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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Some daftie almost killed me on Jamica street about 15 mins ago, it was just at that busy junction before you get to the Broomielaw. Out of nowhere a black pinto with a businessey type woman drifted right in front of me trying to overtake, leaving me with absolutely nowhere to go. Managed to stop without falling off and if it wasn't for the bus driver behind me spotting the whole thing and stopping quicksmart, I could well have ended up under his wheels.

And of course, I then proceeded to pass her at the next set of lights. Drivers be crazy people.

Edited by Broccoli Dog
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Just watched the programme on the iPlayer. What a bizarre programme and a definite missed opportunity to teach people a bit more on how to deal with each other. Even in the whole cement truck bit, they failed to mention how cyclists should deal with that. Lots of finger pointing from the driver on look at that and this but nobody said, you shouldn't sit by the side of trucks like that.

The other interesting point was I'd seen all 3 people before on youtube before that programme, and none of them came out like I thought they would, based on my opinion of them from watching the internet videos. Magic of the cutting room I guess.

The guy with the specs came out really badly. He tends to not come out badly in his videos online, certainly not as badly as that programme. He just didn't have the persona and I felt he was condescending or and a touch arrogant. Such is the editing of a talking heads piece although it seemed as if the camera was lower than him which makes it look like you are talking down at the viewer!

Traffic Droid was interesting- he seemed like the sort of guy who means no harm. I always questioned why he wanted to be the kind of traffic cop, but it seemed to be down to the fact that he was actually hurt badly and didn't want it happening again, rather than some power trip.

The guy from Glasgow I've seen bits of pieces and some of the stuff he shows and the petrol tanker incident was a shocker. But other incidents I think on some he over-reacts and then goes challenging drivers, asking them to pull over and I think what's the point in that? I've been there and raise an arm in a what's that I don't see the point engaging them and getting them out of a car really. He does seem to work hard in trying to help cycling the in town but not infallible I guess I think he gets worked up too much over nothing and indeed sometimes causes issues- in this one below I think he causes the incident too by going the wrong way around the roundabout island (an offence!) and taking himself out of the guys eyeline.

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I had to cycle into work last night. Was shite. I had to go down a dark country road, and the number of cars that refuse to dip their headlights, thus pretty much blinding me and forcing me to stop, was dreadful. Also it was icy as f**k and there were some scary moments. I only cycled as I finished at 12 and there were no buses home, so it was either a 1 hour cycle or a 2 hour walk in the cold and ice and slush.

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Got 30 miles in today, making use of the decent weather. Only the second time out since September, and really enjoyed it, apart fom cycling over the Clackmannanshire Bridge where the strong North Westerly wind made it a bit hairy.

Tired at the end despite all the gym work I've been doing. Nothing equates to getting out on your actual bike. :(

Going to make a big effort to get out every Sunday for the next few months.

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I came off today after skidding on ice.

I was on a shared path next to the main road and was slowing for an approaching pedestrian, but lost my rear wheel on a bit of black ice. My knee cracked off the ground and my shoulder smacked into the crash barrier, which in some ways was a blessing in disguise because otherwise I'd have been on the road (which despite being a 40 limit regularly sees speeds of 50+, hence me using the path instead).

The pedestrian was an old guy who helped me up and gathered up a couple of my lights that had come off, then said how he'd complained to the council so many times about the roads being done but never the paths.

I went to A&E to get checked over and all I've got is two pretty big cuts and some bruises, but nothing's broken.

Not sure what kind of shape my bike's in. I managed to continue in a low gear and there's something rubbing at the front. Whether it's just the brakes took a whack or something more serious like a bent wheel I don't know, but that's probably me done for the year now anyway. I'd been considering asking Santa for at least part of a new bike, so this might make my mind up for me.

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I came off today after skidding on ice.

I was on a shared path next to the main road and was slowing for an approaching pedestrian, but lost my rear wheel on a bit of black ice. My knee cracked off the ground and my shoulder smacked into the crash barrier, which in some ways was a blessing in disguise because otherwise I'd have been on the road (which despite being a 40 limit regularly sees speeds of 50+, hence me using the path instead).

The pedestrian was an old guy who helped me up and gathered up a couple of my lights that had come off, then said how he'd complained to the council so many times about the roads being done but never the paths.

I went to A&E to get checked over and all I've got is two pretty big cuts and some bruises, but nothing's broken.

Not sure what kind of shape my bike's in. I managed to continue in a low gear and there's something rubbing at the front. Whether it's just the brakes took a whack or something more serious like a bent wheel I don't know, but that's probably me done for the year now anyway. I'd been considering asking Santa for at least part of a new bike, so this might make my mind up for me.

Sorry to hear about your spill.

Take it easy, and rest up for a while. Hopefully the bike will be okay, but the most important thing is that you're okay (for the most part).

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Cheers guys.

Got the mother of all bruises on my knee. I didn't know it was possible for skin to turn this colour :unsure:

I've been too busy to properly check my bike as well, but I'm hoping to get a chance tomorrow. It's cluttering up my office at work just now and I think people will start to get annoyed soon :lol:

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UTN, you do it for exercise / group mentalism but others I have seen recently still think it is acceptable to go out in hob nail boots and tracksuits.

To be fair ,I agree with you and I got a real fright a few weeks ago when out with the club and hit some black ice

Having said that,we were out on Sunday and did 70 miles, 1.5 of which was walking along a B Class road which was sheet ice

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Master, I pity your pains but have to kind of ask why anyone in their right mind would be out cycling in the recent conditions?

Because I know that if I don't, when the better weather comes along I'll be struggling.

I don't cycle when it's too wet or windy, but on a calm, clear day it can be really enjoyable, even at sub-zero temperatures. This is the first time I've had a problem with ice, because normally the two routes I can take are gritted. It just seems I got unlucky on Monday.

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Because I know that if I don't, when the better weather comes along I'll be struggling.

I don't cycle when it's too wet or windy, but on a calm, clear day it can be really enjoyable, even at sub-zero temperatures. This is the first time I've had a problem with ice, because normally the two routes I can take are gritted. It just seems I got unlucky on Monday.

Good over shoes to keep the toes warm and good gloves to keep the fingers and in the real cold something round the ears. Generally as long as those bits are well wrapped, once you get a few miles in, the work keeps you warm.

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CHAPEAU WIGGO! :thumsup2

Sports Personality of the Year.

Thoroughly deserved, another great result for cycling.

Weeks of agony and pain. Hour after hour of overcoming agony and the will of he body to take a wee rest. Up mountains most would crack walking up. Finding in yourself with it all the grace to slow down because someone had laid out tacks.

Completing the tour is an amazing human endevour. Winning it makes you slightly more amazing than the rest.

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Weeks of agony and pain. Hour after hour of overcoming agony and the will of he body to take a wee rest. Up mountains most would crack walking up. Finding in yourself with it all the grace to slow down because someone had laid out tacks.

Completing the tour is an amazing human endevour. Winning it makes you slightly more amazing than the rest.

Amen to that!

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