) and despite the cold in the garage was sweating like Div when someone 'flames or trolls' on the Junior Forum.:lol:

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For reasons unknown (even to myself), I decided to ignore the weather forecast and took my bike this morning.

I've just bailed early before the wind and rain gets any worse, although it's pretty shocking just now and by god that was horrific.

I decided to take the quieter route home through the docks, because if I was going to get blown off I'd rather it was on a deserted road than a busy main one. The flaw in the plan was needing to go for about 50 yards along the waterfront. Shitting myself doesn't cover it!

I definitely think that's me done for the winter.

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Got a wee bit of a wake up call yesterday.

Went out with the club on a Sunday run and had planned to leave Larbert,head through Stirling then out the A811 then A81 to Aberfoyle,then back,which would have totalled around 70 miles.

Although not too many climbs,we headed west into the breeze at an average pace of around 20 mph and some of the better cyclists ramped it up a wee bit.

I honestly thought I'd be OK,but hit a wall after the first 25 then had to about turn and come back,as I was conscious of the fact,that I may start holding the group up.

Ended up doing just over 50 miles,but fucking gutted and dissapointed at myself.

I have to start appreciating the fact that some of the buggers who I'm trying to kep up with are almost half my age and the "older" ones have been at this game for years

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