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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Ohno I see a few moans about fitting. Are they any different to fitting a normal tyre

No different fitting them,they might need a bit more force to get them on,but mine went on without to much bother without having to resort to levers.

Good luck with them,happy cycling

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An incident this morning got me wondering what, if any, "unofficial" gestures people use when on the road?

I had cars overtaking me, but as a pinch point approached, I did a shoulder check and moved out (if there's no space safely to overtake, I make sure there's no space to even try). But I could hear a car behind me that wasn't wanting to slow down, so used my right arm in a "push back" motion - ~45 degree angle, palm facing behind and pushing backwards.

Once past the pinch point and after I'd moved back in, I put my arm in a similar position, but palm forward then gestured as if bowling a lawn bowl ("feel free to overtake now").

Do they seem reasonable for the messages I was trying to communicate?

(Incidentally, it was a pissed-off looking female driving said car and if looks could kill when she overtook me...)

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My commute takes me through glasgow city centre so all the streets are well lit. Is there any reason i should spend 30 quid on the above light when i could get these for £4 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WATER-RESISTANCE-5-LED-BIKE-BICYCLE-HEAD-REAR-LIGHT-6-MODES-/120799153698?pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Cycling_Bike_Lights&hash=item1c2030ce22

These arrived today and are spot on for the price

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Ah - just found this thread.

Just back from 5 days doing the Pyrenean Coast to Coast. 450 miles, 12,500m of vert. Best week of my life.

This sounds ace...

Any chance of a wee breakdown in terms of how you got there and back and of course the route you took.....?

I'm jealous already..........;)

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This sounds ace...

Any chance of a wee breakdown in terms of how you got there and back and of course the route you took.....?

I'm jealous already..........;)

I'll scan in the maps and post them tomorrow. Basically flew to Biarittz. From there East - Col de Marie Blanche, Col de Aubisch, Tourmalet etc.

This is the profile of the route -



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It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be - you obviously aren't racing. I was riding on the heart rate monitor - mostly between 140 - 150 BPM. Riding with my mates it will be bouncing of the low 170's.

I've been trying to do 200 hilly miles a week all Summer. Glenshee/Cairn o Mount at weekends. A fair few Sportifs.

I love the Alps - skiing has been a big sport for me over the years - but I have to say the Pyrenees stunned me with their beauty. The last big day we did along the Route de Corniche - we must have cycled 40 miles and didn't see 1 car.

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Back out yesterday for the first time in over two weeks as been working abroad and despite good intentions to to to the gym every day to keep up fitness, it lasted two days !!

Amazing how quickly you get out of shape and despite only doing a 30 mile run with some moderate climbs, I was humped at the end of it.

Going to start going out a few nights ( on well lit roads) and spinning class on Thursdays to try and get some fitness back.

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Got the Gatorskins and fitted them seem alot more to them than the others lets hope the hold out, two 30 plus runs and no incident yet.

also took my Hybrid in to get a winter check over in halfrods as i had one of those care plans turns out i need the chain and cassette which is ok as its been over a year and a half, but instead of getting the mountain bike casssette i opted for a road cassette which turned out £20 cheaper, As i only use it for going to and from work seemed a good option

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I'm finding my biggest problem isn't running out of puff, although that happens a lot as I'm monstrously unfit, but that my thighs simply can't take inclines. They hurt like f**k before I get out of puff if going uphill, and I'm talking any kind of slight incline, be it a tiny one, a regular one or a big one. I assume this is normal and will improve with time, but any tips on how I can overcome it faster? I stretch quite a bit before and after a ride (fnar!).

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I'm finding my biggest problem isn't running out of puff, although that happens a lot as I'm monstrously unfit, but that my thighs simply can't take inclines. They hurt like f**k before I get out of puff if going uphill, and I'm talking any kind of slight incline, be it a tiny one, a regular one or a big one. I assume this is normal and will improve with time, but any tips on how I can overcome it faster? I stretch quite a bit before and after a ride (fnar!).

Check your saddle height and also its position relative to the handlebars (too close, too far away etc).

Sounds as if it might be a bit low which is possibly why the thighs are hurting....?

Have a wee look on you tube.. there's lot of advice on there..

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Check your saddle height and also its position relative to the handlebars (too close, too far away etc).

Sounds as if it might be a bit low which is possibly why the thighs are hurting....?

Have a wee look on you tube.. there's lot of advice on there..

Cheers, my saddle is quite low, so I'll try moving it up.

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Had another near-miss today.

Was doing a good 15-20mph and some stupid bint decides to pull out of a side street right in front of me. Took both brakes, some swerving and a whole lot of luck to not hit her, then not skid and fall on my arse. She then stared at me like I had two heads.

I'd like to know what goes through the minds of these people. Not just the pulling out, but then not realising what they've done wrong.

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